After the meeting, Caswell drew the tall woman in the green suit aside and spoke to her confidentially, showing her the diagram of organization we had drawn up.
We left the diagram of organization and our typed copy of the new bylaws with her and went off soberly, as befitted two social science experimenters.
If we could be transported in some magical way to an immense distance in space above the sun, we should see our Solar System as it is drawn in the accompanying diagram (Fig.
The similarity of the behaviour of the electric discharge with the radium rays (see diagram of deflection of radium rays, post) shows that the two phenomena may be identified.
To the right of the diagram is the instrument used, the Spinthariscope, making the impact of radium rays visible on a screen.
The above diagram illustrates the comparative sizes of molecules.
The diagram is relieved of all detail which would unduly obscure the simple process by which a ray of light is broken up by a prism into different wave-lengths.
The diagram shows two wave-motions of different wave-lengths.
Diagram of potentiometer showing method of measuring the voltage of a cell.
The diagram shows the connections for trolley car operation.
Diagram of controller connections, illustrating the series parallel method of two motor control.
Diagram of connections in testing with Leeds and Northrup fault finder for open wire in telegraph and other cables in which the wires are not grouped in pairs.
Diagram showing arms of Wheatstone bridge, resistances and method of connecting galvanometer, battery and unknown resistance.
Diagram of connections in testing for opens with Leeds and Northrup fault finder.
Diagram of forces acting on the needle of a tangent galvanometer.
The followingdiagram will illustrate this rotary motion.
If the reader will cast his eye upon the diagram again--at figure No.
The preceding diagram will explain how the Cloud Ring travels:-- [Illustration] Figure 1 represents the island of Fernando de Noronha still under the Cloud Ring.
If the reader will pay a little attention to the diagram on page 473, it will assist him, materially, in comprehending the nature of the storm into which the Alabama had now entered.
The strong black lines in the diagram show the bars, the finer ones indicate the main divisions of the design of the glass.
The Relief of Leyden, of which a diagram is here given, is in its way a most remarkable glass picture.
Possibly it may have occurred to the reader, apropos of the diagram on page 10, in which it was shown how far the glazier could go towards the production of a map in glass, that that was not far.
That means dividing it horizontally into three, which may be done by the use of bands of inscription, as at a in the diagram overleaf: there is no suggestion of architecture there.
The white glass is there painted with trailing foliage in outline upon a clear ground, not shown in the sketch, which is merely a diagram of the glazing.
Sidenote: Only one marginal utility at one moment] Note carefully that on the one diagram are represented a large number of marginal utilities which never exist at one and the same moment.
Illustration: Scale of Supply] The diagram is constructed on the hypothesis that a tenth unit of a certain good would have a utility expressed as 36; a fifteenth unit of 30, etc.
The diagrammust be understood as representing indicatively at any given moment but one marginal utility, the same for every unit of like goods.
If e = the effective voltage of one phase A, the voltage between any pair of adjacent lines in the diagram is e, and between m and o or n and p is e [root]2.
A second pencil electrically connected to a clock traces a time line on the diagram with a kick at every thirty seconds.
Thus thediagram shows the tractive force at any instant.
Q is supplied by a spring, the extensions of which are recorded on a drum driven proportionally to the angular displacement of the driving pulley; thus a work diagram is obtained.
This may profitably be compared with a similar diagram relating to the Chinese in the United States (Book II, Chap.
This may be easily shown by a diagram in which the capital in one employment is represented by A B, and which exceeds C D, that in another employment, by the amount of A F.
How can an engineer tell from an indicator diagram whether the piston or valves are leaking?
But if the exhaust valves leak also, one may offset the other, and the indicator diagram would show no leak.
Diagram of the nephridial sacs, and the veins which run through them, in Sepia officinalis (after Vigelius).
Diagram representing a vertical approximately median antero-posterior section of Nautilus pompilius (from a drawing by A.
Diagram to show the relations of the heart in the Mollusca.
Diagram representing a vertical approximately median antero-posterior section of Sepia officinalis (from a drawing by A.
Diagram to show the relations of the four nephridial sacs, the viscero-pericardial sac, and the heart and large vessels in Nautilus (drawn by A.
The construction of an ordinary chamber kiln may be gathered from the accompanying diagram (fig.
Diagram cross-section through the body of a vertebrate, showing the relation of skeleton to the cavities.
If we read the diagram horizontally, we have the ontogenic series; if diagonally with the arrows, we have both the taxonomic and the phylogenic series.
Diagram showing the stages of development of amphibians.
The following Diagram may be of some help in understanding the above: [Illustration: A diagram of concentric circles with P at the center and M' the outermost, with the Key below working inwards.
The following Geo-centric diagram is given, as illustrative of the positions of the planets.
The following Diagram will partially illustrate the points.
A full diagram of the Bhur system will now have to be given, to explain the above figures.
Diagram to illustrate Wave-path and Angle of Emergence 12 4.
Diagram to illustrate Variation in Nature of Shock 89 24.
Diagram to illustrate Mallet's Method of determining Depth of Seismic Focus 26 12.
Diagram of wave-paths at seismic vertical of Neopolitan earthquake.
The diagram makes no pretence to accuracy, and the scale in the vertical direction is enormously greater, perhaps a hundred thousand times greater, than that in the horizontal direction.
During the principal Riviera earthquake, the former pendulum furnished an indistinct record, while the other traced the diagram reproduced in Fig.
Diagram to illustrate Mallet's method of determining depth of seismic focus.
Diagram to illustrate Mallet's method of determining position of epicentre.
With the exception of a few very divergent records, the initial times of these phases and the maximum epoch of the third phase are plotted on the accompanying diagram (Fig.
The greater part of the diagram on which his results are depicted is reproduced in Fig.
Diagram of Wave-paths at Seismic Vertical of Neapolitan Earthquake 29 14.
Diagram to illustrate wave-path and angle of emergence.
Diagram to illustrate Mallet's Method of determining Position of Epicentre 14 5.
The bare series of names is an expressive diagram of His mighty process.
As far as they go, the chronicler's genealogies form a clear and instructive diagram of the mutual dependence of man on man and family on family.
Later on we see the pedigree of our race dividing into countless branches, all of which are represented in this sacred diagram of humanity.
The value of the diagram does not require the accuracy of the actual names any more than the validity of Euclid requires the actual existence of triangles called A B C, D E F.
The diagram is accompanied by a key, which, in explaining itself, clears up the subject as well, and gives concise hints and directions for the conduct of deliberative assemblies.
Smith’s Diagram of Parliamentary Rules” is an admirably ingenious simplification of the confused matter of parliamentary practice.
He smiles condescendin' and unfolds a neat little diagram showin' a Broadway corner and part of the cross street.
He gives me the name of his hotel and after collectin' the diagram of the mystery I does a slow exit to my desk in the next office.
Average Jones, eying the diagram on the envelope's back, with his quaint smile.
The newspaper owner drew a rough diagram on a sheet of paper and filled it in with writing, crossing out and revising liberally.
The diagram I show you is a rough chart of cotidal lines, which I made out of the information contained in Whitaker's Almanac.
Diagram of equatorially mounted telescope; CE is the polar axis parallel to the axis of the earth; AB the declination axis.
The actual looped curve thus described is depicted for Jupiter and Saturn in the annexed diagram (fig.
The above simple diagram shows that as this distance is to the diameter of the moon, so is the height of the sun-tipped mountain to the aforesaid distance.
A diagram intended to illustrate the dependence of its apparent time of revolution (from eclipse to eclipse) on the motion of the earth; but not illustrating the matter at all well.
Diagram of direction of earth's orbital motion, showing that after midnight, i.
Descartes's diagramof vortices, from his Principia.
Diagram of eye looking at a light reflected in a distant mirror through the teeth of a revolving wheel.
In a paroxysm of delight Kepler celebrates his victory by a triumphant figure, sketched actually on his geometrical diagram--the diagram which proves that the law of equable description of areas can hold good with an ellipse.
These are the numbers plotted in the above diagram (Fig.
But it did not occur to her that this diagram had anything to do with her.
In the following diagram we shall be able to perceive a cause for variation of seasons in a given year, as well as for the general character of that year.
This forms the ridge of the spiral as shown indiagram 3.
The heavy circles of the same diagram represent the complete turns of the spiral.
This is not shown in the diagram because more or less confusion would be caused with the line representing the ridge of the spiral.
One proof given is the same as that of the Meno, and is derived from the latent knowledge of mathematics, which may be elicited from an unlearned person when a diagram is presented to him.
And this is most clearly shown when he is taken to a diagram or to anything of that sort.
The relative position of the points is shown in the diagram given above.
The towns involved in this adjustment were San Francisco, Sebastopol, and Santa Rosa, as shown in the diagram on page 268.
Illustration: Diagram showing adjustment of freight rates between Los Angeles and points north and east of Los Angeles, 1916.
The diagram on page 266 will show the relative position of these two towns as well as that of an intermediate place named Banta.
In thediagram the climatic oscillations appear short, but this is merely because they have been crowded together, especially in the left hand or early part.
Diagram showing the times and probable extent of the more or less marked climate changes in the geologic history of North America, and of its elevation into chains of mountains.