And although it is not especially difficult, within a brief compass, to delineate a character through his way of telling things [Notice Laughton O.
In this case again, analysis of character is precluded; but the narrator may delineate the leading actor directly, through descriptive and expository comment.
The prohibition of sacrifices and the closing the temple doors make this as clear as words can delineate anything.
And because Luke purposes to delineate Christ as the expiator of our sins, he makes no mention of these women.
Defn: To draw or delineate rapidly and by way of a first sketch.
Defn: To write or delineateon hard substances, by means of incised lines; to practice engraving.
To draw in outline, as with a pen; to delineate or distinguish without color, as arms, etc.
To amplify; to magnify; to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth ; to delineateextravagantly ; to overstate the truth concerning.
To mark or delineate with touches; to add a slight stroke to with the pencil or brush.
In the treatment of the Inferno he strove to delineate the whole geography of Dante's first cantica, tracing the successive circles and introducing the various episodes commemorated by the poet.
What the painters of these frescoes undertook to delineate for the Dominicans of Florence, was the fabric of society sustained and held together by the action of inquisitors and doctors issued from their order.
But why should I undertake to delineate and copy one by one each several perfection of the peerless Dulcinea?
And as I have given you the picture of Amadis, I fancy I could readily delineate all the knights-errant that are to be met with in history.
No one but Smollett has ever attempted to delineate the naval character; and then his are so coarse and hard.
But the main cause of his failure lay in his inability to delineate the Puritan character.
Such a power is essential to the success of him who seeks to delineate men as seen in conventional society; and largely for the lack of it his first novel had been a failure.
He will never delineate the features of omnipotence under the portrait of a being who cannot restrain the actions of his inferiors.
Now it was time for Jane to ask the questions that would delineate the magnitude of this crime.
To delineate a Mystic of the second and higher order, we need only endow our pilgrim with equal gifts of nature, but these developed and displayed by all the aids and arts of education and favourable fortune.
She has parcelled out her purgatory, as we delineate this upper world on a map.
The proper study of mankind is man; human nature is what I delight in contemplating; I love to trace out and delineate the springs of human action.
To delineate Cellini will be the business of a distant chapter.
His own conception of history, as the attempt to delineate the very spirit of a nation, is highly philosophical.
It is not within the limits of human capacity to delineate on paper all those particular cases and circumstances, in which legislation by the general legislature would be necessary.
It is not within the limits of human capacity to delineate on paper all those particular cases and circumstances, in which legislation by the general legislature, would be necessary.
With great powers for portraying nature, as the exquisite choice of his epithets, and the occasional force of his similes prove, he never makes any laboured attempt to delineate her features.
He wished to create a characteristic comedy in Italy, to follow the example of Moliere, and to delineate the realities of social life in as natural a manner as possible.
By these means the stage frequently comes to delineate only one side of man, or sometimes even to represent what is not to be met with in human nature at all--to rise above nature and to go beyond it.
Some of the conditions of society claim its chief interest; and the scenes which delineate their manners are preferred upon the stage.
Vide Owen's Geological Report, for the first attempt to delineate the order of the various local and general formations.
The use of the leads to delineatefolds in the cloth is as good as the colouring.
It will not take long for the intelligent observer to notice that this glitter is due partly to the fact that the glass is free from paint (except that used to delineate features, folds of garments, &c.
But what pencil can delineate the horrors of that punishment which the Scripture denounces against it?