Sehling sketchesthe history of its institution, I.
I've brought thosesketches I told you about last night.
Have you brought back anysketches from your travels?
We are going to make sketchesat Blackborough this afternoon.
His sketches of the "Annual Review at Spithead," in 1887, show his uncommon facility as a sketch artist.
They were never executed, although some of thesketches are still in existence.
He perfectly realized that aggressive sketchiness can never be monumental, that sketches are merely gymnastic exercises that lend health and strength to a painter's technique, although they remain to the end merely exercises.
In lead pencilsketches the lowest tones are grey as compared with black, and consequently can not produce any decided depth.
Whistler's virtuosity in these sketches and pictorial fragments is entirely different from the so-called impressionist's work.
Anyhow, the painter's fluent comments on his own sketches quite corresponded to the reckless style of painting.
By the time that the old man, his coolies and their sad burden had got well out of sight, on their way up one of the distant hills, I had finished packing up my sketches and painting materials.
The illustrations in this book are reproductions of sketches taken by me while in the country, and though, perhaps, they want much in artistic merit, I venture to hope that they will be found characteristic.
The execution represented in the illustration, took place on the sixth of February, 1891, and is a reproduction of a picture which I have done from sketches taken on the spot.
The morning following this execution I took many sketches of the ghastly scene and the mutilated bodies.
I had made so many sketches in Seoul, that at last a rumour reached the Court of the rapidity with which I portrayed streets and people.
Arbuthnot,' are notable for their masterly and venomous satirical sketches of various contemporary characters.
We have come to the close of that portion of his history which properly belongs to these brief sketches of illustrious shoemakers.
Other small sketches were then made, modifying the subject to suit the figures available as models, and the accessories accessible without very much going out of the way to find them.
B] Mr. Dudley made a number of sketches for Mr. Field, with several large paintings, which have furnished the illustrations for this volume.
The historical sketchesare set off by illustrations taken from the pictorial papers.
Illustrated by Hundreds of Sketches by William Makepeace Thackeray, depicting Humorous Incidents in his School-life, and Favourite Characters in the Books of his Every-day Reading.
I often found myself making sketches of her on the sheets of soft paper between which we pressed our flowers, instead of listening to the lecture.
I brought these sketches to the princess, and she congratulated me on the possession of my country home with its gold-mines of beauty all around.
The commission was a roving one, and the young correspondent was left free to contribute sketches in his own inimitable way.
His Adirondack sketches in the Catholic World are one of the brightest features of that excellent magazine.
Her sketches are the agreeable jottings of a highly cultivated woman; seeing nature in the light of poetry rather than science, she has made a series of charming pictures out of her wanderings.
Dear Little Sis,--The enclosed sketches speak for themselves, or at least I hope they do.
Can't stop to write another line; and if you missed your regular letter this week you must not growl, for the sketches took an awful lot of time, and I'm just rushed to death here anyway.
It leads to oil painting where the brush-touch must be charged with meaning; it is of direct practical value in illustration as such sketches are effective and easily reproduced.
Each has before him a blank space on which he sketches out the main lines of his composition.
It is important in all such work to make a number of sketches from which the best may be chosen.
If a third line is added, as in the sketches below, the opposition is softened and an effect of unity and completeness produced.
He finds later that accurate record is good and right in studies or sketches but may be wrong in a picture or illustration.
DELFT[A] [Footnote A: From "Sketches in Holland and Scandinavia.
With the sketches that come properly under the title "Mr. Dooley: In the Hearts of His Countrymen" are printed a number that do not.
The author may excuse the presentation of these sketches to the public on the ground that, if he did not publish some of them, somebody would, and, if he did not publish the others, nobody would.
This series presents in a concise and eminently readable form biographical sketches of the great leaders in the political history of the world.
Illustration: The Terrace Garden] While sojourning in this stronghold of old fashions, it is my intention to make occasional sketches of the scenes and characters before me.
Over the whole the author has cast an ideal light; over a picture that, in the hands of a bungling realist, would have been repellant he has thrown the idealizing grace that makes it one of the most charming sketches in the world.
We may then safely assert that our author has given us sketches from his whims and fancies, rather than the mature results of his judgment, and that he has also neglected to direct his researches into the history of the past.
Dickens transferred his services to The Morning Chronicle, in the columns of which the Sketches by Boz first appeared.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sketches" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.