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Example sentences for "introduction"

Lexicographically close words:
introducer; introducers; introduces; introduceth; introducing; introductions; introductory; introduire; introit; introitus
  1. Strutt, who was very assiduous and correct in all his antiquarian researches, was of opinion that its introduction into England could not be dated farther back than a hundred and fifty years.

  2. The bones already described, and the calcareous matter formed before the introduction of the diluvial mud, are what Dr.

  3. The mill, of which you are speaking, has been taken down, in consequence of its use having been superseded by the introduction of steam.

  4. Laocoon, he deprecated the introduction of the “donum exitiale” within the walls of Overton Lodge.

  5. The introduction of a person of humour, to enliven the discourse, is sanctioned by the highest authority.

  6. Mr. Seymour having concluded this explanation, much to the satisfaction of the young party, observed that the present occasion was an appropriate one for the introduction of some remarks on the favourite pastime of the HOOP.

  7. In the celebrated statue of Peter at St. Petersburgh, the equilibrium of the mass is thus sustained by the introduction of a serpent twining upwards to his horse’s tail.

  8. Short Introduction to Grammar, for the use of Bury School.

  9. After some years of delay the Committee approved the designs submitted by Edmund Blore, who came to Cambridge with a letter of introduction from the Marquess Camden in 1829.

  10. I have not yet made all my calls, for many persons to whom I have letters of introduction are not yet here.

  11. Among those of Chopin's compositions which he himself published are, exclusive of the "Introduction et Polonaise brillante" for piano and violoncello, Op.

  12. Anxiously I handed him my letters of introduction from Vienna, and begged him to take me as a pupil.

  13. Further information about the introduction and repetitions of Chopin's compositions at the Leipzig Gewandhaus, is to be found in the statistical part (p.

  14. I have some tiresome visits; my letters of introduction are not yet delivered.

  15. Gairdner and Mullinger, Introduction to the Study of English History, 268.

  16. But not only was the fighting strength of the keep increased by the trebuchet, but the introduction of the crossbow gave it a defensive arm of the greatest importance.

  17. Another consequence of the introduction of an engine of longer range was the widening of castle ditches.

  18. After the introduction of the trebuchet, we might expect that the walls of keeps would be made very much thicker, and such seems to have been the case in France,[1193] but we do not find that it was the rule in England.

  19. It is the keep-and-bailey plan, the plan which prevailed from the 10th to the 13th century, and was not even superseded by the introduction of the keepless castle in the latter century.

  20. The introduction belongs undoubtedly to a later period.

  21. This is further explained by the fact that the introduction is completely ignored in the text of the book.

  22. The introduction to the book of the law goes further still in the theory of creation given above.

  23. Down to the period of the introduction of Buddhism into Ceylon, and even for fully a hundred years afterwards, the chronology of Singhalese authorities abounds with impossibilities, contradictions, and demonstrable mistakes.

  24. Do you mean that you are not accustomed as I am to invalidism, and hardly like the notion of supping in bed as an introduction to strangers?

  25. The following is a résumé of the German colonies[5] in Brazil and a brief introduction to their history.

  26. The decline complained of in the Parisian theatre has been contemporary with the introduction of the Romantic school.

  27. Fortunately for us, in these days Daffy's Elixir was a thing unknown, else no doubt we should have received an early introduction to dram-drinking by means of the soft carminative.

  28. Since then, several learned and reverend writers, Jesuits and others, have suggested its introduction into Europe, as a substitute for tea and coffee, to which they hold it far superior.

  29. It was not a very pleasant mode of introduction for either party.

  30. The introduction of silk and velvet into different countries had an immediate and much-needed influence in civilising the manners of society.

  31. It is an introduction to the glories of Rivieran vegetation, and a faint echo of the magnificent tones of the North African flora.

  32. A visit to this tomb is a suitable introduction to the neighborhood of which Virgil seems to be the tutelary genius.

  33. Jarrold and Sons in 1913, the volume also including an introduction by Mr. Hamon Le Strange, F.

  34. Selected and with an Introduction by Benjamin Boyce.

  35. Essays on the Stage, selected, with an Introduction by Joseph Wood Krutch.

  36. A few nights after this, they met in society, and Mademoiselle Mars, without introduction of any kind, approached and spoke to her.

  37. Tale-writers are blamed for the introduction of incidents which have little bearing on the main story, or whose catastrophes are veiled in obscurity.

  38. The introduction was well calculated to insure me a favorable reception; and so it proved.

  39. His coming marks the introduction of a foreign style of building and a revolution in the previous national methods, known as "obra de los Godos," or work of the Goths.

  40. Coloring glass by partial fusion was then first practised and soon followed by the introduction of figures and themes in the glass, and the acquisition of a lovely, homogeneous opalescence in place of the purely geometrical patterns.

  41. There is another specific kind of gift between the living, with which the earlier jurists were quite unacquainted, and which owed its later introduction to more recent emperors.

  42. Another action of the praetor's introduction is that called tributoria.

  43. The man on whose premises they are found may sue the latter, though innocent of theft, in an action for the introduction of stolen goods.

  44. The Introduction gives a brief historical sketch of Argentina, which will furnish a background on which to locate the specific events related in the book.

  45. Amongst other things, the secretary was to take this opportunity of fulfilling an old undertaking, which was the introduction of certain women to the polemarchs.

  46. Another incident of this period was the sudden despatch and introduction of Syracusan horse into Catana by Dionysius.

  47. Perhaps gentlemen contend against the introduction of the clause, on too slight grounds.

  48. Authority was also granted to Congress to prevent the transfer of slaves, as articles of commerce, from one State to another; and the introduction of slavery into the territories.

  49. Mr. SMITH (of South Carolina,) hoped that such an important and serious proposition as this would not be hastily adopted; it was a very late moment for the introduction of new subjects.

  50. Your prayers for the safe and happy introduction of freedom, upon a soil long trodden by the foot of slavery, may be turned into praises--for the event has come to pass.

  51. As an introduction to his letter, the reader is furnished with the following testimonial to his character, from the Rev.

  52. Mr. Smith (of South Carolina,) hoped that such an important and serious proposition as this would not be hastily adopted; it was a very late moment for the introduction of new subjects.

  53. In his attempt, however, to show that he was free before he was introduced into this country, he has failed, so that his claim rests entirely on the laws prohibiting the introduction of slaves in the United States.

  54. Besides, by the new Constitution, every particular State is left to its own option totally to prohibit the introduction of slaves into its own territories.

  55. An Introduction to the Devotional Study of the Holy Scriptures.

  56. Later, this introduction passed out of my hands.

  57. A survey of the results obtained in experiments on guinea pigs shows that the mode of introduction of caffein exerts but little influence on its toxicity.

  58. Two of the animals were seized with convulsions half an hour after the introduction of caffein and died during the attack.

  59. Rost stated that caffein is eliminated in the urine unchanged after its introduction into the body and that the amounts found varied with different species of animals.

  60. It was pointed out at some length in the introduction that the toxicity of some drugs may not be the same for all forms of life.

  61. The ratio of the minimum toxic doses by these two methods of introduction of caffein was about 7.

  62. From the statement in the introduction it is evident that the size of the single toxic or lethal dose of a substance is in no wise an index of the active degree of its toxicity.

  63. Furthermore, it is to be borne in mind that the action of a drug may differ according to the mode of its introduction into the body and that different species of animals may vary in this regard.

  64. Thus Irving taunts the people of Connecticut with having tried to deprave the manners of the "Dutch lasses of the Nederlandts" through the introduction of that "horrible" usage.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "introduction" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    access; acknowledgment; acquaintance; act; admission; aside; back; bibliography; bit; breakthrough; catchword; chaser; cloture; coinage; colophon; conception; contents; curtain; debate; debut; dedication; deliberation; descant; discovery; divertissement; division; elements; embarkation; entrance; entree; entry; episode; errata; exodus; filibuster; filing; finale; floating; flotation; flyleaf; folio; frontispiece; graft; grafting; head; hornbook; implantation; import; imposition; imprint; inauguration; income; incoming; index; induction; infiltration; infix; infusion; initiation; injection; innovation; inoculation; input; inscription; insert; insertion; insinuation; installation; installment; institution; intake; interjection; interlude; intermezzo; intermission; interpolation; introduction; intromission; intrusion; invention; launching; leaf; leakage; leap; makeup; number; opener; orientation; overture; page; parenthesis; penetration; percolation; postulate; preamble; preface; prefix; preliminary; prelude; premise; presentation; presupposition; primer; prologue; reception; recto; remark; routine; rudiments; scene; seepage; shtick; signature; sketch; skit; subtitle; tail; text; title; transplant; turn; unveiling; vamp; verse; verso; voluntary; vote

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    introduction from; introduction should