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Example sentences for "appeared"

Lexicographically close words:
appear; appearance; appearances; appeard; appeare; appeares; appearest; appeareth; appearing; appears
  1. Fontaine had shown in distributing the boxes so as to make the splendid toilets appear to the utmost advantage, he appeared well satisfied, and charged the Duke of Frioul to present to M.

  2. From his open mouth escaped inarticulate sounds, his breathing appeared greatly oppressed, and one of his hands, tightly clinched, lay on the pit of his stomach.

  3. A few days after, while the Emperor was holding a review on the Place du Carrousel, M, de Canouville appeared on an unruly horse, which he had great difficulty in controlling.

  4. They were all quartered upon the inhabitants, and there appeared to be no sign of their early departure.

  5. He appeared a little surprised, when two Jews answered the inquiry; as he had expected that they were officers of high rank, and importance.

  6. The Germans appeared to be lying in the little hollow in which they were sheltered.

  7. She had appeared a kind-hearted woman, full of hatred for the invader; and had two sons in the Mobiles, who had marched north when Paris was first threatened, and who were now besieged there.

  8. Scarcely was the movement effected, when the Germans again appeared on the hillside.

  9. They therefore looked mere lads; and their talk, of having passed through as great a danger as that which had just made the spectators of it feel faint and sick only to witness, appeared to be a mere bit of exaggerated braggadocio.

  10. Just then some other girls appeared in view, and Jane and Harriet had to separate.

  11. The said sailor now appeared on the scene to announce the approach of the carriage which was to convey the party to the yacht.

  12. The day was an intensely hot one, and when Mr Durrant appeared on the scene, he stood still for a minute to wipe the moisture from his brow.

  13. Eventually, a small, clear voice interrupted the conversation, and Violet, dressed in her best and most starchy white frock, appeared on the scene.

  14. Arches of evergreen and flowers were put up over the gates and along the avenue; and over the front door "Welcome, Welcome" appeared in letters of flowers.

  15. Andy, nearly done up for want of rest, resumed his solitary vigil at the cliff path, occasionally adding to the fusillade whenever a group of natives appeared at the edge of the cliff to hurl another of the weighty missiles.

  16. At length, after a long spell of rainy weather, the sun burst forth in all its splendour, the wind went away, and the island appeared under a totally different aspect from that which it had shown during the last six months.

  17. Each time it did so it appeared to be getting nearer.

  18. The natives came off to barter, and appeared to be extremely friendly.

  19. As the animal appeared above the coaming, the light of day revealed--not a mild ox, but an unusually sturdy specimen of an Andalusian bull!

  20. Then upon the brow of the rise at the end of the defile appeared a multitude of lights, and with fierce shouts the savages tore down the rough inclined path straight for the barricade.

  21. It was, to a certain extent, unfortunate that the inhabitants of McKay's Island were unable to observe the means by which they were so opportunely rescued from what appeared to be a terrible and remorseless fate.

  22. Eager to secure his body, the two assailants descended the remaining distance, and were stooping over the prostrate youth when Quexo appeared on the scene.

  23. They reported that from the summit of the hill the island appeared to be nearly circular, without any noticeable bays that might serve as boat harbours.

  24. I also noticed that in those parts of the field where the grass was thicker and darker, there appeared to be a correspondingly extra activity among the fairy creatures.

  25. They appeared as if completely covered in a tight-fitting one-piece skin, which shone slightly as if wet.

  26. It appeared to have two main colourings, the upper part of its body and aura being pale violet, the lower portion pale pink.

  27. It was an entirely nude female figure with long fair hair, which it appeared to be combing or passing through its fingers.

  28. Elsie sees a vertical circle of dancing fairies flying slowly round; as each one touched the grass he appeared to perform a few quick steps and then continued his slow motion round the circle.

  29. It sometimes appeared to be singing, though no sound was heard.

  30. The shepherds told their parish priest that the Virgin Mary had indeed appeared to them on a moonlit night, had accepted a bowl of milk from them, had then picked a peach from one of the trees and eaten it.

  31. One fairy stood in the centre of the ring more or less motionless, while the remainder, who appeared to be decked with flowers and to show colours, not normally their own, danced round her.

  32. These forms appeared to Elsie singly--one dissolving and another appearing in its place.

  33. The fairies of Cottingley, as they appeared to the two girls, are fine-weather elves, as Miss Wright said they appeared only when it was bright and sunny; never when the weather was dull or wet.

  34. Just then a maid appeared coming from the house with tea.

  35. They appeared to be perfectly happy, scampering and tripping along the road, having come from the direction of the beautiful sylvan glen of Greeba and St. Trinian's Roofless Church.

  36. It will be observed that he brought out no new fact which had not already appeared in my article, save the interesting point that this was absolutely the first photograph which the children had ever taken in their lives.

  37. But he would at once admit that if the tradition were so, then the Alexandrian Church certainly appeared to reject Hernias.

  38. She discoursed with like fluency with Racine and Fenelon, and always appeared brimful of intelligence and devotional feelings.

  39. A disputed point in these transactions appeared to be the possession of the bell; the frequent ringing of which was indeed a principal feature of the performance.

  40. Before hot water appeared in its industrial character to hiss off the cold, canals had all the glory to themselves.

  41. The next season, as no sphinx appeared to trouble them, they left their door wide open.

  42. He was gazing at the heavens, as was his wont, when a strange spectacle appeared to him in the air.

  43. London was Ben Jonson's world; its people, such as they appeared to him, the whole human race.

  44. The court of Naples was animated by the same policy; and even Bonaparte himself, at one time, appeared to waver between the impulse of his own good sense and the suggestions of his infidel advisers.

  45. You appeared to me as the angel of the Lord," writes he, "to a soul floating between life and death, between earth and heaven.

  46. They exchanged embarrassed glances, and looked silently at Grisha as he wiped the tears from his face with his thin hands; he appeared to be ashamed of his tears.

  47. Several of his recent lessons happened to turn out poorly; the teachers appeared dissatisfied, and they grumbled incessantly.

  48. His first published story appeared in the periodical "Severny Viestnik" in 1894, but it was not until about a dozen years later that he came into his fame, which he has since then further enhanced.

  49. The old grandmother, and the mother, and the young girl appeared tranquil, and at times even cheerful.

  50. All day long, amid the din of the factory wheels, the boy with the hoop appeared to him.

  51. At this moment there appeared at the gates of the Gliukhov house a black-haired, black-eyed woman in a black dress, a black kerchief with white dots on her head.

  52. The light poured itself on the green tablecloth, the vague, beloved shadows appeared on the wall.

  53. He put this here and that there--anything that came to his hands--and he rejoiced when outlines appeared on the white wall that his mind could grasp.

  54. The old man trembled with happiness, and tears appeared in his dull eyes.

  55. Tamar appeared to him--the gentle, white Tamar--and sat down beside him.

  56. When Tamar again appeared to him that evening he seemed already to know her wish.

  57. The cab-horse, which stood drowsily at the street-crossing, appeared like a huge fabulous beast.

  58. It now seemed as if Clinton's army might be cooped up and compelled to surrender, but on examination it appeared that the largest French ships drew too much water to venture to cross the bar.

  59. Since it appeared that they could not be forced into doing this, it remained to be seen if they could be tricked into doing it.

  60. But amid all these disturbances there appeared nothing like concerted action on the part of the colonies.

  61. The religious procession now appeared upon the place, and put an end to the talk.

  62. At the feast of Corpus Christi she left off her mourning for her father and appeared in the procession so resplendent with silver and velvet and silk that the people could hardly say their prayers for gazing at her.

  63. To her, also, the traveller and his guide appeared minutely small as they crossed the narrow bridge, which thrown high over the Ache, looked from above like a mere straw.

  64. And then how he had conquered her father, the strong man who had always appeared to her hitherto so unconquerable and terrible!

  65. Now Miss Corny, in so speaking, had certainly no thought of present and immediate punishment for the gentleman; but it appeared that the mob around had.

  66. It has appeared to me in these few months' sojourn with her, that I have stood to her in light of a mother.

  67. The curls of his best wig were limp, and all his pomposity appeared to have gone out of him.

  68. The former appeared to have been enjoying a solitary moonlight ramble, and the latter to have encountered him unexpectedly.

  69. It appeared to her a strange tale that he was telling.

  70. A very simple occurrence it appeared to Mr. Carlyle, this journey, and yet it was destined to lead to events that would end only with his own life.

  71. That he purposed an attempt at chimney-climbing was evident, though how the fire would have agreed with his pantaloons, not to speak of what they contained, poor Dick appeared completely to ignore.

  72. I thought so, and I suggested it to Lord Mount Severn but he appeared to think differently.

  73. The mention of Thorn's name, the one spoken of by Richard Hare, appeared to excite some feeling in Bethel's mind, arousing it to irritation.

  74. At Mr. Justice Hare's gate they encountered that gentleman, who appeared to be standing there to give himself an airing.

  75. They appeared to be interrupted by the crying of Archibald; and, in turning to the lawn to ask what was the matter, she awoke.

  76. Barbara, also, attracted by the talking, appeared at the door of her dressing-room.

  77. After an interval, there appeared another, a tall, handsome, gentlemanly man.

  78. The boy nestled himself in his father's arms, and in a few minutes appeared to be asleep.

  79. Most elaborate aquatic sports were also given on the lake, where a Triton appeared riding on a mermaid 18 feet long, accompanied by Arion on a dolphin, from the interior of each of which proceeded hidden music of a delightful character.

  80. Prince Edward and his troops afterwards made a forced march and appeared before Kenilworth and routed De Montfort and dispersed his force.

  81. The Austrians entered Italy; the English, having made themselves masters of the peninsula during the last two years, had passed the Bidassoa, under general Wellington, and appeared on the Pyrenees.

  82. While he was pursuing the Austrian armies, the English landed on the island of Walcheren, and appeared before Antwerp; but a levy of national guards sufficed to frustrate the expedition of the Scheldt.

  83. It appeared imprudent to confide to the multitude the choice of its delegates, and illegal to exclude them from it; this difficult question was avoided by the double election.

  84. Those who had undertaken the defence appeared at the bar; they were deeply affected.

  85. They imagined that it would be compelled to be dependent on the multitude, or deprive itself entirely of its support; and in either case the return to the ancient régime appeared to them short and easy.

  86. The time arrived; he appeared less like one accused than as a triumpher; he repelled with irony Louvet's reproaches, and entered into a long apology for himself.

  87. General Beaulieu was driven into the defiles of Tyrol by the republican army, which invested Mantua, and appeared on the mountains of the empire.

  88. Garat had given an account of the agitated state of Paris, but appeared to apprehend no dangerous result.

  89. To satisfy the people, he appeared on the parapet of the fortress, and was received with loud applause from the gardens of the arsenal.

  90. War now appeared more and more inevitable.

  91. The moderate party had not been able to obtain this government from the court, nor were they to obtain it from the nation: to the one it had appeared too popular; for the other, it was too aristocratic.

  92. This project, impracticable amidst the great shock between the revolution and Europe, appeared easy to the fiery and adventurous Dumouriez.

  93. They ascended to the apartments, and while forcing the doors with hatchets, the king ordered them to be opened, and appeared before them, accompanied by a few persons.

  94. This support was not without use to him, at a time when, in the eyes of the people, he appeared to be an accomplice of emigration, when he provoked the dissatisfaction of the Girondists, and separated himself from the assembly.

  95. The outflanking of the left of the British Army,' he says, 'on the assumption that it remained in position, appeared to be guaranteed.

  96. The first German machine to be seen by the British appeared over the aerodrome at Maubeuge on the 22nd of August.

  97. When the Fokker fighting monoplane appeared in strength on the western front in the early months of 1916, the losses of the Royal Flying Corps in reconnaissance and artillery observation became very heavy.

  98. August gave the information that the enemy appeared to have completed his westerly movement, and that large columns were advancing in a general southerly or south-easterly direction on Noyon-Compiègne.

  99. Of this work only two volumes appeared during his lifetime; he died at Brescia in the year 1687.

  100. The position of Germany', they say, 'appeared to us to be widely different from what it is described in the English press .

  101. In a very short time there appeared at the front large numbers of machines fitted with wireless.

  102. Todd, flew over the area Nivelles-Hal-Enghien, reported that there was no sign of troops and that all bridges in the area appeared to be intact.

  103. Footnote 3: In some of the papers, witticisms appeared on the affinity of Lunatic and Lunardi.

  104. It appeared perfectly evident', he says, 'that between us and Cantin there were not only the German guns, but plenty of German infantry.

  105. No bridges over Oise appeared to be destroyed.

  106. At that same instant two boys appeared at the entrance to the courtyard.

  107. Then suddenly the gentleman in uniform appeared on the steps, made them a little speech, and stepping down pinned a medal on their heaving breasts.

  108. One Autumn morning I appeared at our gateway just in time to see a neighbour's wife homeward bound, the corpses of four white hens that Maître Renard had borrowed from their coop, dangling from her arm.

  109. True to his word he appeared the next day, accompanied by a decrepit, coughing, asthmatic specimen of humanity, who was hardly worthy of the honorable title his employer had seen fit to confer.

  110. An instant later the man appeared at the threshold of the dining room.

  111. Their escort had routed a hostile corps of observation, and some men had been seen at work on a rounded hill beyond the turnpike, but no other Mexican forces appeared to be near.

  112. This appeared to ensure a Puro triumph, yet there were serious difficulties.

  113. Unhappily for him it soon appeared likely that Congress would accept the sacrifice, while on the other hand certain aspects of his outlook brightened.

  114. Our army still appeared insignificant; many of our troops were deserting, and some of the generals hated one another.

  115. At his instance and by way of precaution, engineers were sent on to make investigations; but, as the case appeared simple and urgent, the investigating and the fighting began hastily together.

  116. But this appeared to Twiggs quite unnecessary, and hence the Mexicans could observe not only the troops but four mountain howitzers, four 6-pounders, and two 12-pounders gleaming in the sun.

  117. Sinai, where Deity appeared in thunders and lightnings.

  118. In general the ground, even where covered with water, appeared to be firm enough for infantry, and suitable places for batteries were found.

  119. On the first day of the following winter term he appeared at the district schoolhouse with a primer, a spelling book, a Greenleaf's Arithmetic, a copy book, a pen and an ink bottle.

  120. He appeared to be possessed by a profound conviction that the human race has a great destiny before it, and that we ought all to work hard to hurry it up and realize it.

  121. School studies appeared to be of minor importance with him.

  122. Every instant, too, the sounds were coming nearer, and a moment later two large animals appeared ahead of us in the stormy obscurity.

  123. The hole they went into was in plain sight and appeared to be the only entrance to the cavity in which they had stored their honey.

  124. Preparations for breakfast went on in a subdued manner, and we were sitting at table rather quietly when a caller appeared at the door--Mrs. Rufus Sylvester, who lived about a mile from us.

  125. They appeared to be in fairly good flesh, and their hair seemed very thick.

  126. He was loosely arrayed in a tiger's skin, and his limbs appeared to be very hairy.

  127. When, as a boy of about twenty, he had first appeared in our vicinity, he could neither read nor write; apparently he had never seen a schoolhouse.

  128. They appeared unwilling to run away in the deep snow, but would not let us approach near enough to see them clearly through the bushes.

  129. Another man, who appeared to be the proprietor, now came from a wagon in the rear of the cavalcade.

  130. Seems to me, young folks, I heard quite too much noise down here for Sunday morning," grandmother said severely when she appeared a little later.

  131. It was Bear-Tone; and a great hush fell on the young people as he appeared in the doorway.

  132. There appeared to be little warmth left in him; he was speechless.

  133. The favourite plan appeared to be for all the conspirators to station themselves behind one of the men, and, of course, other members of the club who wished to join in had to take up their position behind the other.

  134. It appeared that this innocent form of amusement was intended to be taken 'out west,' and brought into action principally at horse-fairs.

  135. Badly-made, the sharp would find that, however cheap they appeared to be, they would really be the most expensive and ruinous contrivances he had ever known.

  136. Hardly ever being called upon to use any cards but his own, it is not surprising that he should rapidly acquire wealth among people whose chief recreation appeared to be gambling.

  137. We will first devote our attention to the means of cheating with fair dice; and the reader will learn that the thing which may have appeared to him as being difficult of accomplishment is really a very simple matter indeed.

  138. And now, plainly enough, he could see the head of some one whose hands appeared at intervals above the water, evidently in a fierce struggle for life.

  139. The earth appeared to him holy, just fallen from the hands of the Creator; it was to him as if he were walking in a planet hanging over us and clothed with flowers.

  140. But when he appeared under the German throne-canopy, his sun (January) stood at the summer solstice, which from decreasing warmth gradually passed over to cold storms.

  141. Footnote 3: A Jew once separated from his wife when she appeared with bare arms; but it is difficult to ascribe the present frequent divorces in Paris to that cause.

  142. She found Flamin near the tulip-formed letter C, and the Goddess of Fortune appeared to him in the sweetest human incarnation, to deliver to him her gift.

  143. He had been filling his third or perhaps his fourth pipe when she herself had appeared in the doorway.

  144. Scarcely were the Tophams installed at the "Montgomery" when it became known that, though they had appeared to come alone, they were merely an advance party.

  145. It had an old door that had been used somewhere else, and appeared to be propped up with stones.

  146. A whisper was started that he was once more treating for land, but, as no further land appeared to be available, the rumour was derided as idle.

  147. Nor were his eyes at once opened even when an inspector appeared at the Hafod and began to ask questions about its sanitation--which, by the way, was of a low order.

  148. They described Terry as he had appeared to them in the Court at Porth Neigr.

  149. It appeared to consist of a living-room and a scullery, with a patch under the skeleton of a sort of penthouse at the back.

  150. But this was not quite the simple matter it might have appeared to be.

  151. Then, without moving his head, Ned put up his hand and appeared to be shouting something to the others.

  152. When, at nine o'clock the same night, he walked up the path again and appeared in the dining-room just as June and Minetta were thinking of going to bed, Minetta stared.

  153. The main building was of brick, which was covered over with a mortar of such perfect whiteness that at a little distance it appeared to be marble.

  154. Then it became necessary to bring goods overland to the nearest deep water and from this circumstance shipping cities gradually appeared at the falls line on the rivers.

  155. Now I ask most solemnly, and in a spirit of grief and humiliation, how such a course of conduct would have appeared in the apostles?

  156. No: self-moved he appeared for our relief.

  157. He clung to his ideal with such tenacity that he continued to despatch appeal after appeal across the Alps, in spite of deluded hopes and disappointments which might well have appeared decisive.

  158. It was not because, in a period of anxiety, first my friend and then my master appeared to me in a dream, that the one recovered and the other died.

  159. After the confidence and respect that he had enjoyed under the preceding popes, Innocent's suspicions appeared to him intolerable, and doubtless supplied one of the motives which led him definitely to abandon his old haunts.

  160. Upon his falling into a troubled sleep the sick man appeared to him and announced that he would get the better of his malady if only he were not deserted.

  161. Upon comparing the dates, I discovered that he had appeared to me upon the same day upon which he departed this life.

  162. A most insupportable set of fellows has appeared in northern Italy, who nominally guard the passes, but are really the bane of messengers.

  163. She found by his manner he was ashamed of himself for something, and she knew, as he was an honest boy, that when he was in a little better humour than he appeared at present he would relate to her everything that had passed.

  164. When this cord was drawn forth, it appeared that it was the very same jagged, entangled piece which Hal had pulled off his parcel.

  165. Jemima, who had not seen her cousins since she was two years old, had entirely forgotten them, and, as they expected to find her as much a baby as at their last interview, they appeared like entire strangers to each other.

  166. The brands began to smoke, and presently there appeared in one part a small flickering flame.

  167. For four hours she appeared to me," says Dr.

  168. Warned by this fact, the family preserved a young man for several weeks who appeared to be dead, but who came to life again.

  169. In one case it worked very well, but as a rule appeared to be almost impracticable.

  170. The personage," he writes, "who appeared least to enjoy the scene seemed to me to be the little Queen herself.

  171. He blockaded the house by day, catching a glance of the damsel now and then as she appeared at a casement; but these glances only fed his flame without encouraging his hope.

  172. Notices appeared in the newspapers of the disappearance from his lodging of "a small, elderly gentleman, dressed in an old black coat and cocked hat, by the name of Knickerbocker.

  173. The "Tales of a Traveller" appeared in 1826.

  174. You remember how much I was struck with a beautiful young woman (I will not mention names) who appeared in a tableau as Murillo's Virgin of the Assumption?

  175. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "appeared" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    appeared before; appeared much; appeared that; appeared unto