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Example sentences for "map"

Lexicographically close words:
manye; manys; manzanilla; manzanita; mao; mapa; maple; maples; mappe; mapped
  1. Our map showed a canal bordering the frontier itself, and it was along this canal that we anticipated having to avoid the line of actual frontier watchers.

  2. Therefore, finding on a map that a bridge crossed it at a certain spot miles from anywhere of importance, or anywhere at all for that matter, we had decided that it would in all probability be unguarded.

  3. Villages had sprung up lately perhaps, and as it was an old map they were not included in it.

  4. Our map was very faulty in its description of this part of the country.

  5. You see the ocean side of this map is poorly surveyed.

  6. He caught instantly the significance of the map from a naval viewpoint but was puzzled at its significance for him or his ship.

  7. It was a map of Celebes, and across the face of it ran red lines.

  8. Vandersee produced a folded map and smoothed it out on the table.

  9. Messapus leads the van; and, in the rear, The sons of Tyrrheus in bright arms appear.

  10. Unlike those fearful poets, whose cold rhyme In all their raptures keeps exactest time, That sing the illustrious hero's mighty praise (Lean writers!

  11. Hither the father of the fire, by night, Through the brown air precipitates his flight.

  12. I never can believe The Trojan empire lost, while you survive.

  13. Command the assistance of a faithful friend: But feeble are the succours I can send.

  14. Be your narrations lively, short, and smart; In your descriptions show your noblest art: There 'tis your poetry may be employed.

  15. Neither was supposed over-scrupulous in fidelity to their royal lover.

  16. To appreciate the turn of wheel within wheel of Lord Roberts's strategic machinery it is necessary to give a glance at the map of the Transvaal.

  17. In 1572 a map engraved on copper was printed in England, in the second edition of Archbishop Parker's Bible.

  18. IV-43] At the corners of this map the winds are represented by heads with puffed-out cheeks, very indifferently engraved.

  19. The above account of the map of Loraine is from Breitkopf's interesting essay "Ueber den Druck der Geographischen Charten," S.

  20. In a general map of the world the engraver has thus inserted his name at the top: "Insculptum est per Johann[-e] Schnitzer de Armssheim.

  21. Lhuyd had only furnished Ortelius with materials for the construction of the map of England.

  22. At a later period a new method was adopted by which the wood engraver was spared the trouble of cutting the letters, while the printer was enabled to obtain a perfect copy of each map by a single impression.

  23. The general appearance of the map is unpleasing to the eye.

  24. Upon looking at their map of Vizcaino's voyage, they rightly decided that this farther projection was Point Reyes; the little bay sheltered by the curve of its arm was the one named on the map St. Francis, and now known as Drakes Bay.

  25. It was two years later that Fremont, the pathfinder and roadmaker of the West, surveyed the great Salt Lake and made a map of it.

  26. Eastertide usually found her at Knobaltheim, an upland township in one of those small princedoms that make inconspicuous freckles on the map of Central Europe.

  27. Clovis was still immersed in a seemingly profound study of the map when another telegram arrived.

  28. Ostensibly," was the dark reply, followed by a request for a large-scale map of the locality.

  29. Look at a map of any continent, and you will see the rivers streaming away from the mountains.

  30. Thus it can be proved from the names on the map that almost the whole of England was once Celtic, whereas now the Celts are almost entirely confined to the hills.

  31. A glance at a map of the world will show that there is evidently a close connection between continents and great mountain-chains.

  32. I should like an authentic map of those feelings.

  33. In my large edition I give a map of Lamb's favourite walking region.

  34. There still exists a map on which Spain's minister had indicated what he wished to make our western bound.

  35. Illustration: Map from the Mississippi to the Atlantic, Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico.

  36. Illustration: Map of Boston, the Mystic river on the North, the Charles river on the South.

  37. Apianus, in Latin, at Antwerp, with the same map as in the 1544 French edition.

  38. They added nothing apparently to the knowledge of the coast already acquired; for no report is extant, and no map alludes to any discovery by them.

  39. Becher (Landfall of Columbus) speaks of the map as “the clumsy production of an illiterate seaman.

  40. British Museum a map which he supposes to be Raleigh’s.

  41. The inscription on the map reads: “Tipus orbis universalis juxta Ptolomei cosmographi traditionem et Americi Vespucii aliosque lustrationes a Petro Apiano Leysnico elucbrat.

  42. This map was drawn in the double cordiform projection which seems first to have been employed by Orontius Finaeus in his world map of 1531.

  43. Attention has been called to the peculiar gore map of Santa Cruz,[295] and to the fact that his method of construction seems not to have won favor.

  44. It is a point to be especially noted that the dominant cosmographical idea of the map makers of the first quarter of the century represented the New World regions as independent of Asia.

  45. No attempt has been made to correct errors; on the contrary, the greatest care has been exercised to adhere faithfully to the original as given by the map or globe maker.

  46. It does not appear that great scientific value attaches to this globe, since there clearly was no attempt to produce a terrestrial map to date.

  47. De Costa had the globe map redrawn and printed in plane projection.

  48. The manuscript is of paper, its first map representing the ancient kingdom of Naples, on which is placed the Spanish coat of arms.

  49. In 1537 his first publication, a map of Palestine, appeared, to which he gave the title "Amplissima Terrae Sanctae descriptio.

  50. A comparison with the Orontius Finaeus double cordiform map of the year 1531 is interesting.

  51. The map collection is located in the Map Room (318).

  52. A card catalogue of all maps in the Map Room has been compiled and serves as a geographic index to the collection.

  53. Hikers should secure a topographic map of the park which shows all streams, lakes, glaciers, mountains, and other principal features in their proper positions.

  54. The official map can be purchased for 25 cents at the superintendent's office at Belton, the administration office at Glacier Park Station, the hotels, and all registration stations at the park entrances.

  55. There are several important points to be remembered on such trips: A Government topographic map should be procured and consulted frequently.

  56. We have not space for the map of Professor Coffin, nor is it necessary to insert it.

  57. Take your map of North America and note, in this respect, its peculiarities.

  58. The following diagram is a section of the New Haven tornado, from Professor Olmstead's map accompanying his article in the "American Journal of Science and Art," vol.

  59. The former, in accordance with his theory, they can not do, as the reader can see by passing the left side of the card over his place of residence on the map from S.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "map" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    maple leaves; maple sugar; maple syrup