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Example sentences for "particularly"

Lexicographically close words:
particularistic; particularities; particularity; particularize; particularized; particulars; particulate; particuler; particulier; particulierement
  1. This greatly alarmed the Congregation, particularly the intended Bride and Bridegroom, whom he first accosted, and desired to speak with them apart.

  2. Now this Bird she taught to speak, to spell and to read; and as he was particularly fond of playing with the large Letters, the Children used to call this Ralph'a Alphabet.

  3. I shouldn't consider his method of burial likely to prove particularly quiet," returned Kent.

  4. People will hardly suspect that I killed her and set her adrift for a model, I suppose," said the artist bitterly; "particularly as Dennett can tell them that the picture was finished before her death.

  5. I'm no sport for you, I know, particularly as my nerves are jumpy; but I need the work.

  6. But I don't sell without a good bit of bargaining; particularly when I suspect my purchaser of wishing to make amends by a purchase.

  7. Some trades, particularly those with the East, could be carried on only by the constant exportation of gold or silver, and in all others it was occasionally useful.

  8. The art to which it is principally applicable is the great art of government, and particularly that branch of government which consists in the raising and employment of public money.

  9. The matter of sturgeon was of prime importance not only for subsistence but for export, particularly of the roe.

  10. But the mussel, particularly the one found in the James river, yields an iridescent pearl of some little value.

  11. The new order showed itself particularly zealous in enforcing reform in the Catholic clergy, and in stemming the tide of heresy which now threatened to inundate the Church.

  12. In the Archives of Simancas is a department known as the Patronato, or family papers, consisting of very curious documents, of so private a nature as to render them particularly difficult of access.

  13. If, however, any debt pressed heavily on his conscience, he was to be allowed to indicate it, as well as any provision which he particularly desired to make for a special purpose.

  14. This was particularly the case in Holland.

  15. He was particularly fortunate in exhibiting to them a curious spectacle, which, even with this pleasure-loving people, had the rare merit of novelty.

  16. The duties of the commissariat, particularly difficult in a campaign like the present, were intrusted to an experienced Spanish officer named Ibarra.

  17. It is certain that both Margaret and Granvelle had an uncommon passion for letter-writing, as is shown by the length and number of their epistles, particularly to the king.

  18. The flourishing commercial city of Valenciennes was particularly tainted with heresy.

  19. He had particularly a turn for the physical sciences.

  20. The officers were particularly instructed to ascertain the wealth of the parties.

  21. The next three illustrations apply more particularly to the hanging of the ordinary household door.

  22. The method is particularly adapted to a section of rectangular form where one side is longer than the other, such as the back leg of a chair, as this shape allows for the accommodation of the extra length of tenon required.

  23. With regard to tongued and grooved joints which apply more particularly to the jointing of cabinet work, Fig.

  24. I remember having several years before been frequently told that Grimm was false, that he had nothing more than the appearance of sentiment, and particularly that he did not love me.

  25. In solitude especially is it, that the advantage of living with a person who knows how to think is particularly felt.

  26. I'm sure you have something you wish to do, something which particularly worries you.

  27. I realize that I have made matters particularly awkward for you.

  28. Privatization of the large, state-owned utilities, particularly in the energy sector, is nearing completion.

  29. The economy depends heavily on exports, particularly in electronics and manufacturing.

  30. It carries a particularly heavy traffic of petroleum and petroleum products from the oilfields of the Persian Gulf and Indonesia.

  31. From these and other circumstances, I am led to suspect that Nelson was the victim of cruel hoax, particularly as I am unable to find any such book as Purlet de Mir.

  32. These dialects differ from each other, and particularly from the High German language, with regard to their elements.

  33. The subject also leads to conclusions of the greatest importance respecting the principles on which we ought to conduct religious instruction, particularly in regard to the cultivation of religious emotions.

  34. To this subject we shall have occasion to refer more particularly in the sequel.

  35. It is a process which every one feels, but which cannot be defined;--and it can be illustrated only by tracing its influence, in regard to those objects to which it is more particularly directed.

  36. This distinction appears to be of the utmost practical importance, and we shall have occasion to refer to it more particularly in the sequel.

  37. There are few men who have not in this respect some power, but it belongs more particularly to persons in situations of rank and public eminence.

  38. I sat down and listened to the band for an hour, watching all the family parties, and feeling particularly lonely.

  39. Absorption of food occurs in all parts of the intestinal canal, but the major portion of it occurs in the small intestines, the mucous membrane lining of which seems particularly adapted for this purpose.

  40. This is particularly true in the case of hemorrhage, vomiting, and diarrhea.

  41. Constipation~ must be avoided, and the foods particularly adapted to prevent or overcome this condition should have a prominent place in the diet.

  42. What constituent is particularly low in this milk, and how was its reduction accomplished?

  43. Certain albumens are particularly adapted for the building and repairing of tissues.

  44. It is wise to find out the beverages particularly liked by the patient and, whenever it is possible, make use of them.

  45. Not that sugar is not necessary, for it is particularly so at the age when the metabolic processes are faster than later in life, but it must be remembered that the body is being built up both in height and breadth.

  46. The diets recommended for use during convalescence from other intestinal disorders may serve here, reducing, however, the allowance of meat, since meat proteins are particularly susceptible to attacks of putrefactive bacteria.

  47. As a rule, however, it manifests itself in individuals between the years of fifteen and forty, particularly after prolonged digestional disturbances, especially those accompanied by a hypersecretion of acid.

  48. The disease is widespread, particularly in its subacute form, and its effect upon the health of the child is so serious that no amount of effort to prevent its development should be considered too great.

  49. I could give many examples of this in the course of my unaccountable life; but in nothing was it more particularly remarkable than in the circumstances of my last years of solitary residence in this island.

  50. He did, however, reach a tree that was sufficiently high to give him a full view of the marsh, which appeared to extend in every direction, but more particularly to the north, for many miles.

  51. This was particularly observable at the bottom of the marshes.

  52. The last particularly is nothing more than a mountain torrent.

  53. Four men touched my hands and ankles, my arms and limbs, and more particularly every piece of my apparel.

  54. This proved a valuable aid to factories and quarries, and particularly in the handling of fire arms, of which Saturn has a very strange collection.

  55. He dwelt particularly on the indifference I manifested in all his dealings with me.

  56. At first he listened to me attentively, but afterwards he began to smile, at my ignorance of the regulations, in consequence of which she had been taken to the station-house; and particularly at my surprise at her youth.

  57. Among the phenomena which particularly impressed me, during the period of my charitable activity, there was yet another, and a very strange one, for which I could for a long time find no explanation.

  58. The old woman begged earnestly to be taken to the hospital, but on examining her nook I found that the old woman was not particularly poor.

  59. I felt particularly conscious of this when, in these quarters, I encountered that same crying want which I had undertaken to alleviate.

  60. These perfectly healthy peasants who were engaged in begging, particularly interested me.

  61. Three of their number were particularly well known to me.

  62. It was a woman haggard and dishevelled, whose hair was half gray, and who was as thin as a skeleton, dressed in a ragged and dirty chemise, and with particularly brilliant and staring eyes.

  63. The remembrance of that last tour is particularly mortifying to me.

  64. We were particularly pleased with that called L'Enfant Prodigue, in which the powers and graces of Mademoiselle Bigottini are displayed to all possible advantage.

  65. He was particularly anxious that his police should be perfect.

  66. His excessive vanity never left him--of this, the Moniteur for the last ten years is a sufficient proof; but in reading the accounts of him, I was particularly struck with the instances which follow.

  67. The great meanness of their dress must particularly strike every English traveller; for I believe there is no country in the world where all ranks of people are so well dressed as in England.

  68. One of his pieces is particularly striking, a skirmish of horse, accompanied by all the scenery in which he so peculiarly delighted.

  69. This want is more particularly remarkable in the south.

  70. We were not able to see much of the interior of the town; but in passing once or twice through the principal streets, and more particularly in leaving the town, we had a good view of the public buildings.

  71. This is more particularly true as regards certain luxuries, the use of which by the dependent class would detract sensibly from the comfort or pleasure of their masters, or which are held to be of doubtful legitimacy on other grounds.

  72. This is more particularly true as regards valuation on grounds so closely related to the aesthetic ground as that of reputability.

  73. This applies especially in those sciences that have most to do with the everyday facts of life, and it is particularly true of schools in the economically single-minded communities.

  74. Under the tabu, certain victuals, and more particularly certain beverages, are strictly reserved for the use of the superior class.

  75. But to you, Arslan Gherrei, I more particularly speak, for twice have you been witness of the bravery of the stranger warrior; twice has he rescued from peril, that life so prized by our country.

  76. Barecolt mixed himself some Geneva and hot water, not particularly potent of the latter; and Falgate stood gazing at the master of the house, as if waiting for him to speak further.

  77. He could little hope, however, that the parliamentary officer would fail to do so now, when his attention was particularly drawn to the examination, and the matter was but too soon decided.

  78. People are apt to beat time with head or feet to music which particularly pleases them.

  79. In one case, where the artist had introduced a perfectly symmetrical Grecian edifice into a mountainous and somewhat wild landscape, the discordant effect was particularly marked.

  80. Nevertheless I cannot bring myself to think it particularly remarkable.

  81. At such times there is nothing withdrawn or particularly refined about the creations which pour forth.

  82. They speak of such questions of man and life and destiny as are wont to engage any gathering of thoughtful men, and particularly those who are poetically disposed.

  83. The last lecture of literary judgment is particularly interesting and valuable.

  84. I particularly noticed the beautiful turn of her wrist, the fairy delicacy of her nostrils and mouth, and the enchanting curve of her chin to her throat.

  85. Particularly is this so if the adored happens to be the ruler of those soldiers to whom the person guarded has no right to be making himself agreeable.

  86. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "particularly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acutely; alone; amply; apart; chiefly; completely; conspicuously; custom; definitely; detail; distinctly; eminently; emphatically; especially; even; exactly; exceptionally; exclusively; expressly; exquisitely; extra; extraordinarily; famously; fully; generously; impressively; incredibly; indeed; individually; intensely; magically; magnanimously; magnificently; mainly; markedly; marvelously; minutely; mostly; namely; nobly; notably; once; particular; particularly; peculiarly; pointedly; precisely; predominantly; preeminently; primarily; principally; profusely; prominently; remarkably; separately; severally; singularly; special; specifically; splendidly; surprisingly; uncommonly; unusually; wholly; wonderfully; yea

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    particularly important; particularly interesting; particularly the; particularly those; particularly true; particularly when