Much beauty of form, a delightful sensitiveness to nature, a luxuriance of color, and a finely tempered thoughtfulnesspervade the poems.
With that sedate thoughtfulness which was in all his actions, he only looked at the business of the hour.
But the stiff black hair that had formerly blown so carelessly about her head was demurely combed and orderly, now, and a serene, womanly thoughtfulness had somehow drifted into the lines of her face, making its wild beauty sweeter.
Lady Alice, in spite of the thoughtfulness that seemed to have possessed her, laughed till her bonny fat sides shook again.
The loving thoughtfulness of Jesus bade Him seek out His humiliated and sorrow-stricken follower that He might assure him of forgiveness and restoration.
The thoughtfulness cleared from Tinker's brow, and he said with a pleasant smile, "But that's got nothing to do with what you came to talk about.
Edward Penson was early noticed for his high principle, for his benignity, and for a thoughtfulness somewhat sorrowful, that seemed to have caught in childhood some fugitive glimpse of his own too brief career.
The older girl's thoughtfulness for others made her much beloved, while 'Phemie's high spirits were contagious.
But she had made up her mind that Harris Colesworth was going to be a very objectionable person to have about, and so she would not accept his friendly attitude or thoughtfulness as real virtues.
They were not an ill-disposed set of people, but wantedthoughtfulness in their every-day life; that sort of thoughtfulness which gives order to a home, and makes a wise and holy spirit of love the groundwork of order.
Brazil, together with his great charm and thoughtfulness when not at work.
The three men duly signed receipts and unsolicited certificates, in which they declared that during the entire journey they had been treated by me in a generous manner and with every possible thoughtfulness and consideration.
In all the months they were with me they never once showed the slightest trace of thoughtfulness towards me, or indeed even towards any of their comrades.
In our daily intercourse with one another, we may forget to render to others that thoughtfulness and attention which we exact from them.
If you are an attendant at a wedding, you will experience much pleasure from the thoughtfulness of loved ones, and business affairs will be unusually promising.
To see others resurrected, denotes unfortunate troubles will be lightened by the thoughtfulness of friends Resuscitate.
A generous thoughtfulness for our common necessities as soldiers--" "Ouf!
She was leaning over from her seat, looking, black as she was, so much older than her wont, with something about her of that unworldly serious thoughtfulness which a mourning garb always gives.
It is to the young conservative thoughtfulness and the truly British spirit of our springing aristocracy that I look for that reaction which I am sure will at last carry us safely over the rocks and shoals of communistic propensities.
With the thoughtfulness of true heroism, he ordered some of his attendants to hasten away with his young brother, Walter.
Whether the meal is elaborate or extremely simple, evidences should never be lacking of minute thoughtfulness and of the use of careful hands.
I would suggest that conversation made agreeable and amusing to others requires greater and more continued thoughtfulness than passing the beans and the butter.
That simple loveliness and devotedthoughtfulness are more necessary in table service than heavy damask and beautiful china.
In a household where there is no maid, thoughtfulness beforehand can prevent any getting up from table except between courses.
But if not specially quick at his lessons, he gave very early and, as it seems to me, very noticeable proofs of thoughtfulness and independence of character.
His thoughtfulness took shapes which made him at times anything but easy to manage.
The night passed without producing any decision in Lorenzo's mind; and when he made his appearance on the veranda an unusual thoughtfulness pervaded his countenance; all his attempts to be joyous failed to conceal his trouble.
His features are dark and undefinable, marked with that thoughtfulness which applies only to the getting of wordly goods.
To the eyes of Raoul, devotion became predominant in the gentle thoughtfulness of Isaura.
One morning, late in August, as Colonel Pratt was about to proceed to the city, his wife observed him wandering over the house and grounds with an air of thoughtfulness amounting even to dejection.
Even in his merriest moments, a thoughtfulness mingled with his mirth, which rendered him ever attentive to the comfort of others.
Teaching will be good art when it breaks up old habits, starts new ones, strengthens good traits, and weakens bad ones; when it gives a new attitude of cheerfulness in life or of thoughtfulness for others or of reason in all things.
The thoughtfulness of the loving gentle Moon to remember her Mother the Star, appeals to them.
While a proper thoughtfulness and care for the body is both desirable and necessary, it is also true that over-anxiety about, or an unnatural attention to, the needs of the body reacts unfavorably upon the nervous system.
Daily cleaning and airing of all living rooms are necessary, while such places as the kitchen, the cellar, and the closets need extra thoughtfulness and, at times, hard work.
Begin early to cultivate a habit of thoughtfulness and consideration for others, especially for those you are commanded to honor.
They should be watched and encouraged, therefore, in their plays to habits of thoughtfulness and self-reliance.
Miss Mackenzie, sister of Bishop Mackenzie, wrote: I shall never forget his kind fatherliness and his beautiful courtesy and his loving thoughtfulness for every one.
One's sense of justice may be increased by thoughtfulness as to his duty to himself, as well as to others; and by demanding very rigid observance of every law of conduct which commends itself as needful to ideal character.
There may be thoughtfulness for one who is weaker than the rest, or who is a newcomer, or who, for any reason, is neglected by others.