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Example sentences for "obloquy"

Lexicographically close words:
obliviousness; oblong; oblongata; oblongis; oblongs; obnoxious; oboe; oboes; oboist; obol
  1. It was, however, negatived, and the proposers and supporters of it drew upon themselves much obloquy and reproach.

  2. We would rather excite sympathy and pity for the ~11~~unfortunate, than by detailing all we know produce the opposite feelings of obloquy and detestation.

  3. But the brave man cared little for obloquy or desertion, or even the prospect of absolute starvation, when the cause of practical religion was at stake.

  4. The sentiments promulgated by Lord Mansfield on the law of libel, in the case of Woodfall, had created much discussion among the legal profession, and had met with much obloquy among the people.

  5. His faithlessness to political engagements, his avarice, and want of principle generally, had created a universal obloquy round his name.

  6. Harriet Kingdon was dead, and the obloquy of the crime could do her no injury.

  7. Here have I labored steadfastly from early life, bearing obloquy and enmity; and here again I pledge the energies which remain to me, even if obloquy and enmity survive.

  8. Public as the bridge was, open to obloquy and remark as an assault must lay him, Blondel was within an inch of striking the lad again.

  9. His warm and affectionate heart seemed to envy the strife and obloquy that came to champions of freedom; yet his published correspondence nowhere directly indicates a desire to return to public life.

  10. There is not a man there who would be willing to jeopardize his political, social or business interests by casting any kind of obloquy upon the women who have exercised the right of the elective franchise for the last five years.

  11. The advocates of the rights of all women stood up boldly for those of Utah, notwithstanding the scoffs and obloquy cast upon them.

  12. Miss Greene had suffered social obloquy on account of her attitude on the question of slavery--to share this obloquy seemed now the one thing desirable to Phillips.

  13. Social disgrace is never sought, and obloquy is not a thing to covet--these things may come, and usually they mean a smother-blanket to all worldly success.

  14. The poet had a dread of incurring the obloquy of any class or profession.

  15. We know only that he obtained his liberty, and that an oppressive share of blame and obloquy followed.

  16. Abuse and obloquy were heaped upon the Ministers from every quarter.

  17. A storm of obloquy and persecution was raised against Garrison.

  18. He would introduce the peremptory Spartan Xenelasy, if he were not afraid of the obloquy attending it.

  19. Shall names that made yuor city the glory of the earth be mentioned with obloquy and detraction Addison.

  20. Much of the obloquy that has so long rested on the memory of our great national poet originated in frivolous hearsays of his life and conversation.

  21. In this, however, and in the obloquy cast upon the gentlemen of this profession, it must be said that they suffered unjustly.

  22. He said that, as his indiscretion had exposed her to obloquy and suspicion, he was bound to renew this declaration.

  23. Upon this occasion indeed, he shared the obloquy with the Duke of Wellington, upon whom as Prime Minister the responsibility principally rested.

  24. This brought Him obloquy while He lived in the world, and in the end a shameful death; but these things did not abate His hatred of sin, nor lessen His love for sinners.

  25. Very few men have passed through so much obloquy with a heart so entirely unsoured, and have retained amid so much adulation so large a measure of deep and genuine humility.

  26. If a king fails to chastise unrighteousness, the gods desert his mansion and he incurs obloquy among men.

  27. If, on the other hand, one does not part with one's wealth, obloquy becomes one's share.

  28. Brahmanas incur obloquy they are said to become impure; they are again regarded as possessing the status of humanity only because they die.

  29. Among the six different colours that Jiva attains at different periods of his existence, he who falls away from a superior colour deserves obloquy and censure.

  30. When a sinful wretch having slain a woman or a Brahmana does not incur obloquy in assemblies of fellowmen and has not to stand in fear of the king, then danger threatens the Kshatriya ruler.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "obloquy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abuse; animadversion; aspersion; backbiting; calumny; carping; cavil; contumely; criticism; degradation; discredit; disfavor; disgrace; dishonor; exception; flak; hit; humiliation; ignominy; imputation; indignity; infamy; insult; invective; jeer; knock; libel; nagging; niggling; nit; notoriety; obloquy; odium; opprobrium; pestering; quibble; quibbling; rap; reflection; scandal; shame; slam; slander; slur; strict; stricture; swipe; vilification; vituperation