Be thou familiar but by no means vulgar; Do not dull thy palm with entertainment Of each new hatched unfledged comrade Give every man thine ear but few thy voice; Take each man's counsel but reserve thy judgment.
Be glad, if you are ungrateful, that a wise man has given you so good counsel to pray--and pray as you do when you think yourself in extreme peril!
It had been hard for her to close the gates of Stormpoint upon one whom she regarded with affection, yet Mr. Hacket's counsel had outweighed inclination.
During his absence Mrs. Joe had not failed to call Mr. Hacket in consultation, and the adviser had reiterated the oldcounsel that the first step in a political career was "to get around and get acquainted.
Not because of any delicacy about volunteering the counsel that hovered on his lips, but in doubt whether it might not be well to permit her to injure her aspirations as much as she could.
The siege of Bilbao was undertaken against the will, and strongly expressed counsel of Zumalacarregui.
Here they took counselof a Levite whom Michah had made his priest, and, in answer to the question whether their journey would be prosperous, he told them to "Go in peace: before the Lord is the way wherein ye go.
As regards the matter of Virchow, I have long since passed the age in which, on similar questions, one seeks counsel from flesh and blood.
Now one does not give good counsel for an affair which one wishes to see go under.
Finally, he wished to express his thanks to the learnedcounsel for the prosecution, who had generously refrained from demanding a conviction--a pleasing evidence of deep and humane understanding.
The learned counsel for the prosecution had already referred--in the most delicate and considerate manner, be it said--to the question of concealment of birth.
I could keep a reckoning, and box my compass long enough before thy keelstone was laid--Sam Crowe is not come here to ask thy counsel how to steer his course.
Now Archie Clavering was a man not eaten up by the vice of self-confidence, but prone rather to lean upon his friends, and anxious for the aid of counsel in difficulty.
Having thus disentangled the question from all its personal bearings he was able to review it on its merits, and went to ask the counsel of Whalley, to whom he related, in confidence, the whole scene exactly as it had occurred.
Brother Brigham then said, "If you will take my counsel it will be that you rest yourself, and be assured you shall have money in plenty to pursue your journey.
He, with General Doniphan and Amos Rees, had acted as counsel for the exiles, and had seen the doors of the temple of justice closed in their faces by mob violence, and all redress denied them.
The conference then voted that Elder Dunham be reproved for his improper course, and that he be advised to adhere to the counsel given him.
It is important as showing the frame of mind the Prophet was in, and his anxiety to administer comfort, and give helpful counsel to the Saints.
I continued with the brethren at the Forks {63} of Grand river, offering such counselas their situation required.
Thou hast prevail'd; I'll conquer my misdoubt, And in thy love and counseldrown my fear.
And I suborn'd Brusor with envious rage To counsel Soliman to slay his friend.
But mark my words, and follow the counsel of John Ball.
I'll make the motion to my[114] sovereign liege, And work it, if my counsel may prevail.
Counsel me not, for my intent is sworn, And be my fortune, as my love deserves!
And, Haleb, why did not thy heart's counsel Bridle the fond intemperance of thy tongue?
And when he had exhorted her with many words she promised that she would counsel her son.
But having gotten a convenient time to further his madness, being called to counsel by Demetrius, and asked what the Jews relied upon, and what were their counsels, 14:6.
For when the leader himself was in Persia, and with him a very great army, he fell in the temple of Nanea, being deceived by the counsel of the priests of Nanea.
He may not have been ill-treated just that minute," the elephant counsel still argued.
The elephantcounsel argued that Mukna must have been ill-treated to make him disobedient.
Counsel would call her ladyship's maid to give evidence of the kind of literature to which her mistress had been addicted.
The foreman of the jury demanded an elucidation, which Counsel was unable to produce.
This appeared to us, who knew the danger of leading a sedentary life, the greatest mistake they could have made, and was the result of no other counsel or responsibility than their own.
Vincent now called Dan into his counsel and told him what he had discovered.
Never was young parson more put to it to make out his text when he is got into the pulpit without his notes than I have seen a counsel at the bar when he would make out a cause between two merchants.
Of this I conceived the worst hope, for after a counsel men seldom fight.
So Messire Enguerrand told me, a learned knight and a grave, and thus was the counsel of the saints defeated by the very King whom they sought to aid.
Their counsel is to muster in arms secretly, and to convey themselves, one by one, into certain houses hard by the Port St. Denis, where certain of their party dwell.
The counsel of Messire will stand fast and prevail, and yours shall perish, for it is of men.
Of my resolve I spoke no word more to Elliot, lest her counsel should change when she knew the jeopardy whereinto I was firmly minded to go.
But now I am sent from Gaucourt, and the Bastard, for all the captains are in counsel again.
Was it you who gave counsel that I should come by this bank, and not by the other side, and so straight against Talbot and the English?
It was ever my father's counsel that I must take the lie from none.
Whoever stays at home, we take the field," I said; "let us seek counselof Xaintrailles.
What the world is not full of is the capacity to organize these things, to drag them, struggling and clinging to a thousand unanticipated difficulties, from the region of the counsel of perfection to the region of manifest practicability.
But I took counsel of my hopes and not of my fears.
Earn your breakfast before you eat it," is not merely thecounsel of Poor Richard, but of Almighty God; it is a just counsel, and not hard.
But he conferred with God, not men; tookcounsel of his hopes, not his fears.
He has hopes and fears of his own, but they are not the hopes and fears of men about him; his trumpet cannot give a welcome or well-known sound, nor his counsel be presently heeded.
If mycounsel is weak and poor, follow one stronger and more manly.
You pay for it in every pound of sugar, copper, coal, in every yard of cloth; and if the counsel of some lovers of the people be followed, you will soon pay for it in each pound of coffee and tea.
The advice was like a good deal of the counsel that is given to a man who thinks for himself, and honestly speaks what he unavoidably thinks.