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Example sentences for "mirroring"

Lexicographically close words:
mirk; mirky; mirour; mirror; mirrored; mirrors; mirrour; mirth; mirthe; mirthful
  1. The formless and intangible reflection of the primordial pain in music, with its redemption in appearance, then generates a second mirroring as a concrete symbol or example.

  2. Gradually these blushed red, the golden arm took on a ruddy tinge, the bosom of the waters a translucent pink, mirroring the vast conflagration in the western skies.

  3. And always the night grew brighter with the spectral glow of the moon and the mirroring waters.

  4. Can this peculiar quality in the atmosphere be due, here as there, to the presence of a large body of comparatively smooth and shallow water, mirroring back to heaven the light that it receives?

  5. The western half is grand and solemn, with its deep waters mirroring white crags and blue glaciers.

  6. Not mere gratification is this, but happiness, the outer again mirroring the inner; domestic harmony is the matter set forth.

  7. Such is the physical environment, clearly mirroring the meaning.

  8. When the evening came, old Falieri mounted to the gallery with his beautiful wife, mirroring himself in the splendour of her loveliness, and of his own happiness, with radiant glances, challenging all beholders to amazed admiration.

  9. But Reynolds never enjoyed a meal as he did that one in the little cabin by the mirroring lake.

  10. The lure of gold had now lost its fascination for him, and he could only think of the girl in the little cabin by the mirroring lake.

  11. We have come to expect from Mrs. Mackay a somewhat tense but restrained mirroring of little human accidents, in which action is of less importance than its effects.

  12. For hours, in the early afternoon, it seemed scarcely to move on the mirroring surface of the sea.

  13. It seems as if the image of the fountain is fittest and most tempting for mirroring in music.

  14. The truth is, it is all a mirroring in tones of the charm and essence of these epic gems of the East.

  15. The image on the mirror is only on the surface; but if my heart is mirroring God He sinks in, and abides there, and changes me from glory to glory.

  16. She heard the ship swishing through the water, black, too, as though mirroring the sky, heard the creaking sounds among the cordage and the spars, and the orders coming clear and loud into the darkness.

  17. A hill, she thought, mirroring the clouds and growing light again with their passing.

  18. And now, at her window, Marina had the night and the stars to herself, over the still lagoon and down in its mirroring depths.

  19. Languorous days of autumn by the Inland Sea, when the dying summer's breath lingers like the perfume of incense, and the mirroring lilac water deepens to bishop's-purple.

  20. And what do you think of a Pallas with short woolly hair; of the Charities with broad, flat Ethiopian feet; and an Egyptian, with his shaven head mirroring the sun, as Phoebus Apollo?

  21. The sun danced joyously and sportively on the golden wave, and where recently towered the rugged surface of the tiny iceberg, the still, calm, unbroken level of the mirroring lake was only visible.

  22. Upon the sand these flowers that I have strown My foot has crushed them down with cruel force, And I am kneeling near the mirroring source, Where I have sought her mouth and kissed mine own.

  23. It was a lake of white, whispering ghosts locking spectral branches in the wind, of slumbering lilies rustled by the drift of a boat; a lake of checkered lights and shadows fitfully mirroring stars at the mercy of the moon-flecked clouds.

  24. Such a story as "McEwen of the Shining Slave Makers" is a fine imaginative projection into a new world, mirroring ironically our human passions in the warfare of two tribes of ants under the blades of a grass forest.

  25. It is a study in loyalties seen from a boy's point of view, mirroring as it does later, if no firmer, loyalties of men and women.

  26. Our mirroring of Christ, then, is one with the presence of his spirit in us.

  27. But like Nature's Maker the wild sweet things of the wood and meadows and mountains would bloom again, although man were not, mirroring God's idea of beauty even to the desert.

  28. Every little puddle on the paving-stones this morning, a quarter of an inch broad and a film deep, will be mirroring bright sunshine, and blue with the reflected heaven.

  29. We all with unveiled face, mirroring glory, are changed into the same image.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mirroring" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    companion; copy; counterfeiting; double; duplicate; effigy; fellow; following; forgery; icon; idol; image; impersonation; imposture; impression; likeness; match; mate; miniature; mirroring; model; parody; photograph; picture; plagiarism; portrait; reflection; repetition; resemblance; rubbing; semblance; shadow; similitude; simulacrum; simulation; takeoff; trace; tracing; twin