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Example sentences for "pretty young"

  • Then Cupid, the rascal, forgetting his trade is To make men and women impartially smart, Will only shoot at pretty young ladies, And never takes aim at a bachelor's heart.

  • The constitutional guardian I Of pretty young Wards in Chancery, All very agreeable girls--and none Are over the age of twenty-one.

  • All these retired in turn when they asked to have a fire lighted in the stove, without which Mrs. March would never have taken the fine stately rooms, and sent back a pretty young girl to do it.

  • They thought the type of French-Canadian better here than at Montreal, and they particularly noticed the greater number of pretty young girls.

  • A pretty young wife," Miss Hitty had said.

  • He went away for a year and then he came back, bringing a pretty young wife.

  • A year afterward, Miss Hitty said, he had come back, with a pretty young wife.

  • Barbe Guion was a pretty young girl, and the Renauds had invited him in.

  • She would be a pretty young girl, though it was her soft yet deep and wondering eyes that made her resemble her mother.

  • There are four queens, pretty young girls, and they each choose a king and open the ball with him.

  • Then replace her by a pretty young damsel, with eyes and hair as black as night, lips as red as the flowers of the grenadine, and skin as white as the floripondio.

  • And do you know of such a pretty young damsel?

  • Did you ever see my pretty young cousin, Miss Newcome, Sir Brian's daughter?

  • A pretty young scapegrace he has made you out to be, and very likely thinks you to be.

  • Lar, she be a pretty young creature, that she be!

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pretty young" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    add that; dear count; level keel; other types; photostatic copy; pretty birds; pretty certain; pretty child; pretty close; pretty eyes; pretty face; pretty high; pretty house; pretty maid; pretty maiden; pretty much; pretty near; pretty nigh; pretty picture; pretty sight; pretty while; reducing them; shall think; tail deer; well administered; whether she