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Example sentences for "opinion"

Lexicographically close words:
opine; opined; opines; opining; opinio; opinionated; opinione; opinioned; opinionem; opiniones
  1. Now, as fairies are notoriously little people, Andy changed his opinion of the parties into whose power he had fallen, and saw clearly they were giants, not fairies, of whom he was about to become the victim.

  2. If a man had (which I have not) a change of opinion to own, this is not the hour to make it.

  3. Progressive opinion ought ever to be kept on the high places of dispassionate advocacy.

  4. The battle of opinion has always been fought on impulse, rather than on calculation of forces; and the small band of the combatants for new truths has often been trampled down by the multitudinous army of error.

  5. The consternation excited just now by the 'Essays and Reviews' is owing to an apprehension that public opinion is tending to the negation of theology, and that is concluded to be a state of intellectual lawlessness.

  6. As soon as legal opposition to the publication of heretical opinion ceased, I was the first to insist that the day of good taste must commence.

  7. He invented the phrase Suspensive Atheism to describe the only form of opinion which he knew I maintained.

  8. Opinion in a minority should never have recourse to invective.

  9. His desires seemed limited to reading the Fathers, writing sermons, and doing his duty as a divine; and he appeared of opinion that no helpmate was required to fulfil them.

  10. She was the one creature in the world whose opinion seemed to matter now.

  11. The unflattering opinion Jim Horton had formed of this French nobleman was, upon closer acquaintance, in no way modified.

  12. Such is the opinion I have formed of him.

  13. Thereupon all the wise men, priests, wizards, and soothsayers were immediately summoned, and after the King had explained the whole story to them they agreed with the opinion of the soldiers.

  14. Such is the opinion I have formed of him, after careful study.

  15. We could not keep the woman here for ever; so it is my opinion that Conrad of Ramuess should take the child into his cell, he loves it, and it clings to him.

  16. Between you and me, I confess candidly, that my opinion of him is by no means favorable.

  17. After a careful examination of the early and of later authorities, and with some practical acquaintance with the localities, I am of the opinion that they must have entered by what is now known as Hatteras Inlet.

  18. I could not do this without first announcing myself as an impostor, as a liar and deceiver, to the man whose good opinion I prized above all earthly things.

  19. You will consider that I have a low opinion of women.

  20. I realized at that moment all the falseness and absurdity of my position; I realized also how foolish it is to be afraid of prejudice and the opinion of gossips.

  21. But poor Monsieur Dumouton was always dressed in such strange fashion, that it was difficult, on glancing at his costume, to avoid forming a melancholy opinion of his resources.

  22. But I don't want to go to Besancon dressed like this--all in rags; that would give people a bad opinion of me at the outset.

  23. Saint-Bergame was with me, and echoed my opinion of the young actress's talent.

  24. I should have had a very poor opinion of you, if you had continued to be that man's friend.

  25. But I determined to make no comments this time, or express an opinion in any form of words.

  26. The tone in which Monsieur Sordeville said this left me in no doubt that he had the same opinion that I myself had formed concerning the relations between these two.

  27. I thank you for your good opinion of me, Madame Potrelle, and I assure you that I deserve it in this matter.

  28. But if she does change her opinion with regard to me, tell her that I bear no malice, and that the work I offered her will still be at her disposal.

  29. I was still uncertain what opinion to form of her; but the one thing of which I could entertain no doubt was her perfect frankness; I was perfectly certain that she never had any hesitation about saying exactly what she thought.

  30. And I was terribly afraid that my incoherent replies would give her a very contemptuous opinion of me.

  31. Shall I call him out, Margaret, for his poor opinion of you, or shall I send for the police?

  32. It was, as I have said, a blazing hot day, and there were differences of opinion among the explorers about what eatables we ought to have taken, and H.

  33. Livingstone wrote: "It far exceeds in my opinion every attempt of the kind which from any other American press ever came into my hands.

  34. It was his opinion that this creation would bring him more shame than honor.

  35. It does not require profound consideration to bring us to the opinion that the method of Vecchi was in part an attempt to overcome the innate defect of the polyphonic style in this matter of intelligibility.

  36. I don't dispute that, sir, in the least--and my opinion is that he will get it.

  37. The general opinion to the contrary notwithstanding, there are, after all, very few people who know what love really is.

  38. I say, actual war, since there is now but one opinion on that subject; a renewal of the impressment of men sailing under the protection of our flag would be tantamount to a declaration of war.

  39. The first opinion is now of no importance; but the question of boundary, which was the immediate cause of hostilities, has to this day been the greatest impediment to the restoration of peace.

  40. There is, therefore, no doubt as to the ancient opinion about, and use of, oil as a medicine.

  41. James and Plato agree therefore in finding the origin of war in the lusts of the body, but they differ in their opinion as to how to treat the body.

  42. Joseph were children of a former marriage, an opinion more than offset by the position of Tertullian (de Monog.

  43. There has appeared one evidence of a better public opinion in the fact that in the war each nation sought to justify itself in the eyes of the world as not the aggressor but as being on the defensive.

  44. In the Family Circle at Nazareth In spite of Origen's opinion (Origen on Matt.

  45. These fruits they regard as the children of Mother Earth, who in their opinion is the mother also of men and of gods.

  46. This Prussian custom is particularly notable, inasmuch as it strongly confirms the opinion that Kupalo (doubtless identical with Kupole) was originally a deity of vegetation.

  47. That Hadad was the consort of Atargatis at Hierapolis-Bambyce is the opinion of P.

  48. That the scene represents a Sacred Marriage between a great god and goddess is the opinion also of Prof.

  49. Their language and race are still under discussion, but a great preponderance of opinion appears to declare that neither the one nor the other was Semitic.

  50. Max Mueller is of opinion that Targh or Tarkh did not designate any particular deity, but was the general Hittite name for "god.

  51. Max Mueller is of opinion that the Hittite civilization and the Hittite system of writing were developed in Cilicia rather than in Cappadocia (Asien und Europa, p.

  52. Sumerian language belongs to the Ural-altaic family, but the better opinion seems to be that its linguistic affinities are unknown.

  53. Moreover, the explanation is countenanced by a considerable body of opinion amongst the ancients themselves, who again and again interpreted the dying and reviving god as the reaped and sprouting grain.

  54. I daresay your opinion was correct, Mr. Falkirk, as to the meaning as well as the buzz.

  55. I have no opinion of ponies and basket wagons,' said her guardian.

  56. I don't think he has much opinion of my prudence, sir,--and believes firmly that every one who goes off the highway finds rough ground.

  57. With which expression of opinion Miss Wych whistled for a fresh glass of water and dismissed the subject.

  58. So far as I am concerned, I have combatted this opinion from the very inauguration of the positive school of criminology, and I combat it today.

  59. This is in substance the theory followed by the classic criminologists who revised the penal code, which public opinion considers incapable of protecting society against the dangers of crime.

  60. With this letter went a report from each instructor, stating not only what books she had used but what his opinion was of her progress and ability.

  61. Nothing that affected the war was too great or too small for her to notice, and she had a definite opinion on every subject.

  62. But while the schemers were scheming, the Prince was forming a very definite opinion of his own.

  63. She is too healthy, I fear," wrote the Duke, "in the opinion of some members of my family by whom she is regarded as an intruder.

  64. He was the only honest man I ever saw," said a statesman who knew him well, and King William was eager to hear Stockmar's opinion of the young Princess.

  65. Meyer, of the Hooper Institute of Medical Research of the University of California, may be accepted as focusing the consensus of unbiased opinion on the subject.

  66. Let us therefore pause for a moment whilst we consult other sources of opinion for confirmation or refutal.

  67. No written law prohibits it; the world's opinion cannot condemn, as from it all remains a secret; but my irrefutable feeling rebels against it, it is impossible and I am utterly miserable that it is impossible.

  68. Public opinion was busied with it; even in our circle the discussion was renewed of that story, long since forgotten, which was suddenly served up again as freshly as champagne in ice.

  69. I stood alone with my good opinion of the girl.

  70. The world's opinion is always ready to draw conclusions from facts, even if they be ever so premature.

  71. Public opinion is easily led, to-morrow already I shall stand before hundreds who no longer believe in me.

  72. The consensus of opinion was that the Briton had won the decision on points.

  73. Remember," I told him, "I don't want you to dress up an opinion for me.

  74. I believe that every one who has not merely a fanatical opinion and hope, but who thinks after profound investigation, will be compelled to answer this question in the negative.

  75. You should merely form for yourselves a fixed opinion regarding this situation, remain true to it, and utter and express it in your immediate surroundings.

  76. Is she imbued with our opinion of his priestship?

  77. I had known him well for some time and had always had a high opinion of him.

  78. Was afraid you had started again on some up-country trip, and by Jove, there are one or two things I want your opinion about.

  79. There isn't a native I've a higher opinion of.

  80. Subsequently I had reason to alter my opinion with regard to him: but that will keep.

  81. There's something I want to get your opinion about.

  82. I talked with him a little longer and he was just expressing the opinion that it was high time for us to start, when I saw the head and shoulders of Falkner Sewin lounging through this window.

  83. There was something about the old Major, however, that convinced me he was cherishing an idea in the back ground, an idea upon which he would invite my opinion at the earliest opportunity.

  84. Clearly he was not going to commit himself to any definite opinion regarding the disappearing Hensley.

  85. However I didn't take offence, although my opinion of the abilities of his force was but medium, and that of the native detectives nowhere, though this applied more to their morality than ingenuity.

  86. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "opinion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.