The tone of irritation into which, as it seems unconsciously, Cashel had fallen, was not lost on the keen perception of Linton, and he was not sorry to feign a pretext for closing an interview whose continuance might be unpleasant.
Ignorant as I am also of architecture as a science, I have a sufficient perception of the beautiful and the symmetrical, to make me lament the incongruous medley of different orders and materials by which I was surrounded.
She knew that she had stung at last into life theperception of how much he had been giving and how little he had received.
He spoke entirely from his loving perceptionof how much she would like to reign as the ruler of her own establishment.
It was hard to suppose that so much shrewd observation and so cunning a recognition of human foibles and follies could by any chance consort with the obtuse lack of perception which her late comments had implied.
She was civil to him because of her two hostesses, whose perception in all matters of social degree seemed hopelessly obtuse.
It was not long before she read the price-list of stocks in the morning papers with nearly as lucid a perception of just what it meant as Hollister himself.
A drop of water of ineffable purity falls from heaven to the sea, an oyster gapes and swallows it, the drop hardens and ripens, and becomes a pearl; and who is so devoid of the perception of purity, beauty and worth as to despise a pearl?
The refined and delicate perception of the exquisite and transient aroma and flavour of fruits deserves to be classed among the fine arts.
In a few days all the tracks are blotted out, and then none but those skilled or possessed of keen perception may detect the nest.
The prevailing perception may be of lush grasses mingled with the soft odour of their frail flowers; or the resin and honey of blossoming bloodwoods; or the essence from myriads of other eucalyptus leaves massaged by the winds.
Nothing amused him so much as the want of perception of a joke.
There is along with this 'immediate perception of extended sensible reality' a 'mediate perception or a presumptive inference of the existence of sensible things and their relations.
He cannot show how it happens that the divine objective 'ideas' become one human subjective perception or intuition; he does not tell us how God enables us to share or represent His thoughts, since He neither speaks to us nor writes to us.
It was not a sudden sound that broke in upon them but rather the perception of many sounds, muffled, half heard, but gaining upon their consciousness.
There came to the young man a sobering perception of the risk she ran, of the supreme folly of this escapade to which they were entrusting themselves.
Like satire, it is the perception of an incongruity, but it must be a newly discovered or invented incongruity, for an essential element in humor is the pleasurable surprise, the gentle shock which it conveys.
Try to exercise intuitive perceptionif I say anything you can't understand.
Of course, it is unfair to judge too soon, but I have already begun to doubt the existence of direct perception among them.
A delusion is a mistaken conviction, an illusion a mistaken perception or inference.
Hallucination is the seeming perception of non-existent objects, as in insanity or delirium.
One is composed who has subdued excited feeling; he is collected when he has every thought, feeling, or perception awake and at command.
Hallucination is the apparent perception of that which does not exist or is not present to the senses, as the seeing of specters or of reptiles in delirium tremens.
It is very clear that without exactness of perception we could not pretend to judge justly; it would then be impossible for us to hear the voice of common sense, if we did not strive to develop it.
Like all impulsive people, he was full of his subject, and, joining the perception of the insult to the judgment of it, which his instinct had immediately dictated to him, he did not conceal his murderous intentions.
With the most delicate art, he explained to the impulsive man all the chain of sentiments leading from perception to judgment.
The Shogun deals with it at length and defines it thus: "Impulse is an almost direct contact betweenperception and result.
Our mind becomes more active in recalling the incidents, the remembrance of which marks the time which has elapsed between the old perception and the present state of mental absorption.
It is by applying the discipline of reasoning to practical sense that it modifies simple sense perception by urging it to ally itself with logic, which unites thought to sentiment and reason.
Perception is essentially visual and auditory, altho it influences all our senses.
It is better, in the case where our perception finds itself assailed by the multitude of these details, to proceed by the process of elimination, in order not to become involved in useless and lazy efforts.
Without being aware of this mental action, their minds will be occupied first with the operations of perception then of classification.
Emotive perception being very much weakened, the integrity of memory must be less exact.
Perception is usually combined with what they call in philosophical language adaptation.
But a German Aesthetic, according to Taine's definition, was a man absolutely devoid of artistic perception and sense of style, who lived only in definitions.
I was justified in feeling repelled by many empty allegorical pieces on public monuments, but during the first weeks I lacked perception for such good sculpture as is to be found in the foyer of the Théâtre Français.
He had not the slightest perception of the literary artist in him.
I had an even deeper perception of my initiation when I went back from Hegel to Spinoza and, filled with awe and enthusiasm, read the Ethica for the first time.
Still, there was no doubt in the Head's mind as to the greatness of Virgil or Horace, so that a boy with perception of stylistic emphasis and metre could not fail to be keenly interested in the poetry of these two men.
She was subsequently awakened from sound sleep by sensible perception of a wing fluttering on her lips, with such rapidity as nearly to suspend breathing.
But your horse has a quick perception of the capacity of his rider, and the proud steed on which Dunning rode chose to exercise his own discretion with regard to his movements.
Perhaps their principal characteristic is want of delicacy of perception and refinement of execution.
Scott is said to have been deficient, or at any rate imperfectly trained, in certain sense activities, but there is no denying his quick perception of colour and his strong sense of the leading points in a landscape.
This description of Edinburgh is one of the passages mentioned by Mr. Ruskin in 'Modern Painters' as illustrative of Scott's quick and certain perception of the relations of form and colour.
The great relations of the subject had now become distinct and clear to the perception of the public mind, which appreciated the evils of sectional controversy upon the question of the admission of new States.
These variations in the perception of the luminosity of the different colours are very interesting from a physiological point of view, and this mode of measuring is a very good test as to defective colour vision.
There are other persons who are defective in the perception of green, and they again give a different luminosity curve for the spectrum.
This being premised, we should naturally expect that his perception of the spectrum would be shortened, and this the observations fully prove.
The observer in this case was colour-blind to the red, that is, he had no perception of red objects as red, but only distinguished them by the other colours which were mixed with the red.
Clairaudience is perhaps less frequently associated with this type of clairvoyance than with the last, but its place is to some extent taken by a kind of mental perception of the thoughts and intentions of those who are seen.
A perception of the amount of evil karma that may be generated by such action in a very short time changes one's disgust into pity for the unhappy perpetrator of that sacrilegious folly.
A moment's consideration will show that his new vision approximates much more closely to trueperception than does physical sight.
Another fact which could hardly fail soon to thrust itself upon his notice would be the extension of his perception of colour.
The intellectual perception and the mechanism of human motivation remain opposed.
It has had indeed the desirable consequence of quickening men to the perception of their rights and to their obligation as social members to maintain them intact.
Because the theory in question sticks to the direct perception of the immediately present quality of acts, it is usually called, in analogy with the direct perception of eye or ear, the moral sense theory.
Uncertainty as to security of position, the welfare of a dependent family, close men's mouths from expressing their honest convictions, and blind their minds to clear perception of evil conditions.
In assuming the possibility of an almost infallible, offhand, pat perception of right and wrong, it commits itself practically to judging in an offhand, analyzed way, on the basis of the evils which overtly result.
It is from achievement in industrial, national, and family life that he is initiated into perception of his own energy, loyalty, and affection.
When the two conflict, the perceptionof the former is the recognition of duties as distinct from mere inclinations.
Is that pleasure bound up with the mechanisms ofperception itself, or does it come from the end of the process and the ease with which it is reached,--from the IDEA, in the contemplation of which we delight?
The beautiful is a perception or an action which stimulates life within us under its three forms simultaneously (i.
One school asserts that the real pleasure in perception comes only from form.
In the perception of this unity, the author holds, consists the essential pleasure which the work of art gives us.
Beauty is again connected with the functioning of our organs of perception (Auffassungorgane).
In just the same way, if rhythm were a perception rather than an impression, we ought to be able to apprehend a rhythm of which the unit periods were hours.
For while intuition does give a fairer perception of human feeling, the reason with its spatial and tactile prejudice can do little with that perception.
That more or less perfect organization of perception by official propaganda, of interest and attention by the stimuli of hope, fear, and hatred, which is called morale, was by way of breaking down.
He grieved to find so noble an intellect the victim of hallucination which entirely blinded him to the perception of truth.
They appeared to me, however, so much alive in their own minds to their own concerns that I could not but look upon it as a misfortune that they had little perception for such pleasures as cannot be cultivated without ease and leisure.
A perception also is implied of the inherent superiority of contemplation to action.
Why, to show that a vivid perception of romantic scenery is neither inherent in mankind, nor a necessary consequence of even a comprehensive education.
Some are of opinion that the habit of analysing, decomposing, and anatomising, is inevitably unfavourable to the perception of beauty.
These perceptions may resemble in some way the perception which lies at the basis of the conception, and be thus more or less symbolical; or they may be merely arbitrary creations of the creative imagination, and are in this case pure signs.
The horizon ofperception changes for each person with his peculiarities and culture.
The abstraction affecting a logical purism which looks down upon Conception and Perception as forms of intelligence quite inferior to itself, is a pseudo-thinking, a morbid and scholastic error.
Education will be the better on its guard against this the more it has led the pupil by the legitimate road of Perception and Conception to Thinking.
Conception as the ideally transformed perception dissects the religious content on its different sides, and follows each of these to its consequence.
Education must, therefore, make sure that this feeling is not destroyed by the progress of its content into perception and conception on the side of psychological form, but rather that it attains truth thereby.
Dialectically, they pass over into each other; not that Perception rises into Conception, and Conception into Thinking, but that Thinking goes back into Conception, and this again into Perception.
Then, there is the science of phenomenology, treating of the steps by which mind rises from the stage of mere feeling and sense-perception to that of self-consciousness, i.
The immediate perception of many things is impossible, and yet the necessity for it is obvious.
Imagination returns again within itself to perception in that it replaces, for conceptions, perceptions themselves, which are to remind it of the previous conception.
But while they gave the company the benefit of their keenness of perception Buck had dropped upon his knees and was bending over the wretched victim of the storm.
This officer possessed in an eminent degree the cool judgment, perfect fearlessness, command of men, and shrewdness of perception requisite for such an office.