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Example sentences for "destructive"

Lexicographically close words:
destroys; destructibility; destructible; destruction; destructions; destructively; destructiveness; destructives; destructor; desuetude
  1. But it is possible to use wealth in the opposite way, so that it shall be destructive rather than productive of life.

  2. The fact to which He guides our thought is this--that there are ways of living, forms of conduct, which are predatory and destructive of life, and other ways that tend to make life increase and abound.

  3. Earwigs are very destructive insects, their favourite food being the petals of roses, pinks, dahlias, and other flowers.

  4. Toads are among the best friends the gardener has; for they live almost exclusively on the most destructive kinds of vermin.

  5. Ure, and is highly recommended as the best known means of getting rid of these most obnoxious and destructive vermin.

  6. The Gran Chaco has been accused of being their breeding-ground and point of departure, but whatever their origin, they are a veritable destructive plague, destroying perhaps in a few hours wide areas of smiling crops and fruitful gardens.

  7. In some respects this fluvial system would lend itself to the improvements of the engineer, and might perform for the region which it waters services such as the Nile renders for Egypt, instead of being, as it is, largely a destructive agent.

  8. The Biological Survey has ascertained and gives wide publicity to the fact that at least 43 kinds of birds prey upon this destructive insect.

  9. There are kinds of peace which are highly undesirable, which are in the long run as destructive as any war.

  10. The kinds of positions, friends, conditions and environment we attract to ourselves under the positive conscious relationship are entirely different from the ones we will attract under the negative destructive thought laws.

  11. Then came an age when the lowland was swept away by the biting, corroding sea-wash still so powerfully destructive on the east coast of England, as far as Flamborough Head.

  12. These vast, periodically flooded surfaces become, when the waters recede, the nurseries of deadly fevers, and other formidable maladies, whose destructive influence extends to a great distance.

  13. Hence arise those terrible typhoons, those appalling hurricanes, of whose destructive effects history records so many instances, and of which I shall presently be called upon to speak.

  14. So destructive was it to the crops and gardens, that a scarcity of provisions was the consequence; and such was the distress, that several of the inhabitants seriously thought of abandoning the colony.

  15. They proceed with that cool and determined spirit that shows a consciousness of their power in subduing the destructive element.

  16. The war which followed was a destructive one, but the Indians were ultimately defeated.

  17. As they approached the works, sixty deep, many were killed by grape shot; but, when they came within musket range, a destructive stream of fire burst forth from the American lines.

  18. In the world of imagination, she had discharged the stormful energy which would have been destructive in actual life.

  19. Everyone knows, that law is subject to ecclesiastical influence in Rome, and that marriage with a Protestant would be destructive to all prospects of favorable administration.

  20. If they be removed, they can be protected from those associations and evil practices which exert so pernicious and destructive an influence over their destinies.

  21. This may appear paradoxical; but a few years experience of the execution of the sugar act, will sufficiently convince the parliament, not only of the inutility, but destructive tendency of it, while calculations may be little attended to.

  22. Europe, will be very destructive to the interests of Great Britain.

  23. He said "that Great Britain was determined on her system; her power was irresistible and would certainly be destructive to me, and to all those who should persevere in opposition to her designs.

  24. There he saw Thrym, prince of the frost giants and god of the destructive thunder-storm, sitting alone on a hill-side.

  25. The third in this divine Triad, the formidable and destructive Siva, has but a very remote analogy with the Deity that judges and chastises the world according to justice.

  26. Many states throughout the Union are enacting laws to protect the fur bearing animals of their respective states, and are only placing bounties on such animals as are of little use as fur bearers, and are destructive to stock.

  27. Now, the dollar man will tell us that the fox and mink are very destructive to game and game birds.

  28. These hypotheses, however, are, to say the least, unlucky for their suggestors, and really serve to weaken rather than to strengthen the destructive line of argument.

  29. Our political system would thus present the anomaly of a people stripped of the right to foster their own industry, and to counteract the most selfish and destructive policy which might be adopted by foreign nations.

  30. Excessive wetness is prejudicial and destructive to the crops.

  31. No, he must plunge into the destructive element, and take upon himself the very condition of the drowning man, and by the exertion of his own strength, by the vigor of his own life, save him from the impending death.

  32. Any doctrine which does not allow this is false to Scripture and destructive of religion.

  33. All this indicates the destructive prevalence, among the Blacks, of these race-ruining maladies from which they were so long supposed to be comparatively exempt.

  34. If evidence has any value at all, there can be no doubt whatever that these figures indicate both a low viability in the Black man and the appalling prevalence of the most race-destructive disorders.

  35. Either he encounters objects, and wishes to draw them to himself in desire, or the objects press in a destructive manner upon him, and he thrusts them away in dismay and terror.

  36. At the present hour they are still constant in resistance to an invasion dangerous in an altogether different way,- -that of modern civilisation, destructive as it is of local variations and national types.

  37. There is something hard, repulsive, and ungrateful in the destructive instinct which so often forgets what has been done by the great men who preceded us, to demand of them merely an account of what more might have been done.

  38. The State, though at present a source of much evil, is also a means to certain good things, and will be needed so long as violent and destructive impulses remain common.

  39. The difficulties are stupendous, but they must be overcome if the world is to be saved from periodical wars, each more destructive than any of its predecessors.

  40. I do not wish to be thought to deny that capitalism does very much to promote wars, or that wars would probably be less frequent and less destructive if private property were abolished.

  41. Many undergo capital punishments daily for crimes much less attrocious in their own nature, and much less destructive to the interests of Society.

  42. At the same moment, it is opposed for being promotive and destructive of slavery.

  43. But trust me, sir, there is nothing more corrupting, nothing more destructive of the noblest and finest feelings of our nature than the exercise of unlimited power.

  44. At that same moment, it is opposed for being promotive and destructive of slavery.

  45. Legal, I say,--legal, and not destructive of respectability.

  46. And soon professional reformers of most destructive character were attracted to the place, and, having once attached themselves, hung like leeches upon the community.

  47. In that case man, by pursuing the same destructive methods that he has pursued in regard to many other species, may exterminate the intervening links, and so arrest evolution.

  48. The little seed of weakness or wickedness has been carefully nursed by society, generation after generation, until it has blossomed at last in this destructive monster.

  49. By the very instruments which their own wickedness had created they perished; and here they lie, sepulchred in stone, and heaped around explosives as destructive as their own lives.

  50. All this is possible if civilization is preserved from the destructive power of the ignorant and brutal plutocracy, who now threaten the safety of mankind.

  51. In short, the most utterly useless, destructive and damnable crop a country can grow is--millionaires.

  52. Ignorance is not only ruinous to the individual, but destructive to society.

  53. Those that are invincibly dull, and negligent also.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "destructive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abusive; baneful; black; brutal; calamitous; cataclysmic; catastrophic; catching; caustic; communicable; consuming; consumptive; contagious; deadly; deathly; deleterious; desolating; destructive; detrimental; devastating; dire; disastrous; evil; fatal; fateful; feral; ferocious; grave; grievous; harmful; hurtful; infectious; injurious; internecine; killing; lethal; malign; malignant; miasmic; mischievous; mortal; murderous; nihilistic; noxious; pernicious; pestiferous; poisonous; ruinous; savage; subversive; suicidal; toxic; tragic; unhealthy; venomous; violent; virulent; wasteful; wasting; withering

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    destructive earthquakes; destructive fire