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Example sentences for "interjection"

Lexicographically close words:
interiors; interiour; interisland; interjacent; interjected; interjectional; interjections; interjects; interlace; interlaced
  1. Tarrant points out to me the parallel problem at Met IX 711 'indecepta pia mendacia fraude latebant', where context requires indecepta to have the meaning 'undetected'.

  2. One short interjection may be more powerful, more to the point, more eloquent than a long speech.

  3. From this interjection it is proposed to derive, not only such words as foul and filth, but, by transferring it from natural to moral aversion, the English fiend, the German Feind.

  4. There is as much difference between a real word, such as "to laugh," and the interjection ha, ha!

  5. Again the editorial interjection did duty for a laugh.

  6. The editor gave utterance to a sort of interjection that always served him in place of a laugh.

  7. Ullilu; an interjection of sorrow equivalent to the English alas or alack and well-a-day.

  8. In this sentence, nonsense is a noun used as an interjection and plays no part in the sentence, either as subject or object, but is an independent construction.

  9. As we progress from feeling to thinking, the use of the interjection diminishes.

  10. Exercise 2 Write sentences using an interjection to express: 1.

  11. An interjection is an exclamatory word or phrase used to express feeling or to imitate some sound.

  12. The pronoun I and the interjection O should always be capitals.

  13. Especially in poetry will you find the interjection used, for poetry is the language of feeling and the interjection is an important part of the poet's stock in trade.

  14. But if you turn to fiction and to oratory you will find the interjection used freely, for these are the books which treat of the human emotions and feelings.

  15. As the interjection is the least important part of speech in the English language, it will require but little attention.

  16. The interjection diverted Tracey's train of thought to an inconsiderable siding.

  17. The interjection was so imperative that she was silenced.

  18. Not proper, because the interjection Behold, which has usually a comma after it in Scripture, has here no point.

  19. This connexion, however, even if we parse all the words just as they stand, does not give to the interjection itself any dependent construction.

  20. What is said of those sentences in which an interjection is followed by a preposition or the conjunction that?

  21. An Interjection is that part of speech which denotes any sudden affection or emotion of the mind.

  22. How may an interjection generally be known?

  23. An interjection is a part of speech used in giving utterance to some sudden feeling or emotion.

  24. When an address is made, the interjection does not perform the office of government.

  25. An Interjection is a word used to express sudden emotion.

  26. The Latin and Greek grammarians, therefore, made this interjection the sign of the vocative case; which case is the same as the nominative put absolute by address in English.

  27. Grant's interjection did not carry all the irony he would have wished.

  28. The interjection escaped Don Padraic against instant reflex of judgment, as his hand part way raised to his lips betrayed.

  29. This mystic particle is also equivalent to the interjection O!

  30. Some insist that oh should be used only as an interjection expressing strong feeling.

  31. Why is sometimes used as an interjection or an expletive in expression of surprise or content at a turn of affairs; used also in calling.

  32. Elsie had been informed of the event, the news of which she received after the feminine manner, with an ejaculation of surprise and an interjection of sympathy.

  33. An interjection may be defined as a prolonged monosyllable, generally a vowel, uttered when no words can do justice to the subject.

  34. The little interjection expressed, far more than any words could do, his satisfaction at the prospect.

  35. Almost every interjection has a great variety of meanings, adapted to particular occasions and circumstances, and indicated chiefly by the tone of the voice.

  36. The Syntax of the Interjection has been sufficiently stated under Rule V.

  37. An Interjection is a short word denoting passion or emotion: as, “Oh, Sophonisba!

  38. An interjection is a word expressing a sudden emotion or feeling, as Hei!

  39. Oh" is an interjection agreeing with "ah.

  40. Ah" is an interjection agreeing with "oh.

  41. Sniff is a new interjection for the sense of smelling.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "interjection" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.