German flak gunners had scored a direct hit on one of the R.
The first star shell had died out by then, but a second and a third one had taken its place, and the silvery brilliance that seemed to flood everything was punched red and orange here and there by flak shells seeking out the Fortress.
But what if they open fire, if they have flak guns aboard?
And hardly had the white light virtually exploded in front of Dawson's face before the air all about was filled with the roaring thunder of bursting flak shells.
Flak was coming up and a flight of FWs were worrying the Fortresses and Liberators below.
Now "lace-panty" flakwas blossoming all over the sky.
Now they were greeted by a few bursts of fire, but no heavy flak came at them.
Suddenly flak began to blossom out from the countryside below.
We had been plowing through flak as thick as a swarm of bees but we had been lucky.
We won’t make so many hits, but we’ll make the Japs disperse, so their flak won’t be so concentrated.
In less than fifteen minutes it would be directly beneath, Jap flak would be bursting; tracer shells and bullets would be criss-crossing the air.
Cold air still poured in from the open bomb doors; a chunk of flak must have damaged the jacks that raised them.
Now, however, the Jap flakwas forcing them to fly higher.
The same burst of flak that jammed the bomb doors washed out the electrical system.
We really ought to let Trinidad know that we’re on our way in, so they won’t be throwing up a lot of flak at us.
Flak was coming near enough to make the air bumpy, and there was no chance to dodge while making a bombing run.
His wound had evidently been made by a piece of flak that had ripped through his thigh like a dull knife.
High Command in England thought the Germans might have come up with a new weapon as no flak or enemy fighters were seen.
There were flak towers, but they were too dangerous and we all flew around them.
We were above them and when we saw the flak bursts could go up or down 500 feet, flying safely there for several minutes until the German guns could correct for our altitude.
I flew all the way across the area and had to use a lot of evasive action, including changing of altitude When flak bursts in the air it makes a black puff or cloud-and there were thousands of them shot up at me.
The closer to the target the heavier the flak and we would see the black bursts all around the bombers and once in a while one would go down.
It was a tough mission because the flak was so heavy and the other defenses were greater because the factories were important.
One other mission when I was coming back alone I got over an area where the flak was heavy--bursting all around me so that the sky was blackened with shells.
The long missions with flak and enemy fighters were the ones we dreaded.
He explained where we would be likely to encounter flak (the big German guns) and where we could anticipate the most enemy fighters.
We never worried about the flakmuch because we could normally avoid it.
The woman had mentioned that Flak was at least on terms of acquaintanceship with Mr Tubes.
The cop started forward, but Hershie stopped him with one finger, dead centre in the flak jacket.
He was beefy, with the traditional moustache and the flak vest that they all wore on downtown patrol.
For there was not a single sign of Freddy Farmer floating down by parachute anywhere in that tracer bullet and flak burst-filled sky.
He'll be even less glad when--" A bursting flak shell right under Dawson's left wing seemed to spew a shower of red and gold straight into his face.
Flak and enemy fighter opposition that day were extra heavy.
Pilots who got back reported that his ship suffered a direct flak hit.
A moment later, though, it seemed as though all the flak guns the Nazis possessed started to hurl up everything, including the kitchen stove.
I looked around for you, but there was nothing but burning planes in the air, and flak bursts.
The bursting flak was farther away than it had looked, and it was simply concussion that sent the Mustang sliding off to one side.