We have already seen that the moral sentiment or sanction is the feeling of satisfaction or dissatisfaction which we experience when we reflect on our own acts, without any reference to any external authority or external opinion.
Experience shews that this or that action promotes some object which is included in the narrow conception of well-being entertained by the primitive man.
Thus, as soon as we have realised that a statement is a lie or an act is fraudulent, we at once experience a feeling of indignation or disgust at the person who has made the statement or committed the act.
It would seem as if no man who reflects on ethical subjects, and profits by the observation and experience of life, could possibly answer this question in any other than one way.
The importance to the army of this movement induced Burgoyne to call his three best generals to his aid; so that nothing that experience could suggest, or skill attempt, should be left undone.
In short, nothing that experience could suggest, or unlimited means provide, was omitted to make this army invincible.
Her many attractions captivated the young hero more than any lady friend had done since his experience with the "Lowland Beauty.
George had one experience in Barbadoes that we must record.
You would understand it if you had had the experience with a half-drilled army through one campaign, as I have had," replied Washington.
His experience qualifies him for the office beyond most men in the district.
Your recent experience on Long Island and in New York shows the danger of such position.
Lawrence was twenty-four years of age, and George but ten, so that the latter looked up to the former somewhat as a son looks up to a father, drinking in his words as words of wisdom, and accepting his experience as that of an officer of rank.
Experience is indispensable for such a position, it seems to me, and I have not had experience.
Real qualifications and experience for office he required.
The two armies are now nearly equal in numbers," said Washington, "and experience has so far shown that the British have had nothing to boast whenever they have come in conflict with an equal number of Americans.
It was a bold stroke, doubtless denounced as perilously radical at the time; but experience has justified Cranmer and his friends.
Do you experience any doubts or temptations on the subject of your eternal safety?
All the space needed could be secured by the simple expedient of omitting matter that has been found by actual experience to be superfluous.
A measure which was so far forth acceptable to the accredited representatives of the Church, in council assembled, as to pass its first stage three years ago almost by acclamation, is not destined to experience total collapse.
The voices of Bignall and his subordinates were heard in the tempest, uttering those mandates which long, experience had rendered familiar, or encouraging the people to their duty.
His brow grew thoughtful, and his lips became compressed, while all the resources of his fertile imagination and long experience gathered in his mind, in engrossing intense reflection.
Say nothing of what you have heard and seen, until you have word from me to that effect; for it is seemly that two men, who have had so much experience in a war like this, should not lack in discretion.
Mr Wilder, I fear you find our service a little irregular; but a month of experience will put you on a level with us, and remove all danger of such another scene.
Davis," he said sternly to the individual whom, by his own experience he knew to be so long practised in treachery "leave the boat.
Those having much experience with young babies know that each infant has its own nature and disposition, and in which it differs from every other infant, although they may be classed into groups, of course.
The experience of other people, while of scientific interest and value as affording a basis for a theory or doctrine, will never supply the experience that the close and rigid investigator demands.
The writer says: "Desire for other forms of earthly experience can only be extinguished by undergoing them.
Birth must necessarily be preceded by crossing the river of oblivion, while the capacity for fresh acquisition survives, and the garnered wealth of old experience determines the amount and characters of the new.
Dwarfed by its limited experience in the narrow sphere occupied by many human beings, it would be far from acquiring the knowledge which would seem to be necessary for a developed and advanced soul.
People traveling in strange places often experience emotion when viewing some particular scene, and memory seems to painfully struggle to bring into the field of consciousness the former connection between the scene and the individual.
It is also argued that in one life the soul would fail to acquire the varied experience which is necessary to form a well rounded mentality of understanding.
Suzon, without the slightest suspicion of the little scamp, a thoroughbred Paris street-boy into whom prudence had been rubbed by repeated personal experience of the police-courts, induced his master to receive him.
His practical knowledge of psychology is too limited to admit of his distinguishing between the solidity of waking experience and what we may call the unsubstantialness of the dream.
Thus arises the belief in an ever-present world of souls or ghosts, a belief which the entire experience of uncivilized man goes to strengthen and expand.
For years past she had amused herself by designing artistic programmes for the small bazaars and concerts that had taken place at her country home, so that she had experience as well as interest to help her on this occasion.
So you will gain experience and do good at the same time--a most agreeable arrangement," said Philippa, smiling.
In millinery, I should suppose, experience adds to capacity, and the demand for bonnets is a happy certainty.
She and her sisters had thought themselves geniuses at dear little Leabourne, but three months' experience of London had brought a bitter disillusionment.
Barney's infectious spirits were a godsend to his sisters, who, truth to tell, were beginning to experience a reaction from their first elation, and to realise how many weary rungs of the ladder had to be ascended before success was gained.
At the worst, the experience would give the boy some knowledge of office life, and prevent his running wild over London, getting into fresh mischief with every hour, as his custom was.
How can one be expected to experience personally the whole gamut of human emotions?
It did not matter how hard she had to work; she would sit up half the night gladly--gladly; and her experience had been so encouraging as to justify her in more ambitious flights.
It will be a new experience to spend money that some one else has earned.
Of experience she had none, but her sense of fitness told her that when a gentleman wished to see the missus he should be shown into her presence as speedily as possible.
Three days passed, and Hope thoroughly enjoyed the novel experience of life in a crowded and constantly changing household.
This world, which was known by experience to be but too often a vale of tears, was soon, very soon, by the operation of the fashionable philosophy, to be turned into something like a paradise.
Men," he says, "will always make mistakes, when they abandon experience for systems born of the imagination.
A long experienceof the vacillation of the government both as to persons and as to systems had discouraged the hopes of conscientious patriotism, and strengthened the opposition to reform of all those who were interested in abuses.
But of political experience there was little, and the democratic compromise, to be thoroughly successful, requires a great deal.
Neither boys nor girls were trusted or allowed to gain experience for themselves nearly as much as we consider desirable.
This is a mistake not likely to occur to any one who has experience of public meetings; but among the twelve hundred deputies to the Estates General, and among their constituents all over France, no one had much experience.
He believes the people more capable of choosing representatives wisely than of deciding questions, an opinion on which modern experience may have thrown some doubt.
Of republics Machiavelli had more experience than Montesquieu.
Such provisions were not unnatural, for jealousy and distrust are common in political matters, and the less the experience of the people, the greater their dread of plots and cabals.
A public body, although less wise than the best of its members, has one great advantage over a natural person, and experience has taught the nations that have made self-government successful to profit by this advantage.
This nation was at least as superior to the French in political experience as it was inferior in the arts and sciences that adorn life.
Experience might have shown him that men do not always seek the thing which they believe most useful to themselves.
But experience proves fatal to all the hopes, the aspirations, the high ideals of youth.
Mrs. Browning was an ardent spiritualist, and Mr. Browning, in consequence, had considerable experience of the ways of mediums and the talk and arguments of their followers.
He should have brought actual experience of things obtained by sterling work to correct his mere reflections and observations.
Metaphysicians would explain this poem by an essay on the association of ideas; strong as imagination is, it can never exceed experience which has come to us through sight.
Transcendental has reference to those beliefs or principles which are not derived from experience, and yet are absolutely necessary to make experience possible or useful.
Experience chills the aspirations which animate the generous mind of the lover, the soldier, the poet, the statesman.
Epistle, An, Containing the Strange Medical Experience of Karshish, the Arab Physician.
Empirical refers to knowledge which is gained by theexperience of actual phenomena, without reference to the principles or laws to which they are to be referred, or by which they are to be explained.
One who shall combine perfect wisdom with the full experience of life, and the completeness of these intuitions of the Spirit.
When the men of experience contributed their quota, 'certain gamesome boys' must needs throw some of theirs also.
What others are or are not is surmise; his own experience is knowledge.
By yielding up part of their lives, the pupils of Jochanan hope to combine the lessons of perfect wisdom and varied experience of life.
It is a great thing--the greatest--that a human being should have passed the probation of life, and sum up its experience in a witness to the power and love of God.
Instead of becoming less and less, she was becoming more and more to him--experience strange and thrilling!
I am the oldest man here, and my experience of shipping is, I hope, a little greater than that of the two gentlemen who spoke last.
It was like an experience out of the "Arabian Nights," or something of that sort, an intoxication which made one say one was going their way, though one would have to come all the way back in the same beastly tram.
IV He woke at half-past two, an hour which long experience had taught him brings panic intensity to all awkward thoughts.
Experience had also taught him that a further waking at the proper hour of eight showed the folly of such panic.
The religious experience consists not in seeking to understand God, but in fearing Him, in feeding upon Him, in finding strength and joy in Him.
For man will have life, and have it abundantly, and he knows from experience that its sources are not only in meat and drink, but also in 'spiritual faith.
The failure of an object to fit in with the psycho-physiological attitude of expectation which pastexperience has taught us to assume brings about the sudden disturbance called surprise, astonishment, or fear.
Subsequent Acts were passed, called for by theexperience of the Commissioners in regard to the working of the Act of 1857, some imperfections in which were naturally discovered in the course of years.
Conolly gave the results of his non-restraint experienceat Hanwell since September, 1839.
John Smith, well known for his long practical experience of lunacy, and Dr.
The superintendent of the Gloucester Asylum states that he has adopted the disuse of mechanical restraint, upon the conviction which his experience has given him during a trial of nearly three years.
Hills replying that his experience at the Norfolk Asylum leads him to an entirely opposite conclusion; and Dr.
It is, indeed, a thing of common experience that the mere feeling of being locked in is sufficient to awaken a desire to get out.
Clouston present not only the general principles of asylum construction, but the minute details of building, in the light of the knowledge and experience of the present day.
I never was in jail for any length of time, but I think I know, from my experience with that problem, just how a prisoner feels when he is set free.
That copy-book looms up again as I think of those logs, and I wonder whether knowledge is power, and whether experience is the best teacher.
That experience was really valuable and caused us to do some thinking.
We keep saying that experience is the best teacher, and then ignore this eloquent forefinger.
He had never had the experience of watching from the schoolhouse window, fervently wishing that no harm might come to them, and that no shadows might come over their lives.
My neighbor John says the most humiliating experience that a man can have is to wear a pair of his son's trousers that have been cut down to fit him.
From my own experience I infer that much of our teaching in the schools doesn't take hold, that the boys and girls tolerate it but do not believe.
Jordan, who came to report his experienceas a member of the commission that had been appointed to adjudicate the controversy between the United States and England touching seal-fishing in the Behring Sea.
It was a rare experience for this young fellow to be around where icebergs are made, and vicariously I shared his experience.
Here among my potatoes I am actuated by motives, I invest the subject with human interest, I experience motor activities, I react, I function, and I go so far as to evaluate.
To me such an experience is what my neighbor John calls "growing weather," and at such a time the bigness of the affair causes me to forget for the time that there are such things as double datives.
This statement startled me a bit at first; but when I got to thinking of my experience in having a photograph of myself made I saw that Mr. Lucas has some warrant for his statement.
Now this very morning I met with an experience which may seem to you incredible.
The young has got all the hope and the old all the experience, and I'd swaap a whole lot of experiencefor a glimmer of hope.
It hath been an old saying amongst Philosophers, and experience doth prove it to be true, Non datur vacuum, that is to say, Nature will not admit of any vacuity, or emptinesse.
As for the tempering of your colours, I can prescribe no surer way then experience with diligent observation.
If we are to comply blindly with their decisions, our knowledge and experience are of no benefit to our country, we only waste time in useless solemnities, and may be once more declared useless to the publick.
Other tastes changed after wider experiencewith the world.
Our growing experience of life may be measured by the books that we read; and conversely, as we cannot have all experience in our own lives, books are necessarily one of the most fruitful sources of growth in experience.
The main point is that this varying ratio depends upon the amount of life-experience that goes into the writing of a book and the amount of life-experience that goes into the reading of it.
We may not follow the supreme tradition of the race to create a newer, sweeter world unless we give heed to its complementary tradition that man's experience cautions him to make a new trail with care.
Reading will tell you which phases of experience have been commonly treated and which have been neglected.
Both have been sailors; and both have utilized their experience as viewed through the medium of their temperaments in a way undreamed of before.
Battles follow in rapid succession, attended with such loud and noisy shrieks, that all the rats in the neighbourhood hasten to the fatal spot, where they experience similar disasters.
An old fellow like myself has little to do in the world, but to talk for the benefit of his neighbours; and I would willingly devote my experience to the service of the rising generation.
He left Osdene Park on protest and returned the same night to London, and all the way back to town tried to register in his mind, unused to analysis, his experience with the Duchess of Breakwater on this last visit.
It will be noted that he did not consider that eight thousand his, till it was safe in his pocket in the form of notes--he had learned by bitter experience to put his trust in nothing but the tangible.
Remain boss of this show and try and make something of the wreckage, or sneak off with nothing to show for the most amazing experienceman ever underwent?
Never in all his experience had he seen such absolute and unaffected self-control.
He paused in his whistling for a moment to laugh softly and exultantly as he thought of the years of experience which were his surest safeguard now.
I've had a very pleasant experience this morning, mon pere.