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Example sentences for "innuendo"

Lexicographically close words:
innovative; innovator; innovators; innoxious; inns; innuendoes; innuendos; innumerable; innumerably; innumerous
  1. There 's no implication or innuendo about; I 'm only too willing to tell you frankly that I am something more than suspicious of you.

  2. I make a possible exception here: Burke's enigmatic conduct while we were examining the hidden safe might be construed as innuendo deliberately planned.

  3. Silence and innuendo are like enemies in invisible ambush.

  4. Silence and innuendo are closely related; both are the most dangerous weapons of the moral coward.

  5. Innuendo is the weapon of Fools, and wisdom shall prevail in candour.

  6. But the urgency of this innuendo penetrated even him; the more so when he saw Tassino leap and fling himself on his knees at the Prince's feet.

  7. Even those of us who repudiate theology and all its works for ourselves, may feel a shock at the coarseness and impurity of innuendo which now and then disfigures Diderot's treatment of theological as of some other subjects.

  8. Even here we have the painful innuendo that a thought which is solemnising and holy to the noble, serves equally well to point a trait of cynical defiance in the ignoble.

  9. When you find the innuendo without the handhold of fact, lick your lips if you are keen on carrion; for I promise that you have come on a morsel.

  10. If she had not been undone from her own bad night, she would have helped their efforts to cover embarrassment; but now a horrible thought came; a thought born of the low innuendo in the scandal story; and the thought finished her.

  11. Still, the innuendo of Randolph was compromising to Mr. Gallatin, and was made the theme of long-continued attacks upon him.

  12. Montaiglon--to-morrow you make your reluctant adieux to Doom and its inexplicable owner, whose surprise and innuendo are altogether too exciting for your good health.

  13. Sofia wondered whether there were not grimly cynic innuendo in those three words which the mystery of choice had affixed to the window-panes and graven so deep into her soul.

  14. And Sofia returned to thoughts to which Victor's innuendo had given definite shape and colour, if with an effect far from that of his intention.

  15. An interruption brusque enough to silence her; or else it was its innuendo that struck the princess dumb with indignation.

  16. A ship beating to windward on the horizon, and a huge truncheon of wreck half buried in the sands at my feet, completed the innuendo of the scene.

  17. Leon commanded his feelings, and replied, with great delicacy of innuendo - "So it would appear.

  18. He therefore approached, and endeavoured, by sundry queries, to elicit from him what the innuendo might mean; but Davie had no mind to explain, and had wit enough to make his folly cloak his knavery.

  19. You yourself, like present company generally, always, of course, form one of the striking and praiseworthy exceptions to every vile masculine innuendo aimed at the real or supposed peculiarities of 'most women.

  20. Mr. O'Donovan smiled at her that placid gentle smile, devoid of all vulgar innuendo or nonsense, with which an old gentleman can sometimes show that he reads the secret of a young girl's bosom.

  21. To this evidence I lent a careful ear, and could not but perceive that though there was little fact in the recital, yet innuendo so fitted with innuendo that it might well have weight with a jury already inclined to believe.

  22. Week after week the North Briton grew more severe in its strictures upon the Government, strictures that scorned the veil of hint and innuendo that had hitherto prevailed in these pamphleteering wars.

  23. That penny-liners could make coarse reference or express vague innuendo about this pure-minded, sensitive girl seemed horrible.

  24. The word hysteria carries an innuendo of imaginativeness or occasionally of affection of the sexual organs that is unfortunate.

  25. Whenever feelings were complained of, for which there was no actual basis in the hypochondriac region, it came to be spoken of as hypochondriasis, a word that has an innuendo of imaginativeness about it.

  26. I suppose she meant this as an innuendo that I was not, therefore, accustomed to such good company.

  27. Now, whether this artful girl did it on purpose, or whether it was by accident, I know not: but every word of this speech contained an innuendo against poor Miss Peggy.

  28. The presser jerked out an innuendo still more far-reaching than his first.

  29. Her innuendo struck Mrs. Kavarsky as extremely ingenious, and, egged on by the dogged silence of her auditor, she ventured a step further.

  30. Rather, he indulges in the innuendo which is far more dangerous to the party attacked.

  31. Here, in the gentle art of innuendo and belittling, if not in the conjurer's art, Robert-Houdin is a master.

  32. Once, when he spoke in his innuendo of my father, I ran from the room to restrain some act of violence; I know not what I should have done.

  33. The interpretation of the doctor's innuendo struck me then.

  34. Therefore lett no man marveile that in case of heresie the Soveraigne looseth his superiority over his people and kingedome (innuendo per illud quod dicta domina Regina nunc perderet superioritatem super subditos suos).

  35. I should to a certainty have been over head and ears in love, had not Maunsell's innuendo respecting the young dragoon operated as a damper.

  36. Well, here was a load of anxiety removed, and Maunsell's mischievous innuendo satisfactorily explained away.

  37. But by obvious innuendo he confirmed Anthony's melancholy inference that the prodigal grandson would be particularly unwelcome at the bedside.

  38. It was barred from the public library of Burlington, Iowa, and a Mid-Western columnist announced by innuendo that Richard Caramel was in a sanitarium with delirium tremens.

  39. Some by-thought recalling the Weringrode's innuendo that he was in love without his knowledge, moved him to laugh outright if strangely, an unpleasant laugh that held as much of pain as of derision.

  40. There was something one must not forget, something that gave the lie flatly to that innuendo of the Weringrode's.

  41. A trace of asperity marred the music of those tones; Mr. Blensop further indicated distaste of the innuendo inherent in Lanyard's use of the word "employer" by delicately wrinkling his nose.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "innuendo" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.