But the third, a woman of more mischievous temper and malignant disposition, scorning the unanimous kindness of her sisters, and likewise wishing to mar their gifts, marked the future character of the boy with the slur of niggardliness.
The slur on my name and honor--that's all apart from myself.
But he regarded such a refusal as a slur on his father's memory, which he held sacred, and therefore would not hear of refusing and accepted the inheritance together with the obligation to pay the debts.
Now that is a terribleslur upon an innocent woman who has to earn her own living, Lady Caroline; and I really must beg that you and Margaret will set yourselves to remove it.
As soon as she could get over her intense feeling that a slur was thrown on her father's memory by this very speedy second marriage of his widow, her common-sense told her that she might be very glad.
And his third wound truly was a blessed one, a slight one, and taken in the proper course of things, without a slur upon any of his comrades.
After the fog and the slur of the day, to see the sky at all was joyful, although there was but a white moon upon it, and faint stars gliding hazily.
Why, here is another misstatement; the judge never said he aggravated his offense by trying to cast a slur upon the Wardlaws.
Three Fishes azure, could be placed without grievous slur on the cold and ancient blood of the Three Fishes?
The plea was a shallow one, and Glyn declined to accede to their request, as being prejudicial to himself and as casting a slur upon his profession.
M272) Waller’s appointment was a distinct slur upon Essex, about whom some rumours had been spread in order to prejudice him in the eyes of the City.
He had not forgotten the slur of the captain and had spirit enough to resent it.
And Ike knows that I would be the last person in the world to slur a gentleman from whom I as well as the others have received so much instruction.
A liturgy, for example, is intolerable, because it is a slur upon the extemporary effusions of ministers of the Gospel.
In reading, every word must be rendered clearly and articulately; to drop one out, or to slur it over, is to take a stone from an arch.
To slur over the faults and failings of the great is not only inartistic: it is also faint-hearted and unjust.
Froude to 'stump South Africa' in advocacy of a scheme of federation devised in Downing Street, Sir Charles condemned a mission which seemed to him to cast a slur on the local Colonial governments.
I also refused to join the Republican Club formed at Cambridge University, though I am far from wishing to cast a slur on those Liberal politicians--Professor Fawcett and others--who did join it.
The most uncalled-for slur upon the conduct of his lieutenants probably occurs in his testimony before the Committee on the Conduct of the War.
They are petty in some small things, notably in jealousy lest one man do more work, or make more money, than another: to say a man is doing well is to throw out a slur against him.
Fetyukovitch succeeded in casting a slur on all of them, and dismissing them with a certain derision.
No slur on the profession is intended by this suggestion.
The fact that a slur at Walter was mixed up in it tied her tongue.
After all, disdainful silence would have been much more effective in meeting the slur upon Walter.
Having now attained the summit of his ambition, as rector and justice of the peace, his overweening presumption and conceit became daily more conspicuous; and therefore this slur upon his consequence was intolerable.
Neither by laying too much emphasis on its beauty do I mean to cast an oblique slur upon the golf itself, a great deal of which is very good.
He once took great offense at having his manners, and particularly this habit of gruffness, compared to the manners of a Pawnee Indian, and expressed his contempt for the author of the slur in a public manner.
There was more than one slur on the Colonel that made people shy of him; but the blot of the Diamond is all I need mention here.
This cruel and wholly unnecessary desertion of their friends has thrown a slur upon the memory of Sarsfield and the other leaders who conducted the negotiations.
She would and did reproach them herself; she used to boast that she never spared them, but no one else might touch them with the slightest slur of a passing word.
Poor Osborne might have known better than to cast this sluron his father's flesh and blood; for so dear did he hold his watch!
He manages to sow suspicion in the mind of the least suspicious, and to cast a sluron the character of the most innocent.