He put the duplicatein the envelope, sealed it carefully, put the original in his pocket, and in ten minutes was abed and asleep.
Her own mother was only a half-forgotten fact, a sort of duplicate mother, who vanished when she was almost a baby.
To hear herself spoken of as a duplicate again, after fifty years, carried with it an inexplicable thrill.
The diamonds and the rings, although valued at thirty thousand pounds, he could easily replace, but the personal associations of the seal were such that nothing, no amount of money, could duplicate the lost ruby.
Those, for instance, of Hardwin may be recognized in the duplicate entries in Domesday Book, representing the conflicting claims.
Mr Hamilton's book, we find that of the twelve estates grasped by Hardwin, all but one or two can be identified as the subject of duplicate entries in Domesday.
He was the smallest offender of the three, and Picot the worst; but it is Hardwin's name which occurs most frequently in these duplicate entries.
This brings me to the existence and the value of duplicateentries in Domesday.
There is one instance of a duplicate entry of another character, relating to half a virgate (D.
These books, in a progression from the lowest Councils to the highest Presidency, are ordered to be transmitted, duplicate and triplicate, by every ship that sails to Europe.
Resolved that the state geologist be and he hereby is authorized and requested to examine and report to the next legislature what duplicate specimens of the natural history of Michigan are in his department of the University.
These cutters are often made in sets for boring duplicate parts.
Two duplicate sets of tools are clamped to each side of the turret and these operate simultaneously on the two pieces held in the chucks or on faceplates.
The extent to which modern turning machines have been developed, especially for turning duplicate parts in quantity, is illustrated by the design of turret lathe the turret and head of which is shown in Fig.
This machine has two spindles and a large flat turret which holds a double set of tools, so that two duplicate castings or forgings can be turned at the same time.
For turning a duplicate part, the tools are simply brought to the same position by turning the feed screws until the clips and stationary pointers again coincide.
The horizontal boring machine also makes it possible to machine duplicate parts without the use of jigs, which is important, especially on large work, owing to the cost of jigs.
An example of the specialized machines now used for producing duplicate parts, is shown in Fig.
Furthermore, the adjustment of the tailstock center must be changed when turning duplicate tapers, unless the length of each piece and the depth of the center holes are the same.
The cutters can then be easily set for boring duplicate work.
These clips or "observation stops" are used in the production of duplicate parts.
But it is not intended to convey the idea that other models may not be made in duplicate as in many cases it is very desirable and even preferable that they should be made that way.
The commanding officer certifies that the duplicate and triplicate are exact copies of the original.
This form is made out in duplicate for periods of from 10 days to a month.
A very careful best man carries a duplicate ring, in case of one being lost during the ceremony.
This duplicate order from the Long Parliament was a double blow to the colony of Massachusetts Bay, and produced general consternation; but the dexterity and diplomacy of the colony were equal to the occasion.
The sphere in which he operates has no duplicate in military activities; his bravery, boldness, and daring are unexcelled.
The inauguration of liquor as a duplicate for God's greatest manifestation of Himself--the infilling of the Holy Spirit--was a master stroke.
The fallen Lucifer knew from the beginning that his work must necessarily be in competition with the Son of God; therefore he has invested his genius to originate a duplicate for all that Christ has done for us.
As regards the sailing of the ships on the account of your Majesty, and not that of private persons, I have already written the weighty reasons, and send herewith a duplicate of the letter in which they are set forth.
Let examination be made of the provisions made in clauses 9 to 21, that came recently with the duplicate of this letter.
An unsigned duplicate of this vase was acquired by the Boston Museum at the same time.
The artists seem to have worked from slight sketches, and according to their individual feelings and ideas, and as duplicate designs are quite unknown, there was clearly no system of copying.
These should be forwarded in duplicate in registered letters, and by different mails, so that a loss of one will not be likely to mean the loss of both.
The arrangement of the Dacian tablets differed in this respect, that page 4 was waxed, and that the duplicate copy was begun on that page in the space on the left of the groove, that on the right being reserved for the names of the witnesses.
On page 5 an abstract or duplicate of the deed, as required by law, was inscribed.
There are eight hydraulic installations on the canal, each having duplicate steam-engines and boilers; the mains exceed 7 m.
Janus-faced lock, one having duplicatefaces so as to go upon a right or a left hand door, the key entering on either side indifferently.
The third: even were he free, in a family like his own where marriage usually meant a tragic sadness, marriage with a blood-relation would duplicate the adverse conditions, and a tragic sadness might be intensified to a tragic horror.
It was a duplicate of the one she had given Jude, and would have given to any man.
The wings are represented as striking vertically downwards, as the annexed duplicate of Borelli's figure shows (fig.
When accepted by both nations duplicate parchment copies are made, and both copies are signed by the chief officers of each country and then exchanged.
After the boys had returned to Enterprises, Tom phoned Arv Hanson and asked that a duplicate of the hydrolung be turned out in the shop as soon as possible.
A woman in a calico dress, with two children, each an exact duplicate of the other, had come quickly down the road.