The evolutionary and devolutionary lines run in precisely opposite directions, are easily differentiated and defined, are usually recognized by observation and by the individual himself.
They are drawn from common observation and experience, and are verified by the facts of daily life--generally complicated, confused, or lost sight of in treatises on psychology.
Our Theorem is the method of use that, by experience and observation everywhere, has been demonstrated as Constructive, enabling the Individual to build toward, and to realize the Modulus.
We were to sail again at noon so available time for observation was short and we set out in a ricksha at once for our first near view of terraced gardening on the steep hillsides in Japan.
We had reached Mukden thoroughly tired after a long day of continuous close observation and writing.
Mexican, per day and to continue the journey through the night, leaving the day for observation in the hills.
I am not alone in thisobservation of your proceedings.
Hanging in the air, and all but invisible to the naked eye, was the bloated, caterpillar-shape of a German observation balloon.
Direct your observation in the same way upon a fellow-being to whom the fulfilment of some wish, the gratification of some desire has just been granted.
It is to be expected, of course, that your observation will be interrupted, because the person on whom it is directed will not remain in this particular state of mind for a sufficient length of time.
Only he who has already gained some certainty in his observation of inner experiences ought to speak about them with the idea of thereby stimulating his fellow-beings.
The impatience which would naturally overcome him vanishes, and an interval which would otherwise have been wasted in the expression of impatience may be utilized by making some profitable observation during the period of waiting.
It must be the aim of self-education to see that the faculties for a psychic observation of human nature go hand in hand with a full recognition of the rights of each individual.
Anyone exercising such powers of observation should have risen to the level on which one is absolutely convinced that thoughts are actual things.
An observation hole had been cut in the doorway, and the jailers were given instructions to visit the prisoners' cells every two hours, day and night.
Also, by dead reckoning, we are three hundred and seventy-eight miles from Lowestoft, and I can't take an observation because of this fog.
And yet the writer who made the above observation says that when confined in a box, the sides of which are of unequal thickness, the deer mouse, on attempting to gnaw out, almost invariably attacks the thinnest side.
He is incapable of disinterested observation, which means he is incapable of observation at all in the true sense.
My own observation of the wild creatures has revealed nothing so near to human thought and reflection as is seen in the cases of the collie and pointer dogs above referred to.
Thus the whole of the complicated machinery of Ptolemy had been reduced to three simple laws, which at the same time represented the facts of observation much better than any possible development of the Ptolemaic mechanism.
All science rests on sight and thought, on ordered observation and reasoned deduction; but both sight and thought were earlier trained to the service of astronomy than of the other physical sciences.
It brought out, in a higher degree, ordered observation and ordered thought.
Indeed the measurement of time by observation of the movements of the heavenly bodies was the beginning of astronomy.
Quite a distinct and important department of astronomy has arisen dealing with the continual observation and measurement of these objects.
In London, too, musicians will do anything to get money, and some delicious facts came under my observation there.
On this point we have one more observation to make, that further causes for diversity exist.
My reasons for the faith I had in the practicability of artesian wells being bored in Georgia was a matter of thought and observation extending from my boyhood.
At first my ideas of its origin were only vague and crude, but became more definite and crystallized as time went on, and as I added to my observation and thought on the subject.
Unskilled as he is in the reading of character, unaccustomed to the observation of faces, there is no mistaking, even in the sailor's mind, the look in the eyes of Revere.
Reaumur made another curious observation on glass, which has been, since his time, employed very successfully to explain the appearances of many of our trap-rocks.
This opinion was founded chiefly on a curious observation of Fahrenheit, recorded by Boerhaave; namely, that water might in some cases be made considerably colder than melting snow, without freezing.
Tin, also, must have been in common use in the time of Moses; for it is mentioned without any observation as one of the common metals.
Paracelsus acted very considerately, when he ascribed these virtues principally to the stars, and affirmed that the observation of favourable constellations is an indispensable condition in the employment of these medicines.
The observationthat "what was excommunicated by one church was excommunicated by all," seems to point to a more perfect unity in the Patrician Church than existed during the second half of the sixth century.
The only observation he makes in reference to Ireland is that there were islands round the coast, and that some were small, and others very small.
We certainly know of no other work of a similar character to which Jocelin's observation can apply, and if there were any other similar work we certainly should have heard of it either as a lost or an extant work.
The same uncertainty must be applied to theobservation of passing birds in inland localities.
Each species presents a separate problem, to be solved for the most part only by patient, pains-taking observation and by the recognition of sub-species.
The other is an observation of a "bird wave" by Mr P.
A myth, founded on mistaken observation as well as upon mere speculation was, and to some extent still is, that the larger migrants assist the passage of the weaker ones.
Stebbins and Mr Carpenter worked out a scheme for ascertaining heights by simultaneous observationfrom different points.
For a solitary remark uttered at the conclusion of this relation and fully confirmed as to its justness by an observation of the dog, his only other human prop for this enterprise was discarded.
Some of the most humorous of his letters which have come under the observation of his clerical friends, were addressed to the secretary of one of them.
Such an observation has been made, by Sir James Mackintosh, on the style of Addison.
Nothing would so help the run of teachers as the background, the observation and feeling, that would come from an intimate knowledge of the out-of-doors in the vicinity of their schoolrooms.
The mother-passion, so far as my observation goes, plays no part whatever in the life of reptiles.
Facts are amenable to observation and experiment, but merely alleged facts do not stand the laboratory tests.
His theory of descent was already latent in his mind, as is evinced by an observationhe made about the relationship in South America between the extinct and the living forms.
His patient and painstaking observation is a lesson to all nature students.
The minuteness of his observation and the significance of its subject-matter are a lesson to all observers.
But at his best there is a gay symbolism, a felicity of description, and a freshness of observation that delight all readers.
But it was very helpful to our warships for observation purposes.
The nearest thing we had was an observation balloon, looking for all the world like a huge German sausage suspended in mid-air.
Some activity behind the Turkish trenches attracted the attention of our artillery observation officers, and our guns boomed out a warning.
One day a shell cut a telephone line between our observation post and a battery.
With this preliminary observation let us ask what will be the Kamskadale for seven when nittanu = two, and kumdas = five.
In the present, the author hazards a fresh observation--an observation on a population often associated with the Agathyrsi, viz.
The habit of accurate observation is by no means so difficult as is darkly signified by logicians, nor yet so easy as is vainly fancied by empirics.
The foundation of the present scepticism originated in the observation that the supposed national existence of the Seres coincided with the introduction of the term seric into languages where ic- was an adjectival affix.
There is an expenditure of exertion where your industry outruns your materials, and there is a loss of useful facts when occasions for observation are neglected.
Pan Stanislav who, in spite of his temperament, had powers of observation rather well developed, began to make strange discoveries in those spheres to which his relatives gave him access.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "observation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.