Clip-quadrat studies confirmed this observation and showed the bluegrass understory to be especially heavy.
Ein Quadratzu zeichnen, welches so gross ist wie ein gegebenes Rechteck; mit anderen Worten, ein gegebenes Rechteck PBDE in ein an Inhalt gleiches Quadrat zu verwandeln.
And yf it be not quadratthe rote of the most quadrat fynde out, vnder the nombre p{ro}posed{e}.
The rote of a nombre quadratis þat nombre that is had of hym-self, as twies .
The more meene thus, as to bryng{e} the rote of the lesse into a quadrat of the more.
And here-by it is open that o nombre is the roote of a quadrat and of a cubik{e}.
Therfor yf thow wilt the rote of any quadrat nombre draw out, write the nombre by his differences, and compt the nombre of the figures, and wete yf it be od{e} or even.
The lesse thus, If the rote of the more be brought Into the quadrat of the lesse.