The effect of this successful stratagem was a short superiority on the side of the Britons.
A stratagem (in the words of our authority) to protract time, and work upon advantage.
Others saw in this offer nothing more than a temporary stratagem of the Protestants by which they hoped to bind the court and keep it irresolute until they should have gained sufficient strength to confront it.
The queen depends On you, and will the readier make a show Of mercy; and I may prevail on her To give an audience to her adversary; And by this stratagem we tie her hands Yes!
The camels of either party were for some time divided; but the Ras, after trying the stratagem of advance without shaking his rival's resolution, finally yielded up the point with a bad grace, and all set up their staff.
Spohr's Stratagem to be present at the Erfurt Musical Celebration given by Napoleon in Honor of the Allied Sovereigns.
Enraged to madness at the failure of his stratagem in the morning, he gnashed his teeth and rushed after the fugitives, with all the fury depicted on his countenance of a demon let loose from the infernal regions of Pluto.
I knew that Rube's death or capture could not have benefited me; but I could not help reflecting on the strange stratagem by which the old fox had saved himself.
As I had no hopes of obtaining her otherwise, it was my design to have entered their country alone, or with a tried comrade, and bystratagem to have carried her off.
He pursued the stratagem which had already succeeded so well.
The Banattee achieved this feat by adopting a stratagem which invariably deceives those who are ignorant of their habits and tactics.
By this stratagem the Indians had approached on the present occasion almost within rifle range before they were discovered, and it required the utmost speed of the hunters' horses to enable them to avoid being overtaken.
Whoever takes by force or stratagem that which is not the product of his labor, destroys his social character--he is a brigand.
Such was one of the first known instances in which this memorable stratagem was played off against the liberty of a Grecian community.
To accomplish this object, one final stratagem was resorted to.
Some such stratagem had been considered probable by Confucius, and the instant the danger became imminent he rushed to the altar and led away the duke.
By this stratagem he succeeded for a time in deceiving the enemy as to his movements.
Guapo knew all this, but he also knew a stratagem by which the amphibious brute could be outwitted, and thisstratagem he designed putting in practice.
It is by stratagem it succeeds in taking its prey--a very singular stratagem too.
It is extraordinary that any artist should have chosen such a subject for his pencil; but should this be a portrait of the times, it shows that this strange stratagem had excited public attention.
He resolved to baptize the impostor--which only the more convinced Psalmanazar that Innes was one himself; for before this time Innes had practised a stratagem on him which had clearly shown what sort of a man his Formosan was.
His transcendent qualities were opening to the view; but they were nipped in the bud by the base stratagem of a beaten foe.
The character that they bear with their savage brethren is that they are much more to be dreaded for their deceit and inclination for stratagem than for their open courage.
But this stratagem being at last discovered, Semiramis was obliged to retreat, after having lost a great part of her [915]army.
The Hivites of Canaan Proper were those, who by a stratagem obtained a treaty with [1164]Joshua.
Wherein is related the stratagem practised by Sancho, of enchanting the Lady Dulcinea; with other events no less ludicrous than true 198 XLIII.
Let me die, now, if this be not a stratagem of the evil-minded necromancers that haunt me, to stop my way.
Wherein is related the stratagem practised by Sancho, of enchanting the Lady Dulcinea; with other events no less ludicrous than true.
But I was afraid to present my son with his ugly face to you and to your father, and so we had recourse to a stratagem and made Voivode your groom temporarily in order to succeed in bringing thee away in peace.
He employed a stratagem of an extraordinary kind, in a sea-fight.
It is said that Perseus long after used the samestratagem against the Romans; but neither of them succeeded in this artifice.
Hanno, seeing his stratagem defeated, resolved to employ open force, and for that purpose armed all the slaves.