I am determined to live in an atmosphere of refinement and luxury, and to take from provincial life only what makes its charm.
For during sleep the skin, being less active, does not perform its functions adequately; it becomes warm and covered with a sort of mist or atmosphere of sticky matter, visible to the eye.
Your soul expands in the atmosphere of a lawful passion.
He cries very little too now, for he is conscious of the love bestowed on him; indeed, I hardly ever leave him, and I strive to wrap him round in the atmosphere of my love.
The heavy atmosphere likewise, and the necessity of living within doors or in confined localities, cannot but exercise an influence on the character and temperament of the inhabitants.
The seedlings when large enough to handle are placed either singly in very small pots or several in a pot or shallow pan, and put in a bottom heat, in a moist atmosphere with a temperature from 60 deg.
In town and country the atmosphere seemed charged with coming ruin.
The atmosphere was strangely disturbed on more than one occasion.
For like the upas tree, if it is permitted to take root and grow, its proportions would soon become alarming, while its poisonous influence would pollute the atmosphere with misery, ruin, rapine and death.
Work is the only remedy for pettiness of spirit, and active employment the only atmosphere for the nobler products of the soul.
He sees he is but a half-man working in an atmosphere of silver-grey.
The light was the same as ever, the thunderous atmosphere unchanged.
When I came to myself, it seemed to me that there was a change in the atmosphere and the light.
To be out of doors in the air was something, though there was no wind, but a motionless still atmosphere which nothing disturbed.
She began to know them all now, as her vision became accustomed to the atmosphere of the earth.
Such words sank into Madeleine's spirit, took deep root there, and, growing in the bleak atmosphereof adversity, bore vigorous fruit in good season.
Count Tristan returned her salutation, but looked strangely uncomfortable, as though the atmosphere oppressed and chilled him.
Madeleine, who shrank from all strife, who moved in an atmosphere of harmony, which seemed to envelop her wherever she went, would not lift her hand to sever the sacred bond of union between father and son, grandmother and grandchild.
In an atmosphere where others attract evil this individual attracts good.
I put my cases on a complete fast, give no drugs, apply ice to the region of the appendix, keep the feet warm, and keep the patient in an atmosphere of hope and belief in his recovery, and a recovery always follows.
The atmosphere of the college and town was unsuited to Methodists, and they were looked upon as unfit for the society of the so-called best people.
A full moon was flooding the landscape with a brilliance not surpassed in the crystal atmosphere of Denver.
A marvelous atmosphere made all things visible with microscopic fidelity.
He had brought with him the atmosphere of London, of the pleasant life that London offers to those who can buy her favors.
Well, then, this crystalatmosphere does not lend itself to the obvious.
The atmosphereis full of electricity this morning.
For he finds it very helpful to live in the atmosphere of his story while doing the actual writing and he also avoids frequent interruption.
In the smell of bilge-water, tar, and the foetidatmosphere generally his clouded brain awoke to the fact that he was on board ship, but resolutely declined to inform him how he got there.
For the atmosphere was stifling and odorous, and the ceiling descended in an odd bulging curve to within a couple of feet of his head.
In the scented, sensual atmosphere of the harem, he learnt things his mother would have kept from him.
It seemed to Annette that in this profligate atmosphere her boy was drifting further and further away from her and his own nation; becoming daily more akin to the barbaric people around him.
Then the atmosphere cleared somewhat, and they lay in the thick darkness straining their ears for any sound, but heard nothing.
It was essentially necessary, he said, that the atmosphere of our boroughs should be cleansed and purified from the taint of corruption.
In their millions they have perished; but somewhere, coiled up, as it were, and sealed under the snow, there must have been the mothers and germs of the equally vast crowds that will fill the atmosphere this year.
The atmosphere has collected as the shadow collects in the distant corner of a room--it is the shadow of the summer wind.
Yet the midsummer hum, the deep humming sound in the atmosphere above, has been loud and persistent over the hayfields, so that there must have been the usual myriads of the insects that cause this sound.
To transplant them to the freer atmosphere of a great city, or of the Far West, is the only means of cure.
As the hum of insects high in the atmosphere of midsummer suits and fits to the roses and the full green meads, so the hum of the threshing suits to the yellowing leaf and drowsy air of autumn.
In the evening, fourteen black swifts rushing together through the upper atmosphere with shrill cries, sometimes aside and on the tip of one wing, with a whirl descending, a black trail, to the tiled ridge they dwell in.
The absence of electrical disturbance shows a peculiar state of atmosphere unfavourable to growth, so that the corn will not hide a partridge, and in some places hardly a sparrow.
East of the Mississippi, there is too much damp in the atmosphere for such a long soft fur.
Traps, poison, deadfalls, pens are the Indian weapons against the skunk; and a Cree will deliberately skin and stretch a pelt in anatmosphere that is blue with what is poison to the white man.
Woodcraft, exemplified in the calling of its most skilful devotees, is painted in pictures which breathe the very atmosphere of that life of stream and forest which has not lost its appeal even in these days of urban centralization.
By this time the whole atmosphere of the place seemed to reek with the suffocating fumes of blood, which acted like intoxication on the brutalised passions of the multitude.
It was not something future, but a condition of which they breathed the atmosphere both here and now.
She had not been trained in an atmosphere which made her suppose that there was anything sinful in her relations with the Emperor.
He kept aloof from Christians, for he never heard them mentioned except with contempt and hatred, and he liked the atmosphere of compliment and pleasure.
Owing to the suffocating atmosphere of over-peopled prisons in the malarious autumn air, a dangerous form of typhoid had broken out among the Christians.
When he comes out into the normal atmosphere the bubble is caught and remains.
But it don't signify much so long's I get out of that infernal cut-throat atmosphere of London.
She seemed to perceive no atmosphere of conventionality between person and person; it was brain to brain, direct; and no pausing to judge of the effect of sentences.
He lived in an atmosphere of distrust, he was often insolent, and always suspicious.
International policy, he once wrote, is “a fluid element which under certain conditions will solidify, but on a change of atmosphere reverts to its original condition.
Inured to an atmosphere of misery, he felt but little of the painful compassion, the mingled horror and pity which almost overwhelmed that benevolent man.
The atmosphere was bland as spring-time, and though the sun was going down when they drove up to the hotel at Arezzo, Isabel entered it reluctantly, the twilight was so beautiful.
She had made the atmosphere of those sick wards redolent with fragrance.
As she bore her treasure along the fever ward, scenting the pestilential atmosphere with their pure breath, the sick turned their languid faces toward her, greedily inhaling the transient sweetness.
Thus her mind grew and thrived in its own rich fancies; and in the wholesome atmosphere of the old homestead her heart expanded and lost nothing of its native goodness.
She did not know it, but the atmosphere of prayers, unheard save in heaven, was around her.
This was not alone because habit had familiarized one to a bright circulation of mountain air and mountain music, and the other to the sluggish atmosphere and repulsive scents inseparable from the poverty-stricken districts of a city.
All this seemed like the very atmosphereof paradise to those little girls, after their dreary sojourn in the pestilential gloom of Bellevue.
Of a sudden, however, the atmosphere seemed to be overpoweringly oppressive with the odour of heliotrope.
The atmosphere of the place was close on account of the charcoal stove, and the barely-furnished room smelt of some disinfectant.
Dark clouds hang heavy over their paths--the atmosphere is chokin' and stiflin'.
There wuz some divine atmosphere of Truth and Reality about this idee that reached her heart and mind.
Though you couldn't see the face of this veiled shape, a mysterious, dretful atmosphere darkened and surrounded it, and you knew that its name wuz Death.
Unhappily, in our days, the atmosphere which surrounds that holy altar you speak of, is so thick with perjuries, that an honest man can hardly breathe therein.
Thundering down the side of the hill, rushing, and roaring, and devastating in its course, came an immense shapeless mass of a dim hue, raising a sort of misty atmosphere round itself as it fell.