This second charge had reference to Mr. Trotter, who, it was said, appropriated the public money to private purposes, at the express connivance of Lord Melville.
Léon Faucher, and others, denounced the connivance of the executive committee with a state of things that must speedily destroy France.
Connivance is a relaxation from slavery, not a definition of liberty.
Take it under the description of those who would soften those features, the state of slavery and connivance is the same thing.
He thinksconnivance consistent, but legal toleration inconsistent, with the interests of Christianity.
Sudeley’s connection and connivance at the frauds perpetrated by Sir William Sharington was also made a count of his indictment.
If the horrors perpetrated by Somerset himself during that expedition were execrable, those committed with his knowledge and connivance in the same forlorn country under Edward VI were even more atrocious.
No love, no devotedness, could efface the remembrance of her connivance at that deep-laid plot which had imposed her upon him as a wife.
The murmurs of the chiefs were stifled by honor or interest; and after a halt of nine days, they directed their march towards Phrygia under the guidance of a Greek general, whom they suspected of a secret connivance with the sultan.
She knew that they must think she was silly, but having entered by Dan's connivance upon her folly, she was too proud to abandon it.
There is good ground to believe that he connived at their escape, and purposely held back from the attack as a traitor in connivance with some influential persons in the Durbar.
The defendant won on the ground of connivance of the parents of the girl.
No person possessing the least degree of intelligence will be convinced that the conspiracy of Moreau, Georges, Pichegru, and the other persons accused would ever have occurred but for the secret connivance of Fouche's police.
Polignac and de Riviere--Connivance of the police--Arrest of M.
I have always thought that this robbery could not have been effected without the connivance of the painter.
Giovanni-Galeazzo was suspected of connivance with Bajazet, both in bringing the Christians to fight at a disadvantage, and in putting the Turks on the way of obtaining the heaviest ransoms.
In any case, I am led to believe that it was Lamartine's tergiversations and his semi-connivance with the enemy that saved us, while it ruined him.
Catiline was acquitted, apparently through a special selection of the judges, with the connivance of the prosecutor.
While Sertorius was defying the Senate in Spain and the pirates were buying its connivance in the Mediterranean, Mithridates started into life again in Pontus.
A hundred and twenty thousand of them were now settled near Belfort, and between the Vosges and the Rhine, with the connivance of the Sequani.
The honest Dublin jurors were therefore cast into prison and heavily fined, while the prelate was once again transferred to London, whence he a second time escaped by the connivance of his jailor.
By the connivance and assistance of immediate, or former servants, they are led to the places where the most valuable, as well as the most portable, articles are deposited, and the object is speedily attained.
In many instances where goods could not be plundered through the connivance of watchmen, it was no uncommon thing to cut lighters adrift, and to follow them to a situation calculated to elude discovery where the pillage commenced.
Learn, too, that beneath the threshold of my mansion lieth a souterrain whereof no man is ware: so do thou conceal me therein with the connivance of my spouse Shaghaftini.
But the evidence obtained was sufficient to show on how colossal a scale the frauds were practised, with the co-operation or connivance of both parties.
Of course, it was impossible thus to cheat the Civil Service examinations without the connivance of some of the officials, and this connivance had to be paid for at a price.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "connivance" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.