A charming episode in the life of Bullinger was the springing up of the friendship with Lady Jane Grey, then a young and studious girl of fourteen.
This episode made no difference in the general plan.
The curious and touching episode known as the Kappeler Milchsuppe took place here.
This was not due, however, either to the delay caused in hoisting the obstreperous cow on board or to the embarrassing episode that occurred after she was shipped.
During the sad episode that had occurred the wind had risen, beginning to blow pretty strongly from the westwards.
That he would get over the little episode without any serious injury to his heart no one doubted; but then what would occur when the declaration was made?
The spot at which this episode had taken place was so romantic that I determined to make a sketch of it, and the shades of evening were closing in so fast that they warned me to hurry if I would reach the town before dark.
And now, although he had meant nothing at all to her except an episode already forgotten, to meet him again had instantly meant something to her.
He thought of her for a while, recollecting details of the episodeand realising that he didn't even know her name.
All of which brings me to the episode of the Sick Boy, and if I dwell on it at some length I do so intentionally for the comfort and better encouragement of those battling with the same disease.
There was one episode which I can give with Tree's actual words, for I wrote them down at the time, as a supreme example of the art of "leg-pulling.
On one occasion in Colombo, in Ceylon, there was an unrehearsed episode in a juggler's performance.
In this episode the sunny spirit of Nance was brought prettily into the foreground.
In the beautifulepisode of the Elysian fields, in the Aeneid, where he dexterously introduced a glorious display of their country, he had touched the most elastic springs of Roman enthusiasm.
For sentiment, passion, and interesting description, the episode of Dido is a master-piece in poetry.
She got down Ariosto and began to read to me the adventure of Ricciardetto with Fiordespina, an episode which gives its beauty to the twenty-ninth canto of that beautiful poem which I knew by heart.
The episode also occurs in a more logical position than in Bohemian.
But the funny part about the whole business was that Basil knew nothing about the tortoise episode until after the tea cosy was removed.
The episode of Guilthead and Plutarchus in Act 3 is only slightly connected with the main plot.
The second act opens with theepisode of Merecraft’s plot to gull Fitzdottrel.
And there for the time being the episode of the little image venders ended.
It has been suggested (by Professor Brandl) that the episode of the king’s disguise in green is an intentional variation of the episode in the Third Fytte, where the Sheriff of Nottingham is forced to wrap himself in a green mantle.
Only the great gallantry of high-spirited young men could have done that, and it is an episode which proved the quality of New Zealand troops on that morning of the battle, so keen to do well, so reckless of the cost.
It was the most deadly episode of the day, but the Germans paid a ghastly price for this resistance, and 300 German dead lie on that ground round the old ruins of Middle Farm behind the wire.
Apart from the fleeting glories of Agincourt, there is no outstanding event of transcendent interest, no episode of which Englishmen may be honourably proud.
The characteristics both of the primitive and the modern epic are their uniform metre, simplicity of construction, concentration of action into a short time, and the use of episode and dialogue.
This episode commences with a visit which Mihrab pays to Zal, who receives him with distinguished honor, entertains him at a sumptuous banquet, and they separate with mutual respect.
The Mona were aged people, without sexual passions; hence thisepisode presents a situation out of the ordinary.
And may I add that from the first I found that episode of the false archdeacon entirely convincing.
Everyone said so until Mr. Gladstone wrote that he found the episodequite convincing.
After Aden the sky clouded; metaphorically, with the coming end of this wonderful episode in Lucy's life, materially with some tiresome manifestations of the monsoon.
This was too serious an episodeto be passed by without investigation.
Thus in the episodeof Devayani and Carmishtha, when the former wishes to know who is the father of the three sons of Carmishtha, so similar to the sons of immortals, she turns to them, and they tell her at once.
The change of wives also occurs in a graceful form (with a variation of the episode of the beauty thrown into the fountain) in the twelfth of the Contes Merveilleux of Porchat, Paris, 1863.
And in this way the episode is connected with the essential legend of the Mahabharatam, and one and the same general myth is multiplied into an infinity of particular legends.
I shall therefore content myself with quoting from the legend of Feridun the episode of his old age, which reminds us of the Vedic myth of the three brothers.
I remember the episode to which you refer," I replied.
At the time when the episode occurred to which I have referred, Dr.
And," I added, "it was evidently after this episode that I had the privilege of visiting that interesting establishment.
The episode of the dead mouse (in a disused cupboard under the stairs) had proved the culminating point in her campaign against disorder.
It seemed to him a page torn from a past life, this unexpected meeting with her; the whole hateful episode a story skimmed through and forgotten.
One later episode was not on a hillside, and except for les demoiselles in Paris, equally harmless.
It is an episode on which it is now unnecessary to dwell, and Dr.