Weather at sea, weather on the mountains, he couldforetell it always.
These spirits often foretell men's deaths by several signs, as knocking, groanings, &c.
Latin: and Rhasis knew another, that could prophecy in her fit, and foretell things truly to come.
Six screeches foretell the coming of guests; seven, mental distress; eight, sudden death; and nine signify favourable results.
If a crow keeps on cawing incessantly at a house, it is believed toforetell the coming of a guest.
From the way these float on the liquid they foretell whether the house will be lucky or unlucky, whether it will stand for a long or short period, and whether another will ever be erected on its site.
Careful observers may foretell the hour, (By sure prognostics,) when to dread a shower.
Your majesty Has found me always real; but this truth The oracle's accomplishment will prove, That did foretell their match.
She next directs her attention to the liver, for by its condition it is possible to foretell the child's future (cf.
When Meleager was born, his mother saw in a vision the three Fates spinning the thread of her child's life; and she heard them foretell that he would live until the brand then burning on the hearth should be consumed.
In this way he was able to foretell future events, and he became a celebrated soothsayer.
To each wagon belonged a woman who was able and anxious to foretell the future for the small sum of two bits.
No one could foretell the victor, though any one could easily have pointed out the poor victim.
Even the Stone God cannot foretell a woman's course when love draws her in opposite directions.
It was a period of gloom, when the very foundations were shaken, when no man could foretell the happening of the morrow, when strong men trembled at the possibility of the destruction of our Government.
It needed no prophet, however, to foretellthat this could not long continue.
As far back as the year 1892, in a work published over a pseudonym, the present writer described the rotten condition of the Tsardom, and ventured to foretell its speedy collapse.
They foretell a day called Ragnarok, or the Twilight of the gods, when all the powers of good and evil shall join in battle, and the whole present system of things perish in a scene of unutterable strife and dismay.
We cannot discern any authority in those old traditions whichforetell the impending destruction of the world.
I, in order to foretell the weather, stay here and watch which way that black ram turns his tail?
There are Gaelic stories about Druids who read the omens of the air and foretell the fates of individuals at birth, fix the days on which young warriors should take arms, &c.
The sleepers of Arabia once awoke to foretell the coming of Mahomet, and their sleeping dog, according to Moslem beliefs, is one of the ten animals that will enter Paradise.
He has continually sought and enjoyed pleasure and satisfaction; and let no man imagine that these foretell only a future trifler.
No one can foretell the future of this great country, in consequence of the extent and number of its outlets, each a provision of Providence to put a check on revolutions and violence.
These antics are believed to foretell rough winds.
When they soar like this it is said to foretell fine weather.
The common gull comes at irregular intervals, generally in the winter or spring; it is said to foretell rough weather.
His horses, cattle and sheep which he had bought since the last depredation were watched with great vigilance, as no one could foretell what the next hour would bring forth.
At the head of this line was placed a kind of chaplet, or crown, the possession of which by any woman was supposed to confer the power of necromancy or magic, rendering her able to heal diseases and to foretell events.
Birds have their calls to their companions, and animals have theirs, yet we do not draw from these the wild supposition that they foretell death or such like disasters.
Its main function had been to interpret and to foretell the great movements and crises of national life--to read God's purpose in the great world-movements and to proclaim it.
It was part of the office of the prophets to foresee and foretell the future.
In times of difficulty where opinions run high, and where those opinions are strongly divided between numerous and powerful parties, it is impossible to foretell what may happen.
I can safely foretell the topics of to-morrow’s conversation at the restaurant in the Bois: ‘My automobile goes sixty kilomètres an hour.