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Example sentences for "instigate"

Lexicographically close words:
instead; insteade; insted; instep; instid; instigated; instigates; instigating; instigation; instigations
  1. Ay, but you don't so instigate to prayer!

  2. It is principally the Mullahs who are bitter against them and instigate the crowds to excesses.

  3. Through vain-glory he tempted him, when he would instigate him to dart down from the temple's summit.

  4. He would "prohibit, under severe penalties, the circulation in the Southern States, through the mail, of incendiary publications intended to instigate the slaves to insurrection.

  5. Then he has fled with her, I suppose, and she will instigate him on the way to pen new slanders, which, by virtue of the licentiousness of the press, he will utter against me?

  6. Queen Louisa hates me; she will never cease to intrigue against me, and to instigate her husband to pursue a course hostile to me.

  7. A secret society, extending throughout Germany, seemed to have made it a special duty to instigate Schill to strike the blow, lest the homage he received in Berlin should render him forgetful of his mission.

  8. Johann waited for Angelo to lift his hands; and to instigate his reluctant adversary, thumped his chest; but Angelo did not move.

  9. Carlo heard little more than he knew; but the confirmation of what we know will sometimes instigate us like fresh intelligence, and the lover's heart was quick to apprehend far more than he knew in one direction.

  10. And then not only this resistance, though it be but by the humblest words or actions, yea, the very conceit that they are not for their interest and way, doth instigate the befooled world to persecution.

  11. Those that instigate lust and covetousness appear in the form of hogs, serpents, and other envious reptiles or beasts, such as dogs, cats, vultures or snakes.

  12. I observed that if he were brought before a court he would repeat all that he had stated to me, and probably enter into disclosures which might instigate fresh attempts at assassination.

  13. These impostures, printed in bulletins, were well calculated to instigate the Italians, and especially the Venetians, to rise in mass to exterminate the French, when the victorious army should penetrate into the Hereditary States.

  14. Easy it was to instigate the ferocious spirit: in the heart of Sigurd stood his sword.

  15. Those only who instigate him to violate the law of God, whether at the North or at the South, are the men who seek to deprive him of his rights and to exercise an infamous dominion over his soul.

  16. But neither the slave nor the freeman has any right to murder, or instigate others to murder, the master, even though he should be ever so firmly persuaded that such is a part of his religious duty.

  17. What might instigate him to this devilish fact, I am not able to conjecture.

  18. Would you go and kill any one," dowager lady Chia asked, "that he might instigate you to?

  19. But assuming that my brother did speak in a careless manner and did casually allude to you cousin Pao-yĆ¼, it was with no design to instigate any one!

  20. I haven't got enough to spend upon myself and here I have you, better still, to instigate me to be more open-handed!

  21. They instigate those against whom they are directed to offer a resistance which frequently not only remains successful, but moreover becomes glorious and honorable.

  22. That may be," said Bonaparte, proudly, "but I should like to know if the King of Sweden would remain indifferent in case a French ambassador should try to instigate an insurrection of the people of Stockholm against him!

  23. But it will not be Austrian blood--it will be the blood of the Venetian insurgents whom we instigate to rise in arms.

  24. To what extent of mischief will it not be possible to instigate the frenzy of the tribunes now that these two rights of impeachment for violence and for treason are annulled?

  25. I did not carry off the despatches, nor did I instigate any one to do so.

  26. I did not instigate my men to recapture the vessel, they managed it themselves; but now that they have possession, I dare not order them to give her up.

  27. Proudie has lived too long among gentlemen to be guilty, or to instigate another to be guilty, of so gross an outrage.

  28. His object was to instigate a little rebellion on the part of the bishop.

  29. Do you suppose that I would instigate my nephew's servant to rob his master?

  30. The best plan of conducting such a scheme is that two spirits should act in concert, and one of them instigate the man, while the other prompts the female.

  31. You incessantly instigate me to evil, and molest me with a thousand vile desires, which never permit me to enjoy that state of reason and tranquillity which is natural to me.

  32. I believe Dr Proudie has lived too long among gentlemen to be guilty, or to instigate another to be guilty, of so gross an outrage.

  33. Barry Lynch, as sure as you now stand in the presence of your Creator, whose name you so constantly blaspheme, you endeavoured to instigate that man to murder your own sister.

  34. I do not think he could do it with his own hand, for he is a coward; but I can quite believe that he could instigate another person to do it.

  35. I could not see any thing which was to instigate negroes to rebellion, after they had obtained their liberty.

  36. To instigate the slaves to revolt, as the means of obtaining their liberty, would prove a lack of wisdom and honesty that none would impute to abolitionists, except such as are unacquainted with their character.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "instigate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aberration; abet; agitate; arouse; bribe; bring; contrive; drive; effect; elicit; evoke; excite; fan; ferment; fire; foment; get; goad; heat; impassion; impel; incense; incite; induce; inflame; initiate; inspire; instigate; kindle; lead; motivate; nettle; obtain; pique; precipitate; procure; prod; provoke; raise; rally; rise; rouse; sic; spur; stir; tickle; touch; whet