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Example sentences for "coup"

Lexicographically close words:
counts; countship; countships; county; countye; coupable; coupe; couped; couper; coupes
  1. Some think the worst officials will now resign and get out, others that the militarists will attempt a coup d'etat and seize still more power rather than back down.

  2. However, we live in hopes of revolution or a coup d'etat or some other little incident to liven up the dog days.

  3. In the background Marshal Serrano and many politicians and military men steadily advocated a coup d'etat in order to avert the triumph of the republicans.

  4. In 1877 he openly encouraged MacMahon to attempt a Bonapartist coup d'etat, but the marshal's refusal and the death of the prince imperial foiled his hopes.

  5. Machiavelli, by a single coup de pinceau, thus characterizes, or caricatures, the princes of his time.

  6. Time and again each scored a point and brought blood to his opponent's copper hide until both were red with gore; but neither seemed able to administer the coup de grace.

  7. It is what the French call a coup d'etat.

  8. I was thinking what a fine coup de maitre it would be for his Highness to gather in all these pretty slips of parchment given under the hand of Leopold.

  9. Poor Mrs. Thornburgh had said to herself as she entered the room on the arm of Mr. Mayhew, the incumbent of the neighbouring valley of Shanmoor, that the first coup d'oeil was good.

  10. My party was at its last gasp too; it only wanted a telegram to Helen to give it its coup de grâce.

  11. The spies of France had effected a coup against us, and within twenty-four hours Europe might, I knew, be convulsed by a declaration of war.

  12. Henry Foker is engaged to his cousin all the world knows it: not a bad coup of Lady Rosherville's, that.

  13. It was at a boarding-house at Lausanne that Francis Clavering made what he called the lucky coup of marrying the widow Amory, very lately returned from Calcutta.

  14. That they negotiated the coup d'etat of Brumaire with Napoleon was simply to the fact that they had not been able to realise their wishes with regard to Louis XVIII.

  15. We have travelled a long way since the time when historians, in their singular blindness, and great poets, who possessed more talent than psychology, would hold forth in indignant accents against the coup d'etat of Brumaire.

  16. The true author of the coup d'etat was the Government itself, with the complicity of all France.

  17. Very soon at odds with the Chamber, the prince decided on a coup d'etat.

  18. France collaborated in advance in the coup d'etat prepared by two Directors and the principal ministers.

  19. The history of the coup d'etat of Brumaire justifies all that we have already said of the impossibility of forming exact judgments of events which apparently are fully understood and attested by no matter how many witnesses.

  20. We know what ideas people had thirty years ago concerning the coup of Brumaire.

  21. On the morrow of the coup of Brumaire he drafted, almost single-handed, the Constitution destined to give him the absolute power which was to enable him to reorganise the country and to prevail over the factions.

  22. This was known as the coup d'etat of Fructidor.

  23. In all districts of the country where the regime of "democracy" lived too long, it inevitably ended in an open coup d'etat of the counter-revolution.

  24. This law was a coup d'état against electoral opinions and representative government.

  25. It is scarcely possible to guard too carefully against the effects of the heat; the head should in particular be kept always covered, as carelessness in this respect may bring on coup de soleil.

  26. A shirt covered them in rather an imperfect manner, and a handkerchief bound round their heads protected them from a coup de soleil.

  27. In these days it would be called a coup d'etat.

  28. To that which mattered in the man, the lingering faith yet struggling in the throes of dissolution, Shuttleworth had indeed given the coup de grâce.

  29. So you will give me what they used to call my coup de grâce.

  30. Her last coup had been successful, but a bland old lady, with the white hair and waxen face of sainted motherhood, had swept up her winnings so unconcernedly that Zora's brain began to swim.

  31. Whether the world had to be upset by the Agadir coup is a question I do not touch.

  32. The German light cruiser detailed to administer the coup de grace then approached to within 300 yards and poured a succession of salvos into the already riddled hull.

  33. One American press organ termed the Anglo-Persian accord "a coup which is a greater violation of the Wilsonian Fourteen Points than the Shantung award to Japan, as it makes the whole of Persia a mere protectorate for Britain.

  34. Madison was a political coup of the first magnitude, and by it he achieved half a dozen objects, some of the greatest importance.

  35. This line of testimony concluded, the prosecution next indicated its intention of introducing evidence to show Burr's connection with the assemblage on the island, when the defense sprang the coup it had been maturing from the outset.

  36. Cependant les Français fuyerent a toutes jambes, la bataille etoit perdue lorsque tout a coup on entendait dire que le General Dessaix arrive avec une division de troupes fraiches.

  37. The first view of it did not strike us so much as Ranelagh, of which he said, the 'coup d'oeil was the finest thing he had ever seen.

  38. The coup d'oeil is not so smiling by a great deal at this anchorage, as at the Sandwich islands, the coast offering little to the eye but a continuous range of high mountains covered with snow.

  39. The coup d'oeil is really picturesque; the rays of the setting sun, which struck the waters obliquely as we passed, heightened exceedingly their beauty, and rendered it worthy of a pencil more skilful than mine.

  40. Seizing the town by a coup de main, he possessed himself of the Lady Regent and her daughter, and returned to Dehli, asserting that he had extorted a treaty from the Afghan monarch, and appointed Adina Beg sole Commissioner of the provinces.

  41. If you add to this an immense multitude of fantastically-dressed Chinamen, each carrying a lighted lantern richly ornamented, the coup d'oeil will be better imagined than I can describe.

  42. The eagle’s point of view first--le coup d’œil!

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coup" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.