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Example sentences for "conspire"

Lexicographically close words:
conspiracy; conspiration; conspirator; conspiratorial; conspirators; conspired; conspires; conspiring; constable; constables
  1. The Jews Conspire with Count Julian and Moors against Spain.

  2. She left it to me to select the best road to safety, and she is as innocent as any unborn babe of even an intention to conspire against the King.

  3. All the Engines yet discover'd within the Body, conspire towards the Constriction of the Heart, which is the State of Quiescence, to which it naturally tends.

  4. The first great material objection is that the Society does, in fact, in spite of its denial, meditate and conspire the emancipation of the slaves.

  5. No pardon vile Obscenity should find, 530 Tho' wit and art conspire to move your mind; But Dulness with Obscenity must prove As shameful sure as Impotence in love.

  6. Two causes will always conspire to this baneful consequence.

  7. What is there concerning me which you both conspire to hide?

  8. I shall suspect it is yourself if you conspire to keep it from me.

  9. Is there no chance that to save his own life he might conspire against mine?

  10. Twere a good deed to conspire against him; he has a humour easy to be wrought on, and if you'll undertake him, we'll assist you in the performance.

  11. May fate conspire To make you rich and envied!

  12. That 'twas base, Base in the depth of baseness, for this wife So honour'd and this smooth friend so belov'd To conspire betwixt them my dishonour.

  13. Remember, if you may, Nothing of you and me but yesterday, When heart on heart we bid the years conspire To make us old.

  14. To conspire to levy war, and actually to levy war, are distinct offenses.

  15. Both in their aymes are holy, both conspire To wound, to burne the hart with heauenly fire.

  16. Why would not all things conspire together to unity, in the intelligible world?

  17. It is difficult to conspire within the gates of that fortress.

  18. Not content with conspiring in the Louvre--under the very roof which shelters their sovereign--they conspire also in their own palaces, by the glare of tapers as busily as in the shade.

  19. Ah, Love, could we successfully conspire Against this sorry World for our desire, Would we not shatter it to bits without So much of damage as a busted tire?

  20. They conspire to bust up a country--they fail, and they're traters.

  21. You secretly will cross some other states, that do conspire against you.

  22. It often accompanies, and actuates, and is even auxiliary to a powerful understanding; and when they both conspire and act harmoniously, their force is great to destroy disorder within and to repel injury from abroad.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conspire" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    accord; affiliate; agree; ally; amalgamate; angle; associate; band; brew; bunch; cabal; centralize; club; coalesce; cogitable; coincide; collaborate; combine; concert; concoct; concur; connive; consolidate; conspire; contrive; cooperate; correspond; countermine; couple; devise; engineer; federate; finesse; frame; fuse; gang; harmonize; hatch; intrigue; join; league; maneuver; marry; merge; operate; organize; pair; partner; plot; reciprocate; rig; scheme; synchronize; team; unite; wed