But I predict that the interference of Scotland Yard will be necessary before this enquiry is concluded.
I predict an unfriendly reception," I said, panting from my exertions, and surveying my friend, who was a mockery of his ordinarily spruce self.
We may infer this from our frequent inability to predict whether or not an imported plant will endure our climate, and from the number of plants and animals brought from warmer countries which here enjoy good health.
The sergeant in charge looked bored to death, and in the mood to predict the worst kind of weather.
As to Nature, he knows her secrets: he can predict what she will do.
But if we watch it carefully we shall be able to predict with some assurance the drift in Paris.
The workings of such a measure are as impossible topredict in advance as the operation of the McKinley tariff.
To predict or foretell, as from signs or omens; to betoken; to presage; to infer.
She afterwards went so far as to predict that it would end in a little man whose mind would be below the average, but that was in what I may denominate a paroxysm of maternal disappointment.
For Bella is ambitious, Mr Rokesmith, and I think I may predictwill marry fortune.
Into each walnut slip a narrow piece of paper which will predict the future.
Even in a small boy we see the future man, and if God wills that Theodore Vandervoort shall grow to manhood, we are not afraid to predict great things of him, to prophesy that he will be a man above reproach, a king among his fellows.
From these three uniformities we should be able to predict another uniformity, namely, the rise of the mercury in the Torricellian tube.
Such extremes could not fail to produce a popular revulsion, and it required no great foresight to predict the final result.
Nobody is wise enough topredict who will prove best able to command a great army.
Without thinking of the distance, he always chose the smoothest path, so that I could easily predict his choice, and could almost make him win or lose the cake at my pleasure.
Having arrived at the conclusion which he did, he thought himself sufficiently sure of his facts to predict that in July or August 1671, the planet would again appear round, the ring becoming invisible.
It would also be part of the problem to predict the distance from the Sun of the planet thus imagined to exist.
In consequence of this we are sometimes able to predict with fair accuracy when the next ensuing maximum or minimum will take place.
It was nothing to the point (in the public mind) that astronomers were able to predict that the Earth would not reach the place where the comet would cross the Earth's orbit until four weeks after the comet had come and gone.
He failed to predict the earthquake in Los Angeles; he missed the flood in the Yangtze Valley; he knew nothing of the eruption of Stromboli.
He can predict stock market fluctuations, and family squabbles, and South American election results.
The Opposition journalspredict a breach in the Cabinet, which seems a not unlikely possibility.
For it is only necessary to determine this new relation in some one case accessible to the investigator to enable us to predict the same relation in all the other cases without subjecting them to a new test.
They enable us to predict that when we have recognized a given body as water by virtue of the above properties, we are justified in expecting to find in the same body all the other known properties of water.
But the wider and more complex human relations become, the wider and surer must the ability to predictfuture events become.
But Zechariah does not predict any overthrow of the world’s power, either by earthly or by heavenly forces.
They definitely predict the overthrow of the heathen empires.
They often predict the conversion of the heathen; but they do not recognise their native reverence and piety.
Voices were raised to predict the exile and destruction of the nation.
If for him no return had yet taken place, would he not have been likely to predict it as certain to happen?
There are too many variables in the environment to predicteither incidence or severity of casualties.
Computer models that integrate available information have been used to predict the effects of future biological attacks.
Our venerable "clerk of the weather" has become so thoroughly familiar with the most wayward elements of nature that he can accurately predict their movements.
We may predict the amount of rain for a month, and be unable to prognosticate correctly, the character of any storm, or give the history of a special drop of water.
It would be rash to predictthe outcome of this complicated field, but certain very promising methods can be listed.
And while obviously he cannot predict how much civil war there might be, he is quite clear that there would have to be a period of direct action by the trade unions.
The determinist can predictthat in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred the owner will resist attempts to deprive him of ownership, or that he will favor legislation which he thinks will increase his profits.
We predict a Saragossa defense, and that if Charleston is taken it will be only a heap of ruins.
Proclaim these facts, and predict this result; and although unthinking opponents may smile at us, the sagacious ones will "believe and tremble.
Attempts have been made on the basis of the contraction theory to find out the past history of the sun and to predict its future.
All told, photography has been the most potent adjunct in astronomical research, and it is impossible to predict the future with more powerful apparatus and photographic processes of higher sensitiveness.
Knowledge of the internal conditions of the stars make it possible to predict the period of pulsation within narrow limits; and for Delta Cephei this theoretical period is between four and ten days.
When Obed stood before it, it began to flutter its wings, and showed great signs of agitation, which was said to be because it was going to predict some great fortune to him.
You cannot predict what response will be made to a given stimulus, unless you know the organic state present when the stimulus arrives.