Her knowledge of human nature enabled her to foresee with certainty what the result would be when the despot was raised to power; it would be war to the knife against liberty in every shape and form, and against all its supporters.
We can only hope for the best in France from some other and nobler sprout of former dynasties; we cannot foresee it.
She made me promise I would never tell you that she knew your secret; but the poor child did not then foresee the necessity that compels me to speak to-night on account of your wicked thoughts.
One cannot help wondering now whether Prince Bismarck was prescient enough to foresee that France could afford to pay the fabulous sum for which he stipulated--more than a billion dollars.
But God, who has enabled you long to foresee these things, and who has already prepared you for them by preliminary trials, will give you grace to bear all this with continued courage and confidence in his protection and assistance.
Her knowledge of the men who were the prime motors of these momentous changes enabled her to foresee the terrible catastrophe of the 10th of August.
In the former, we foresee the inevitable result of the principles set forth, on a mind so single and intent on the truth.
An eagle eye was not needed to see andforesee these weighty dangers.
They foresee that the nation will never go back on the civil and political progress made in order to place itself under any theocracy whatsoever.
But you are young, and it is more difficult for a young man to foresee what may occur.
They did not then foresee the magnificent situation they would create for themselves one day at the theater.
The unexpected: that which you may foresee without having any particular reason to do so.
But I foresee only success, and I have particular reasons for doing so: the keen instincts of the management and their knowledge of the public, not to speak of their personal acquaintance with the critics.
But I was at the same time conscious of a slight insanity in my mood, and seemed to foresee my recovery.
When one man has reduced a fact of the imagination to be a fact to his understanding, I foresee that all men at length establish their lives on that basis.
I cannot foresee what will be the termination of the war; but, admitting that the issue should be favourable to you, it will end only to break out again speedily.
He regards Naples as a future annexation to the Kingdom of Rome, to which I foresee it is his design to unite the whole of Italy.
Only those who witnessed his triumphal journey can form any notion of it; and it required no great discernment to foresee something like the 18th Brumaire.
At this period it would have been difficult to foresee the way in which this union would terminate.
Alexander did not foresee that his Egyptian city would belong to the Turks; nor did Constantine strip Rome for the benefit of Mahomet II.
I foreseethat my constitution will undergo a change.
In short, it was easy to foresee that the period was not far distant when the French would be obliged to recross the Pyrenees.
It will be perceived, from what I have stated, that no negotiation was ever commenced under more favourable auspices; but who could foresee what turn the King of Sweden would take?
He appeared to foresee what did afterwards happen to him, not in the open sea, but in a situation which he considered much more favourable to his defence.
I rely confidently on the future because I foresee that fortune will not always favour your Emperor.
The guide informed him that the experience of ages enabled the inhabitants to foresee good or bad weather, and that they were seldom deceived.
Could I foresee that he would deny his first declaration when brought before the Court?
I would your answer had been other, Madam, For I foresee dark days.
You could not foreseethe hundred and twenty electric cars that now rush madly bumping and thundering at twenty miles an hour through all the main streets of the district!
They did not foresee the miraculous generation which is us.
She did not precisely foresee what her future was to be, but at any rate she knew she shrank from the responsibility of the Pension Frensham.
Knowing this, I will enter into no controversy, for I foreseethat in this way nothing can be gained.
You knew very well I did not begin too soon; yet I did not then foresee that it would soon be denied in America, in Boston, that there was any law higher than an Act of Congress.
It was impossible to foresee that a chain of untoward circumstances would convert this harmless drama into an indecent personal satire upon Signor Gratarol.
Acting with reckless or stupid good faith, I did notforesee how soon the hidden mines of her perverted inclinations and bad early training would explode and cover me with confusion.
Such a defect is not proportionate to the sin, nor does a human judge take it into account, since he cannot foresee chance happenings.
Now it belongs to foresight to foresee good, and consequently, also to avoid evil.
Now some, during sleep, naturally foresee the future, as the Philosopher asserts (De Somn.
Prudence requires diligence, that one may foresee aright what has to be done.
Further, to foreseegood and to avoid evil belong to the same faculty, just as the same art gives health and cures ill-health.
I have made such dispositions as I thought wisest; but one cannot foresee everything; if there is anything that does not seem good, it will of course be altered.
It would be a hideous reversal of the old romance; instead of seeing the girl in the old woman, he would foresee the harridan in the girl!
The fact is, Mr. Cleaver, that I foresee the day coming when women will wear no jewellery.
A series of generations will lovingly repeat their verses, and attribute to them the new life which they did but foresee in the germ.
I will not bore you with more details, and I admit that the human mind cannot foresee accidents; but we have studied how your mind would work.
We cannot prevent all accidents, but we can and do foresee some of them.
As it is, I am blessedly permitted to foresee it; and to keep my brain clear enough meanwhile to think for both of us.
I could not foresee that massacre at Lexington and at Concord which was needed to arouse the people until no sacrifice appeared too great, so that we purchased liberty for those who should live after us.
With a strict, painful mind, an understanding small but clear and ready, he grew in favor with official persons, who could foresee in him an excellent man of business, happily quite free from genius.
Without doubt there were chances that Madame Dammauville would not be able to leave her bed to go to court; but were there only one for her leaving it, he mustforesee it and take precautions.
How could he foreseethat Caffie would be assassinated?
I could not foresee that a man was to turn out mad, who had gone about the world for fifty years, as competent to vote, and walk at large; nor did he seem to me more insane than any other person going to be married.
But I foresee that we shall have occasion for all the cash I can muster at Zante and elsewhere.
How little could either foresee the strange fortunes that awaited the other!
I was clever enough to foreseethat it might, and so had the tray of liqueurs sent down here.
IV I began to foresee those inconveniences that afterwards made me hate that house in the Vale of Health as soon as I had signed my contract and got the key.
The formidable difficulties which he acknowledges, you foresee by a strange fatality that he will only reach two pages before the end; to his great grief, there is no opportunity for discussing them.
I foresee that we may have great sport with the Senestro.
I shouldn't wonder if he can read the mind to some extent; he might be able to foresee that I was going to draw a gun, and beat me to it with some new weapon of his own.
Nor could the Jews foresee that this terrible force would be directed against them, and would stain with blood many pages of their history, serving as a terrible omen for the future.
The omniscient Messiah failed to foresee that this invitation spelled ruin for him.
The pious German professor could not foresee that his edition would he subsequently employed by men of the type of Voltaire and the French encyclopedists of the eighteenth century as a weapon to attack the doctrine of the Church.
Was it possible for the King to foresee all the evil, darkness, and intolerance which these Jesuit schools would spread all over Poland?