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Example sentences for "incident"

Lexicographically close words:
inches; inching; inchoate; inchoative; incidence; incidental; incidentally; incidentals; incidents; incidit
  1. The feelings of Karim Bux in presenting these things to a woman in the dress of a coolie are not important; but Alicia, for some reason, seemed to find the trivial incident gratifying.

  2. Even when the lesser thing, by infinitely gradual expansion, again became the greater, it remained permanently leavened and lifted in her by the strange and lovely incident that had taken, for the moment, such command of her and of him.

  3. There's not an incident in which he did not take part, not a crime which he did not prepare.

  4. The whole incident had lasted but a few seconds.

  5. Another caught a mouse in school and contributed that--the incident is worth quoting by showing that the boy preferred a mouse to a school-book.

  6. Or is all that only an incident of friendship, and does the bond derive from a remoter and more beautiful origin, in the heart of Nature herself?

  7. Here is the stuff of which the whole incident was made: there is nothing material beyond the facts stated which illustrate very glaringly the manner in which a strong Power acts towards a weak one.

  8. The facts about the Chengchiatun incident are incredibly simple and merit being properly told.

  9. Footnote: The incident of Chen-chiao is very celebrated in Chinese annals.

  10. I can cite an historical incident to support my contention.

  11. The "incident of Yuyang" refers to the execution of Yang Kuei-fei, the favourite concubine of Emperor Yuan Tsung of the Tang dynasty.

  12. After this incident Free Joe appeared to have clearer ideas concerning his peculiar condition.

  13. All this was deeply interesting to the gentlewomen from Boston; but there was one incident that left a lasting impression on both, and probably had its effect in changing the future of one of them.

  14. Lucinda was inclined to give the incident a twist in the direction of superstition.

  15. Among many instances of his quickness and energy at this age, his nurse mentioned a little incident that one night occurred, on her taking him to the theatre to see the "Taming of the Shrew.

  16. My dear Brooke, Your Brother's death gave me a greater shock than any incident in the whole war.

  17. I forgot to mention an amusing little incident at Gatai.

  18. The Abbe Birotteau is surely a little too much of a fool; the Abbe Troubert an Iago a little too much wanting in verisimilitude; and the central incident of the clause about the furniture too manifestly improbable.

  19. The incident of the pictures and the four thousand francs circulated already.

  20. A single incident will put this hero and victim of the Hundred-Days into clear relief.

  21. While he lived at Greenwich palace, an incident occurred which may not be known to all our readers, and which is a striking illustration of the esteem in which he was held by Henry.

  22. One such incident goes far to vindicate the affections of this people, and should teach us, that they are of the same general lineage with ourselves, and only require letters and Christianity, to exalt them in the scale of being.

  23. This little incident was one of those which served to produce pleasurable sensations, all round, and led perhaps, to some civilities at a subsequent date, which were valuable to me.

  24. The incident which has been named, did not fail to make the forest chieftain acquainted with the leading truth of Christianity, in the revelation it makes of a saviour for all races.

  25. A quarter of an hour elapsed in silence, and I waited impatiently to discover what was to be the next incident in this scene of imposture.

  26. The following incident of this sort, was noticed respecting this chief.

  27. The incident was not voluntarily told, but came out, incidentally, in some inquiries I was making respecting historical events, in the vicinity.

  28. It was my theory, that there was a general interest felt in the Atlantic States for information from the west, and this slight incident served to encourage me.

  29. Soon afterwards King Zoheir, to whom this incident had been related, summoned Antar into his presence, and declared that a man who could exhibit such courage and generosity was bound to become preeminent among his companions.

  30. It was from this incident that the love of Antar for the daughter of his uncle took its origin.

  31. The Arabs had sunk to a race of mere traders when Aladdin became possessed of his lamp, and the trickery, greed, and avarice of peddlers and merchants are exhibited in incident after incident of the "Thousand and One Nights.

  32. Our friendship has been of the closest, and I call to mind an incident when we were at Portsmouth and when there was something important occurring at the Royal Dockyard.

  33. A minor incident of this kind may be worth mentioning.

  34. But a different side of Mr. Carte was seen in connection with a certain incident at the Savoy.

  35. What I was going to write about was an incident when a worried young naval lieutenant came to see me at the close of our show at the Savoy.

  36. With that trivial incident the ice was broken.

  37. It is an incident like this which proves that histrionics is no theatrical monopoly.

  38. The joke, I know, was not a new one, for legend has it that a similar incident occurred during a performance of "Faust.

  39. This incident is followed by the appearance of Mad Margaret, a crazy figure in white who lost her reason when she was jilted by the reigning baronet, Sir Despard Murgatroyd.

  40. The effect of the incident had been so extraordinary.

  41. I imagine he remembers that incident still.

  42. During my first interview with Mr. Carte after my arrival there occurred an incident characteristic of the great manager.

  43. One incident of this kind was at Eastbourne when we did "Haddon Hall.

  44. Between that incident and our mutual recollection of it nearly fifty eventful years for both of us had passed.

  45. They say, that she was farther encouraged to persevere in her advances, by an incident which evinced the great ingenuousness of his disposition.

  46. This incident was regarded by some as a token of an approaching revolution in the government, and that an old man would succeed a young one: that is, that he would succeed Nero.

  47. The following day twenty brigands were given a so-called trial, marched off to the west gate, beheaded amid great enthusiasm, and the incident was closed.

  48. One of the missionaries witnessed an incident which illustrates in a typical way the total lack of sympathy of the average Chinese.

  49. With the comforting conclusion for a stimulus, the afternoon of hard work passed quickly and there was only a single small incident to break the busy monotonies.

  50. Happy am I to turn to a subject more exhilarating--to a novel incident in our forest life.

  51. He entered as there was being related an incident of politics.

  52. They did not even refer to the grim incident of the dog and the grapple, which had been something worth while.

  53. After the confusion had ceased and comment on the stirring incident had died away, he looked about in austere contemplation.

  54. He knew that the only danger incident to political reform, was the danger of delaying it too long.

  55. Footnote: Attending this action was an incident which produced a greater sensation than, any other that occurred during the day.

  56. And here you will permit me to allude to an incident which has occurred in my recent visit to Canada, in which I perceived the cooperation of the people of that Province in the same great moral reformation.

  57. The incident which gave rise to this circumstance is not without its moral to my heart.

  58. There was no incident in the birth, the life, the death of Mr. Adams, not intimately woven with the history of the land.

  59. Perhaps nothing touched Charley so much as an incident that occurred late one day when he was fighting a small fire.

  60. But in a second he was glad the incident had happened.

  61. There are some who remember well an incident at a general meeting of subscribers to the hospital many years ago.

  62. Compared with many of the traditions that then passed for solid fact, the incident of Ninon and the Man in Black was almost commonplace.

  63. In the midst of this wretched misunderstanding came a crumb of comfort to the luckless woman--albeit the incident that caused it led also, indirectly, to her death.

  64. Nevertheless the incident is illuminating, and the official statement of the Navy Department closed with the words: "This incident emphasizes the need of hydroaƫroplanes for naval scouting purposes.

  65. If, however, we condone this glaring improbability we find Mr. Kipling's tale full of action and imaginary incident that give it an air of truth.

  66. Ignacio, to whom the incident perhaps came in harmony with some project of his own.

  67. I admit that in view of the seriousness of the incident my indefiniteness seems strange, but it is typical of my class.

  68. It is full of action and incident and will arouse the keen interest of the reader at the very start.

  69. The story has the rapid movement, incident and romantic flavor which have interested so many in his tales.

  70. In all those long years I cannot recall more than one incident which stirred the softer emotions of my heart.

  71. In my country such an incident would not pass without bloodshed.

  72. Such links there are in the story of every human existence, and no incident seems to stand quite alone.

  73. It was not directed towards myself, and was doubtless raised by some incident which had escaped our notice.

  74. While Bacon stood no unmoved spectator of the calm unshaken fortitude with which they bore their misfortunes, an incident occurred that served to exhibit the stern qualities of their pride in still bolder relief.

  75. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "incident" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    action; adventure; affair; affiliated; agnate; akin; allied; ancillary; angle; architecture; argument; atmosphere; attendant; attending; background; brawl; case; catastrophe; characterization; circumstance; cognate; color; complication; concoct; condition; connate; contingency; continuity; contrivance; denouement; design; development; device; digression; episode; event; eventuality; experience; fable; fact; gimmick; hap; happening; incident; juncture; kindred; line; matter; mood; motif; movement; mythos; occasion; occurrence; particular; phenomenon; plan; plot; reality; recognition; satellite; scene; scheme; slant; story; structure; subject; switch; theme; thing; tone; topic; twist