The democrats on the contrary waited with painful anxiety, and sought, during the interval still allowed to them by the absence of Pompeius, to lay a countermine against the impending explosion.
Conviction and Arrest of the Conspirators in the Capital At length the countermine brought about a decision.
In the latter case they have stairs leading down into a counterscarp gallery, which serves as a base for countermine galleries, and is connected with the detached bastion by a gallery under the ditch.
The defence has the advantage, in the case of fortresses, of being able to establish beforehand a system of countermine galleries in masonry.
A countermine was begun by them, the earth from which being thrown over the wall, manifested the nature of their operations, and led the enemy to raise the siege, and retire from the country.
The garrison commenced its countermine immediately, and prosecuted the work for several days.
It's a little idea of my own to countermine the widow.
After this, twelve small charges of gun-cotton were sunk in various directions, each representing a countermine of 500 pounds.
This countermineconsisted of an iron cylinder, containing 300 pounds of powder, and was electrically connected with the Nettle.
It is obvious, therefore, that a warship could advance into the space thus cleared and then send a second countermine ahead of her in the same way.
On the 17th June the foe sprang a mine under the western bulwark; close to a countermine exploded by the garrison the day before.
The sausage–seller follows to countermine him, and the stage is left clear for the Parabasis, or customary address of the Chorus to the audience.
If the enemy is discovered mining towards your position, the only thing to do is to counterminehim and try and blow him up before he is ready to touch off the fuse that is intended for your destruction.
It is not an easy matter to decide just where the countermine should be sunk or how far to go.
Before sunrise the baron commenced a countermine at the point indicated by the deserter, inside the bailey wall.