At the same time the manipulation of it presents a difficulty in learning the instrument.
During the manipulation of the milk and the curd in the vat, he can exert some influence on the quality of the product, but he is much more dependent on the quality of the milk than is the case in butter making.
The gas formed in the curd before the cheese is put to press can be gotten rid of by propermanipulation of the curd.
In consideration of the importance of galvanized plates, I shall endeavor to give as plain and concise a manner of manipulation as possible.
Let us examine themanipulation of the complaining operator.
He could, he believed, by manipulation of the Beryls that yet remained, maneuver the world away from that blue column--which on the Earth was invisible.
Directly beneath me, as I looked, was a clearing, a perfect square with rounded corners, obviously blasted out of the solid forest by the delicate manipulation of sharply focused disintegrator rays.
His aunt, on the contrary, had already doubled hers; and with skilfulmanipulation forty thousand in these days might be quadrupled easily.
Meanwhile the manipulation of this amount was in my hands for eight weeks.
The result of all this manipulation defies description.
That the policy-holders have absolutely no voice in the management of these companies or the control of their funds, because of the manipulation of proxies in the New York Life and the Mutual and the control of the stock of the Equitable.
That the companies are "milked" in every direction, through the purchase and sale of real estate, through the loaning of their millions, and through the manipulation and investment of their funds.
The manipulation of the prices of the other products of the German monopoly enabled them, by such methods, to maintain it.
Believing that States might be formed or reformed by ingeniousmanipulation of machinery, he acquired no true notion of constitutional development or national evolution.
Probably this faith in manipulation arose from his lifelong habit of regarding small political communities, where change was easily effected.
After this dismal ruler, Trinidad, by the grace of the Colonial Office, was subjected to the manipulation of an unctuous dandy.
This germ-plasm resides in the nucleus of the cell; and it would seem that by a little skilful manipulation it can be made to account for anything that has ever been observed or is ever likely to be observed.
But if what I have been urging has truth, what we call objects are human constructs, and cannot by any manipulation be converted into anything else.
What an extraordinary thing manipulation was, Crane mused, as he listened; also how considerable of an ass the public was in its theoretical wisdom.
Again Crane had cause to congratulate himself upon the somewhat clever manipulation of a difficult situation.
He felt that it would be but a matter of manipulation to environ Mortimer completely with the elements of his folly.
Crane turned his back upon the younger man and busied himself wondrously over the manipulation of a chair.
He had scored linguistically--by a clever manipulationof the sentence he had made the some one who had stolen the money the some one who who had replaced it.
He disliked to talk about a man behind his back, but he knew that Langdon trained for Crane, and longed to give the banker a friendly word of warning; he knew nothing of the latter's manipulation of the trainer.
He knew from slight, but sufficient, experience that the spouters could send only one messenger of death at a time, and that before another could be spouted, some sort of manipulation which took time was needful.
If the Indian should get the manipulation over before the oomiak was out of range, any of the women, as well as himself, might be killed.
For example, the cube in Figure 9, by manipulation in the direction of the fourth dimension, can be made to rotate about the side abgf.
In circumstances like these it is evident that dexterous manipulation or passionate pleading must take the place of legitimate forensic oratory.
Nevertheless there was much in their manipulation of language from which the Romans could learn a useful lesson.
Ovid, as the typical elegist, luxuriates, though he applies such elegantmanipulation as rarely to over-stimulate and scarcely ever to offend the reader's attention.
His technical manipulation of the hexameter is good, though tinged with monotony.
The manipulation of the seam must be managed with extreme care, as any unevenness would render the roller useless.
The ink, by careful manipulation of the roller, should be gradually distributed over the entire surface of both roller and slab in a perfectly even and regular manner.
Affiffi was placed in the fitting department, in which skilful manipulation was required.
I could not fail to be attracted by the dexterous and rapid manipulation of the work in hand, even by boys and girls whose quick sight and nimble fingers were educated to a high degree of perfection.
I observed the mechanical manipulation of the men, their dexterous use of the hammer, the chisel, and the file; and I imbibed many lessons which afterwards proved of use to me.
By skilful manipulation his loathing for his better half was increasing as steadily in volume as a rolling snowball, and was assuming the proportions of a fixed idea.
The baleful Algae had taken the faithful waiting-maid in hand, who under her manipulationwas ill and delirious?
Photography has revealed another extraordinary nebula or group of nebulae surrounding the stars in the Pleiades, which the deft manipulation of Barnard has brought to light.
To simplify the manipulation of the interferometer, a small plate with two apertures in it is placed in the converging beam of light coming from the telescope objective or mirror.