Molick didn't believe me when I said that even a small dam would impound enough water to supply not only a good herd of cattle but would also water the dry land.
There'll be more water than Molick can impound unless he raises a big concrete dam, and before he can do that we'll have legally established our own rights, I think.
If they had to wait to get one of the judges to sign an order every time they wanted to subpoena a witness orimpound physical evidence, they'd never get anything done.
Jack," Lunt said uncomfortably, "this is a court order to impound your Fuzzies as evidence in the Kellogg case.
Going up on the other side of the canal the party came to the earth dam joining the west lock walls with the hills, so as to impound 58 feet of water in Miraflores Lake.
They were first opened to admit the ship, and then closed to impound the water that flows up through the bottom of the lock.
He took someone with him, I don't recall who, to impound the automobile, search it, and take everything out of it that he could find.
We can, for instance, impound the rising water in a reservoir, and as the tide falls we can compel the enclosed water to work a water-wheel before it returns to the sea.
Such remedy, by way of example, is also available to a wife who is enabled thereby to impound local bank deposits of her absent husband for purposes of collecting unpaid instalments by him.
We impound water without knowing the effects of that impoundment on its quality.
When by passing over the “height of land” in northern Ontario the greatly reduced continental glacier had vacated the basin of St. Lawrence drainage, it was in a position to impound those waters which normally drained to Hudson Bay.
Far more important as lakes are those volcanic basins which arise from the flow of a stream of lava across the valley of a river so as to impoundits waters (Fig.
The corporation had also, however, obtained power to impound the waters of the Conwy and Marchnant rivers, and to bring them into Lake Vyrnwy, the main reservoir, by means of tunnels.
The vast increase of population led to further requirements, and in 1880 another act gave power to impound the waters of the Vyrnwy, one of the affluents of the Severn.
Defn: An officer who is appointed to guard hedges, and to keep cattle from breaking or cropping them, and whose further duty it is to impoundanimals found running at large.
I was fully authorized to seize and impound all trespassers -- a limit and license that included dragons.
To this day, the only legal remedy (except an action and a shilling damages) against the winged and long-clawed nuisances that destroy the hopes and break the heart of the horticulturist, is to impound them.
Steal it or impound it or take it away legally, you've got to know how it runs.
It might be possible to impound this machine as a device of high interest to the State," mused Manison.
It is now under construction, and when completed will impound an area of 1,115 acres.
Now, at a word from me the British would impound that money, interest and all.
We can impoundall that money in the Bank of Egypt--although I'm free to admit I wouldn't take such a seal away from a friend of mine.
You had no right to impound that revolver, in the first place; you removed it from the Fleming home illegally in the second place, since you had no intention of holding any formal inquest, and you're holding it illegally now.