Over these walks he had loitered with Dot--now he was one of those who clawed at the window bars like monkeys in a cage in order to look out at the sunshine of the world.
He did not reply but took her extended hand, while the young fellow in the postal cage grinned with profound appreciation.
We were packed into this cage like sardines in a box, scarcely having room to move.
This cage set in the middle of the room, and was about six feet from the walls of the room on all sides.
The cage was about twenty feet long and eight feet wide, with a partition in the centre.
I reproached myself for not thinking to make a cage for it when captured, and I was obliged to secure the opening and deposit the net in the house, while I made a cage for my future companion.
It was simply a cane passing through the cageand securely fastened to a bar on each side.
This enclosure I connected with the cage by cutting a square hole through the wall of the house.
How to get the fighting little bird out of the net and into the cage was the next question.
It is not reported that any remarks came from the Cardinal in the cagefor he knew he had been guilty of treason and hope was not for him.
This cage in Loches, in which the historian Philippe de Comines was also confined, was very different from that in the Bastille,--the prison for fourteen years of the Bishop of Verdun.
The cage composed of wood, bound and riveted with iron, formed a cube four feet in size, wherein its occupant could neither lie down or stand up, and there the Cardinal spent eleven years exposed and yet confined.
Like a panther escaping from its cage the young man crept along the narrow window-ledge of the garret with his knife between his teeth.
The people had been brought up in such a way that its first thought on breaking out of its cage was to tear its masters in pieces.
We pass along from cage to cage, and as the keeper coaxes the animals to the bars, the Shah amuses himself by poking them with an umbrella.
The menagerie consists of one cage of monkeys, about a dozen lions, and two or three tigers and leopards.
Having adjusted the cushion, Winona paused before the cage of a parrot on a stand at the end of the porch.
There's a fine place for thecage in my room--on my hope chest.
She lifted the cage from its table and went slowly toward the gate.
The light from the lamps shone over the partition between back room and front, and there in a spacious cage beside the wall was a monkey, a small, sad-eyed creature with an aged, wrinkled face all but human.
Pretty bold lot, I guess, if you can believe all you--" The parrot in its cage at the end of the porch climbed to a perch with beak and claw.
He went softly to lean above the parrot's cage and in low, wheedling tones, uttered words to it.
He called it a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
The monkey at sight of Herman became animated, leaping again and again the length of the cage and thrusting between its bars a hairy forearm and a little, pinkish, human hand.
The Countess of Buchan was confined in an iron cage for life for assisting to crown Robert the Bruce, but her only loss by the incarceration was that her iron cage ceased to be portable.
They were very tired and hot and dusty, so Frank said, "Oh, let us open the cage now, for I cannot go any further.
So, sad to say, George climbed the tree again, and took out of the nest another bird, and they put it into the cage beside its mate.
What must have been the feelings of the poor hawks when they found themselves shut up in a cage and taken away in the train to a smoky town?
Illustration] Inside the elephant house was another Jumbo, and when they told him to dance he went round and round in his cage in the most comical manner.
For instance, five or six pigs which were in a cage in the prow of a ship were killed by an electric discharge, whilst others which were only separated from them by a cloth were saved.
One day a canary was in a cage with five others and was killed; the rest were unhurt.
I will be Isabella of Buchan, if you like, and you can all capture me and put me in the cage in the greening-tree.
Now a wild beast, a tiger or panther, had escaped from his cage and sprung in among the terrified audience of pleasure-seekers.
A complete suit of metallic armor embodies the principle of the well-known electrical cage of Faraday.
If the wire is of proper size and the capacity sufficient, this cage is the most effectual protection possible, unless the walls be of solid iron.
I frequently placed this insect in a cage with Lacerta Viridis, but they would never even notice them, and I often saw the caterpillars crawl over the body, or even the head of the lizards, without being snapped at.
Females captured on the wing, laid in the breeding-cage single eggs of a light green colour, spheroidal in form, and very similar to those of C.
Some captured females laid single eggs sparsely on grass, wood, and especially on the tarlatan with which the breeding-cage was covered.
Here you are," said the miner, stepping out of the cage and handing us a lighted lamp.
The joints of the stones were, moreover, so open that it resembled a cage and exposed him to the sun and rain.
The soul of man has its wings so battered by its cage and is so enamoured of its groundsel and bit of sugar, that even if the door be left open it will not look forth, certainly not break away.
As the cage always stood on a low table, it was very easy to reach.
If I took the cage on my lap with Tricksey inside, Taffy would immediately jump up and crowd in between the cage and me.
Finally I tried taking thecage on my lap and shutting him in; he did not seem afraid then, and soon he did not mind being shut up in the morning when I was in my dressing-room, but he much preferred going in and out at his own sweet will.
When I found him, he was always asleep in front of the cage or by the fire.
While Tricksey was eating his breakfast, he would lie down close to the cage and go to sleep.
After that, he became so interested he did not mind if the water was splashed all over his face, and would sit as close to the cage as he could get.
I was then fortunate enough to have a large parrot cage loaned me.
One morning the cage sat on the floor, and Tricksey was ready for his bath, when Taffy came in and sat close to the cage.
In the centre of one side was part of a broomstick, with any number of perches all sizes on it, and a platform over the other side where a brasscage stood.
After he had been going in and out for some time, I closed the door, but he was frightened quite as much as at first, and he would not go near the cage the rest of the day.
One day I was really surprised myself when I went into the room to find Blonde sound asleep in front of Blondell's cage on the platform, Brunette asleep in the gravel, and Bobbinette and Bobby on the perches above them.
The third day I put her into a canary cage (but covered), as I thought I better try and teach her to stay in a cage some of the time, and not always have her liberty, as the dear departed Cady did.
He was back again on the roof of his cage spitting feathers out of his mouth.
She says he comes out of his cage of nights, and flies about the house, pecking at the food, and trying to make a nest in her hair.
Pressed against my breast was the cage that held Coppertoes.
For my missus could play the concertina, and I had a cageof lovebirds that could tell fortunes and do tricks.
One of these was a starling whose wicker cage he placed on the sill where the sunlight fell.
He wanders about his cage in a very inquiring manner, looking for his blessed ants, whom he cannot find anywhere, and making with his claws the noise of a French peasant walking in wooden shoes.
Yes, but think of the many useful things you can make with those tools, quite independent of either cage or hutch.
The cage that I made, and which was a very neat one, was formed from a box and some loose pieces of wood obtained from a grocer for 4d.
Now nail and glue your sides to the back first and foremost, then turn the cage upside down, and fasten in the same way the bottom to the sides and back, reverse and do the same to the top.
When mice are first put in such a cage as I have described, the ladder appears steep for them, but they soon get used to it, and reach their nests in two or three bounds from the ground.
And I would not mind beginning to make either an ordinary breeding cage or a hutch at this moment with the tools I have just named.
If you have previously taken correct measurements of the parts, the body of your cage will now look square and fair and neat.
It is simply a carefully measured and carefully adjusted square frame, neatly wired in the same way as the barred front of the cage is wired, of which I shall presently speak.
Meanwhile measure and make the piece of hard wood that crosses the cage in front just above the bottom drawer (Fig.
Referring to the German cage figured on page 405, he adds: ‘I forgot to mention that the cage is divided into two compartments by a wire partition.
I have already said that the wood a cage is made of is a matter of secondary importance.
I doubt if you could do so, but even allowing this were possible, you could not point proudly to your bought cage and say, ‘I made that.
Any ordinary small cage will do for the bath, one side being taken out and hooks put on wherewith to fit it to the side of the cage opposite the doorway.
Jett had interviewed the cage and tried to get in, but finding the door too small, she had seated herself to think it out, wondering in her mind where the bird had gone.
After she had inspected it thoroughly she took one claw in her mouth and started for the house, and never rested till she had with great difficulty deposited that bird in its cage and pushed to the door.
He marched to a table, mounted it, gave one spring, and before they could realize his purpose he put his sharp claws through the cage door and killed the little pet bird.
The bird's empty cagehad been cleaned, and was standing on a bench outside the kitchen door.
To those who have no notion of any cage but one for a parrot or a squirrel, hung out at a window, I despair of rendering this mandate intelligible.
Who would be a monkey in a cage set in the midst of a Bank Holiday crowd?
Any unflattering remark on his personal appearance will provoke a wild dance about his cage and a threatening spar through the wires.
But the little marmosets and the Pinche monkey, all in a cage together, are chiefly interesting here.
So that the whole performance in this cage is a sort of eccentric knockabout act, by the celebrated Marmosetti Eccentric Quartette.
The Professor shut himself in an aluminium cage, and the cage littered about Africa for some time, an object of interest to independent monkeys--a sort of free freak show.
At a town meeting in 1662, it was ordered "that a cage be made or some other meanes invented by the selectmen to punish such as sleepe or take tobacco on the Lord's day out of the meetinge in the time of publique service.
The more the "cage man" schemed to keep his wife from finding out the deception he'd practiced on her, the more possibilities of exposure developed, and the more apprehensive he became.
Presently Skinner stepped out of his cage and locked the door behind him.
But on this particular morning the "cage man" was even more harmless than usual.
Was it because he had been a "cage man" too long, always taking orders, always acquiescing subserviently, never asserting?
All that day, while Skinner was instructing the young man who was to succeed him as "cage man," he was very happy.
As a "cage man," Skinner had always dealt with men of small caliber, who were ever in a hurry.
But Skinner was not trumpeting the fact that he was only a "cage man.
But what gave him profound satisfaction was the fact that McLaughlin and Perkins were beginning to realize that he could do something besides stand in a cage and count money.
At this point Mr. Harrison arose and, with an expression that would have struck terror into any bird but a parrot, carried Ginger's cage into an adjoining room and shut the door.
Emily wouldn't touch hiscage with a ten-foot pole .
The lightning knocked over the kitchen chimbly and come down the flue and knocked over Ginger's cage and tore a hole in the floor and went into the sullar.
On the other hand, father says that if Matthew Arnold had known of me he would have purchased me, placed me in a cage with a fountain pen, and exhibited me to his classes at Oxford as a literary freak!
You would write as your Southern mockingbird sings his "green-tree ballad"; the thought of that bird mewed in a city cage and taught to perform by rote and not for spontaneous joy, troubled me not a little.
But, I think, dear Master, the motive which prompts the song in the cage is not the same as the impulse to sing in the forest.