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Example sentences for "hotfoot"

Lexicographically close words:
hote; hotel; hotelkeeper; hotels; hotep; hotheaded; hotheads; hothouse; hothouses; hoti
  1. I followed, rifle in hand, and we sped hotfoot across the stump-lot and out upon the hill.

  2. My advice to you is that you travel hotfoot to Holwick, and leave nothing undone till you lay hands on the treasure.

  3. When yon lubber comes to himself, tell him to make hotfoot for Lyme, and put hundreds of leagues of sea betwixt him and us.

  4. And he would undoubtedly have counselled a second change of abode if he had known that the spy, after assuring himself that Harry Rochester was a guest of the inn, had gone hotfoot to Captain Aglionby.

  5. So I ups and goos wi' Long Tom hotfoot to the Grange, and Tom he tells me by the way the longs and shorts on't.

  6. Llewellyn for this little side- show," and the next second Wheedles was in full flight with all his chums hotfoot upon his trail.

  7. I fear they will be hotfoot upon our track in a few moments.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hotfoot" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    apace; bound; bullet; canter; dust; expeditiously; furiously; gallop; get; haste; hasten; hastily; highball; hop; hotfoot; hump; hustle; immediately; impetuously; instantly; leap; lope; nip; pelt; promptly; quickly; run; shoot; speedily; spring; sprint; stave; step; superficially; swiftly; trip; trot