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Example sentences for "quarantine"

Lexicographically close words:
quantus; quaque; quar; quaranta; quarante; quarantined; quarantines; quard; quare; quarell
  1. The villages of Clifton and Stapleton and the Quarantine Station are on Staten Island, Stapleton being the yachting headquarters.

  2. Within the Hook is the lower Quarantine on the west bank of Romer Shoal, and over opposite is Gravesend Bay, behind Coney Island.

  3. The man what used to be at Quarantine seven years ago.

  4. She also wrote to Babcock, asking him to stop at her house some morning on his way to the Quarantine Landing, where he was building a retaining-wall; and when he arrived, she took him out to the shed where she kept her heavy derricks.

  5. He was on his way to Quarantine in his buggy.

  6. I had him over to Quarantine again two years ago, but it was too late; it'd growed fast, they said.

  7. There were no quarantine regulations to prevent the spread of what is now recognized as one of the most virulent of epidemics.

  8. The town was crowded, and quarantine laws were lax.

  9. The vessels which passed the fort anchored at the quarantine station about six miles above, and in the forenoon proceeded up the river.

  10. For nothing is more evident than that it is one of the powers reserved to the States to regulate the commercial intercourse between their citizens, to the extent even of the establishment of inspection and quarantine regulations.

  11. There was a strong sentiment against admitting any cattle from Texas, all former privileges were to be set aside, and the right to quarantine against any section or state was claimed as a prerogative of a free people.

  12. There we were halted by the authorities of that territory, under some act of quarantine against Texas cattle.

  13. Quarantine was unnecessary, as within a few days half the cattle were sick, and it was all we could do to move away from the stench of the dead ones.

  14. But a deputation met us south of the river, notifying me that the quarantine convention was in session, and requesting me not to attempt to cross the Arkansas.

  15. In attempting to pass the former point with four Pan-Handle herds in the spring of 1888, I ran afoul of a quarantine convention.

  16. The unfriendliness of other States against Texas cattle, caused by the ravages of fever imparted by southern to domestic animals, had resulted in quarantine being enforced against all stock from the South.

  17. All these had been bought north of the quarantine line in Texas, and were turned loose with the wintered ones, fever having been unknown among our holdings of the year before.

  18. All the cattle came from the Pan-Handle and north Texas, above the quarantine line, the latter precaution being necessary in order to avoid any possibility of fever, in mixing through and northern wintered stock.

  19. This was naturally depressing, more so, perhaps, as we were bound direct for Rio Janeiro; but as we now came from a northern port with a clean bill of health, we were finally released from quarantine and permitted to land.

  20. On the island of Flores, fifteen miles from Montevideo, there are a lighthouse and quarantine station.

  21. He believes that the yellow fever might be effectually banished from Rio by the adoption of strict quarantine and effective sanitary measures in the city proper.

  22. But the necessity of enforcing quarantine and other precautions had hampered movement up and down the line of communications, and so delayed the progress of the preparations for an advance.

  23. The traveller who lands on Quarantine Island is first confronted with the debris of the projected Suakin-Berber Railway.

  24. By the way, after the quarantine and with the policeman locked in the furnace room, a pearl necklace and a diamond bracelet were stolen!

  25. The two most unexpected events of the whole quarantine occurred that night at the same time, one on the roof and one in the cellar.

  26. Whoever was trying to leave the house had taken the necklace, that seemed clear, unless Max was still foolishly trying to break quarantine and create one of the sensations he so dearly loves.

  27. It is evident, however, that the quarantine is proving irksome to the inhabitants of the sequestered residence, most of whom are typical society folk, without resources in themselves.

  28. It was that night that the really serious event of the quarantine occurred.

  29. From Scio Howard sailed to Smyrna, and then changed into another vessel, bound for Venice, which he knew would be put in quarantine the moment it arrived in the city.

  30. At length, after two months, Venice was reached, and as a passenger on board a ship from an infected port, Howard was condemned to forty days' quarantine in the new lazaretto.

  31. Bernadotte, it was reported, had advised that Bonaparte should be brought to a court-martial, an the two-fold charge of having abandoned his army and violated the quarantine laws.

  32. The Mosque of many Columns is turned into a quarantine station, and the Mosque of St. Athanasius has no connection with the great Father except that it stands on the site of a church in which he probably preached.

  33. Let us suppose that Bonaparte had been forced to perform quarantine at Toulon.

  34. The quarantine has lasted three days, General; surely that is long enough.

  35. Complaint was made last summer of the discriminatory enforcement of a bubonic quarantine against Japanese on the Pacific coast and of interference with their travel in California and Colorado under the health laws of those States.

  36. There is danger that with the coming of spring cholera will again appear, and a liberal appropriation should be made at this session to enable our quarantine and port officers to exclude the deadly plague.

  37. But the most careful and stringent quarantine regulations may not be sufficient absolutely to exclude the disease.

  38. It is most undesirable that a State should on its own initiative enforce quarantine regulations which are in effect a restriction upon interstate and international commerce.

  39. The subject of quarantine regulations, inspection, and control was brought suddenly to my attention by the arrival at our ports in August last of vessels infected with cholera.

  40. On the 1st of September last I approved regulations establishing a twenty-day quarantine for all vessels bringing immigrants from foreign ports.

  41. It is desirable to enact a proper National quarantine law.

  42. Quarantine regulations should be uniform at all our ports.

  43. On the 24th the regiment was released from quarantine and moved from the detention to the general camp.

  44. At Montauk the Prairie was put into quarantine until the 28th.

  45. The men who were able to walk got down the steep gang plank in some kind of order and after an attempt at regimental formation, marched up to the quarantine camp, a distance of some two and a half miles, over the very roughest kind of a road.

  46. We passed several steamers with the yellow quarantine flag hoisted at their sterns and after a while the Mobile anchored and some quarantine officers came aboard and inspected the passengers and crew.

  47. Hardly was she out of quarantine before she steamed to Newport and from there to Fall River, where a warm reception was given the Fall River men on board the ship.

  48. In Fairhaven and Foulstrand the second story of the Quarantine Master shows the same sad development: ".

  49. The fine marble sarcophagus which is in the Museum, was taken from a tumulus which was situated near the quarantine house, and is considered to be that of King Bentik.

  50. A letter from the Russian consul at Tebris ensured me a very courteous reception; from the quarantine I was saved, as there was no plague or cholera.

  51. Most of the ships come from the Turkish shore, and are obliged to pass through a quarantine of fourteen days, whether they have illness on board or not.

  52. It was already night when we arrived; a boat was quickly put out, and we were conveyed to the quay near the quarantine station.

  53. By far the greater number of ships do not lie here, but in the quarantine harbour.

  54. Among these are the Palace of Prince Woronzoff, the Exchange, the government offices, several large barracks, the quarantine buildings, and many fine private houses.

  55. We were first visited by the health-officer, who read through the certificates which we brought from the quarantine very leisurely.

  56. Occasionally they are detained in quarantine for some time, when the plague or cholera happens to be prevalent in Persia.

  57. But the ordinary quarantine regulations will afford no protection in such a case.

  58. The small pox is another disease against the introduction of which quarantine laws have been established.

  59. Here we were obliged to remain until visited the next morning by the health officer; for the quarantine regulations of Sweden, although not so vexatious and absurd as in many other ports of Europe, were nevertheless very strict.

  60. The quarantine regulations in Boston formerly partook of the unreasonable and absurd character, which, to a greater or less extent, has marked these regulations in all maritime countries.

  61. I do not believe that history ever recorded a quarantine of a jail before, for public buildings, such as post office, court houses or jails cannot be made pest houses, and such buildings are cleansed.

  62. But since our manufactories must be supplied with silk and cotton, our merchants are obliged to employ the Dutch, who land their goods in a Lazaretto in Holland, and after a short quarantine performed there, send them over to us.

  63. The yellow flag betokens infectious illness, and is displayed when there is cholera, yellow fever, or such like dangerous malady on board ship, and it is also hoisted on quarantine stations.

  64. It hangs on a single word from his lips, whether the ship may have to lie ten or twenty days in quarantine with all her passengers.

  65. If the plague breaks out in Brussa, everything living or dead is officially declared infected: whoever has been in contact with it comes under the same ban, and must be in quarantine for ten or twenty days.

  66. One morning I received a great big document, it looked like a college diploma, saying that I had finished with the quarantine and could proceed on my way.

  67. Many Italians were flying home from the scourge-stricken districts, and at the last moment I learned that a quarantine had been established on the Italian frontier.

  68. On the Mode of Transmission of the Infectious Agent in Yellow Fever and Its Bearing upon the Quarantine Regulations.

  69. We now know that it is infectious only and not contagious, and that all this quarantine was unnecessary.

  70. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quarantine" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.