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Example sentences for "obliged"

Lexicographically close words:
obligation; obligations; obligato; obligatory; oblige; obliger; obliges; obligeth; obliging; obligingly
  1. The king was now obliged to have David for a son-in-law.

  2. They have no home, and are almost obliged to fight, to get enough to eat.

  3. She was almost obliged to open the little girls’ mouths before she could make them swallow.

  4. Dotty was much obliged to her kind sister for leading the conversation away from the primary school, for she had been afraid some one might strike in with an awkward question.

  5. It was so hard to reason with the little girl, that one was obliged to choose one’s words with care.

  6. To be sure, the Turk had given but few lessons, as, soon after making his engagement, he had been obliged to go to New York to join a tobacconist's firm.

  7. She found that as yet there was no hotel exactly in front of the Sphinx, nor indeed on that side of the river, and she would be obliged to make the excursion of nine miles there and nine miles back, each day.

  8. The armchair joggled about a good deal, and the Christmas-tree creaked behind her; and Hiram was obliged to stop occasionally and tie in the chair and the tree more firmly.

  9. But they were obliged to leave Naples the very day of despatching the telegram, and left no address to which an answer could be sent.

  10. As they crossed the broad gangway to reach the deck, she had not noticed they had left the pier; indeed, she had supposed that the steamer was one she saw out in the offing, and that they would be obliged to take a boat to reach it.

  11. Everybody but Dick thought it such a nice plan that he was obliged to agree.

  12. After reaching Cairo, the whole party were obliged to rest awhile.

  13. But at each place they were obliged to stop for additional tippets and great-coats and India-rubber boots for the little boys.

  14. He had jumped in, but was obliged to take hold of the side in getting out.

  15. But she was obliged to go first to visit the secretary of the Circumambient Society, to explain that she should not be present at their evening meeting.

  16. And with this in my mind, and all the thoughts that came with it, I am obliged to confess that the other matter, which I had been so full of on the previous night, went entirely out of my head.

  17. If you prove it to be a delusion, I shall be very much obliged to you for one.

  18. I am obliged to use these metaphors, otherwise I could give no explanation of my condition, seized upon against my will, and torn from all those moorings of reason to which I clung with desperation, as long as I had the strength.

  19. I was obliged to go at last, but what could I say?

  20. He did not choose to have Corrie in New York, although Rupert chafed and he himself was obliged to go in to the city frequently, at considerable inconvenience.

  21. Money was very nearly non-existent to them, since they never were obliged to consider its lack or abundance.

  22. I'm awfully obliged to you for coming in with me.

  23. He was obliged to scrutinize the handsome countenance offered for inspection at close range.

  24. Boris was obliged to pretend that he was hit in order to rid himself of this tiresome individual.

  25. The water was freezing cold, and he was much hampered in his swimming by the numbers of drowning men whom he was obliged to circumvent as far as possible for fear of being seized and drowned before he could escape from the grip of despair.

  26. Peter provided the craft as well as the supper, but the guests were obliged to navigate for themselves.

  27. So fiercely did it fight and kick out for its freedom that Nancy was obliged presently to set it down, when it instantly made off on hands and knees in the direction taken by its companions.

  28. So Boris was obliged to do half a day's work in the trenches while he told the Tsar his story, part of which we know.

  29. The Tsar was now in a somewhat serious position, for it is never pleasant to be obliged to face a bear with no weapon excepting a knife, and from the insecure position of a pine branch it is even less agreeable than on terra firma.

  30. By the 14th November all the powder and shot had been used, and the troops were obliged to sit and wait for new supplies with the best grace they could muster.

  31. Nancy had disappeared out of the room, for her feelings had proved too much for her, and Boris regretfully felt obliged to depart at length without seeing the child again.

  32. At swimming, however, even the best of his English competitors were obliged to take a second place, for Boris excelled any who were pitted against him, especially in the longer races.

  33. According to the truant's code he was not allowed to tell a lie about his escapade, either at home or at school, but he was not obliged to offer a full and detailed statement of the truth.

  34. This scandal might indeed have crystallised into an accepted fact, and the Provost been obliged to command the Count's departure, had it not been for the shrewdness and good nature of the "Fair Maid of Muirtown.

  35. I shall do this when obliged to desert the pulpit because a free voice and a free heart can not be in "that bad eminence.

  36. While the public professors received a thousand pounds a year for giving no lectures, the candidates for degrees were obliged to ask and pay for a dispensation for not having attended the lectures that never were given.

  37. We have not been obliged to fight for our existence against any alien race; and yet our life has called for the vigor and effort without which the manlier and hardier virtues wither away.

  38. We have been obliged to arm ourselves to make good our claim to a certain minimum of right and of freedom of action.

  39. Never was man in power obliged to give so many audiences to the ladies.

  40. One of his greatest mortifications was his being obliged to wear that green armor which had exposed him to such contumelious treatment.

  41. A slight shower falling soon after obliged them to return to the house.

  42. He struggled; he conquered; but this victory, which he was obliged to purchase afresh every moment, cost him many sighs and tears.

  43. She would have obliged the chief of the magi, who was old and gouty, to dance before her; and on his refusal, she persecuted him with the most unrelenting cruelty.

  44. I nearly fell down, and opened my eyes; the trees were dancing round me and the earth heaved; I was obliged to sit down.

  45. The Hebrew was disconcerted, and was soon after obliged to confess the truth.

  46. Upon one of these he mounted Zadig, whom he was obliged to carry to the door, and who was ready to expire with grief.

  47. He met no one in the silent streets that rang with the echoes of his own footsteps, and was obliged to ask the way to the mayor's house of a weaver who was working late.

  48. He was some time after obliged to repudiate Azora, who became too difficult to be pleased; and he then sought for happiness in the study of nature.

  49. With this he was obliged to cover himself, having nothing else near him.

  50. It was in 1407 that Fra Angelico was admitted to the convent in Fiesole, and after seven years of peaceful life there he was obliged to flee with his companions to Foligno.

  51. The reason for their being in these underground places was that Christians were so persecuted under the Romans, that they were obliged to do secretly all that they did as Christians, so that no attention should be attracted to them.

  52. He was obliged to live in style becoming his position, and yet when he died he left a fortune of fifty-five thousand ducats.

  53. Magennis was obliged to abandon Down, and McMahon Monaghan; Sir Philem was driven to burn Armagh and Dungannon, and to take his last stand at Charlemont.

  54. In pursuing to its close the war in Munster, we were obliged to omit the mention of an affair of considerable importance, which somewhat consoled the Catholics for the massacre at Smerwick and the defeat of the Desmonds.

  55. They were, by their own account, "obliged to give back a while," and finally night settled down upon the scene.

  56. During the Geraldine insurrection, Henry was obliged to remonstrate with James on favours shown to his rebels of Ireland.

  57. Those who were immediate tenants of the chief, or of the church, were debarred this privilege of tenant-right, and if unable to keep their holdings were obliged to surrender them unreservedly to the church or the chief.

  58. At Long Island they were obliged to part company, the prince proceeding alone with Miss Flora McDonald.

  59. The ordinary sacrifices were animals and birds; but every ninth year there was a great festival at Upsala, at which the kings and nobles were obliged to appear in person, and to make valuable offerings.

  60. At the age of three score and upwards Flan is frequently obliged to protect by recourse to arms his mensal lands in Meath-their favourite point of attack-or to defend some faithful adherent whom these unnatural Princes sought to oppress.

  61. Another party of the same troops took possession of Clear Island, but were obliged to abandon it as untenable.

  62. In some places the towns were so wasted by the late war, pestilence, and famine, that the Viceregal party were obliged to camp out in the fields, and to carry with them their own provisions.

  63. If the unnaturalized tenant withdrew of his own will from the land he was obliged to leave all his improvements behind; but if he was ejected he was entitled to get their full value.

  64. In point of military service, these schools are all on an equal footing, a pupil who completes a course of six years in either being obliged to serve but one year with the colors.

  65. Again there was silence, when one struck the National Anthem, which was sung with all heads uncovered, the aged hero bowing low at his window in acknowledgment until emotion obliged him to withdraw.

  66. He probably figured it out that if he carried a watch he would be obliged to spend a certain amount of time each day winding it.

  67. I am still in bed, so that I am obliged to dictate this letter to you.

  68. I did it that the poor old skeleton might not fall down dead upon my steps, and I be obliged to climb over her ugly corpse.

  69. The Assessor sate silently beside them, and observed them both: it was not long, however, before he was obliged to leave them, being summoned suddenly to some one who was dangerously ill.

  70. After the little Jacobis had all enjoyed the foaming, elevating liquor, they became possessed by such a buoyant spirit of life, that Louise was obliged to command them to exhibit their mighty deeds at a distance.

  71. At mention of the last word, the woman began to fume and swear, and the Judge was obliged to compel her to silence by severe threats.

  72. His small income, misfortunes which befel us, a quick succession of children, made our condition more oppressive from year to year, and increased the debt which from the very time when we settled down first we were obliged to incur.

  73. It was very hard for the Judge that he was compelled on this very day to leave home, but pressing business obliged him to do so.

  74. Her mother was obliged to apply remedies both for mind and body, tender words and soothing drops--to tranquillise her excited state.

  75. He understood Roman jurisprudence, and was the author of a code for the Goths, but in a case like this he was obliged to conform to national customs.

  76. She did entreat me to take Isa instead, so earnestly that I was obliged to read her your decided objections.

  77. I was obliged to wear a good suit of clothes, and to have a decent lodging; for in all large towns the most important thing is outward show, by which at the beginning one is always judged.

  78. I returned to Venice, tortured lest I should be told in the evening at the door of the cathedral, where we were to meet, that the nun had been obliged to put off her appointment.

  79. Being obliged to go out for a minute, in coming back I mistook the door, and I found myself in the next room, where I was much astonished to see the count and two villainous-looking fellows with him.

  80. At the second drawing a terne of forty thousand francs obliged me to borrow money.

  81. I shall be obliged if you will take care that he never knows I told you of it.

  82. My receipts amounted to sixty thousand, but being obliged to deliver over my chest on the evening before the drawing, I had to pay out of my own funds, and was not repaid for a week.

  83. I will take you into my service, and you shall have all that you need without being obliged to pursue the hazardous trade of a spy.

  84. I was more pleased than she, for I should have been sorry to have been obliged to soil my hands with the blood of that rascally count.

  85. The night was short, for she was obliged to return at three in the morning, and it struck one as we sat down to table.

  86. Having to inform Father Balbi of this fatal misadventure, I wrote to him during the night, and being obliged to do so more than once, I got accustomed to write correctly enough in the dark.

  87. Before I left her she said her honour obliged her to get Capsucefalo assassinated, for the wretch had wronged her beyond pardon.

  88. I was obliged to tell her of my losses, and it was at her request that I sold all her diamonds, losing what I got for them; she had now only five hundred sequins by her.

  89. But it was a long job, and the smoke in his eyes made the young hero obliged to let Dicky and Denny take a turn as they had bothered to do from the first.

  90. People aren't obliged to like everything they write about even, let alone read,' Alice said.

  91. Since by the relative rising of the price of fuel, all the consumers of coal have lost, they have been obliged to limit their expenses in proportion, and the whole of national labour has been necessarily discouraged to this extent.

  92. But it was never evolved by a man who was digging postholes, and a noble ambition to mine the very best coal cannot carry a miner far when he is obliged to cut such coal as there is in front of him.

  93. Owing to the Post-office department spending many millions annually in carrying periodicals below cost, it has become so loaded with them as to be obliged to send them as freight.

  94. The highwayman carries a pistol, and so does the paymaster who is obliged to transport a treasure chest.

  95. I feel obliged by your polite invitation; but I believe my husband has to attend a clerical meeting, which will render it absolutely necessary that we should be at home on Tuesday next.

  96. She was obliged to take to her bed on the very day of her arrival.

  97. We feel very much obliged to you, Mr. Pickford.

  98. We fear that your boy will be obliged to dispense with his hot-water bottle now that he has joined the Army, and it would be no use your writing to his commanding officer about the matter.

  99. And here we saw a big stream that our guide did not dare to cross, as the water was over one's head because of the heavy rainfall; so we were obliged to postpone it till the next day.

  100. For this reason they are obliged to watch the season for sowing.

  101. After marching seven or eight leagues we found that the hunters' cabins had been burned, so we were obliged to sleep under the blue sky.

  102. I could not make a fire, and was obliged to walk the whole night to keep warm.

  103. Well, I'm a thousand times obliged to you, I'm sure.

  104. In the grill-room of a Broadway hotel he was obliged to wait some minutes for the fulfillment of his orders and he spent the time in reading and studying the little grey note.

  105. The wind twisted his coat-tails fantastically, and he was obliged to keep one hand firmly on the top of his hat.

  106. It worked upon him until he felt obliged to call in his dragoman, and then, seated upon the edge of his bed and waving his pipe eloquently, he described the plight of some very dear friends who were cut off at Nikopolis in Epirus.

  107. But on the other hand there might be with them some indifferent westerner who was obliged to resort to irregular means and harangue startled shop-keepers in order to provide himself with collars of a strange kind.

  108. I would be obliged to be of service at any time, Nora, but surely you do not consider that you have a right to my services superior to any other right.

  109. Well, in order to make vice abhorrent to the young, I'm obliged to raise back.

  110. We were obliged to pay attention to our mothers wishes.

  111. He was obliged to concede a privilege of limping, but he would not stop.

  112. The train was really obliged to arrive finally at Patras even if it was a tortoise, and when this happened, a hotel runner appeared, who lied for the benefit of the hotel in saying that there was no boat over to Mesalonghi that night.

  113. Coleman was obliged to resign Marjory and again take up the active leadership.

  114. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "obliged" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accountable; appreciative; beholden; bound; cognizant; committed; grateful; indebted; obligated; obliged; pledged; saddled; sensible; supposed; tied