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Example sentences for "constipated"

Lexicographically close words:
constat; constellated; constellation; constellations; consternation; constipating; constipation; constitit; constitootion; constituciones
  1. If the bowels are constipated an enema of warm water and a little castile soap should be administered.

  2. If the bowels are constipated give a laxative at once, and over the painful tonsils apply a flaxseed poultice, keeping the neck and head wrapped up well at the same time.

  3. If the bowels be constipated they should be moved by an injection of starch-water.

  4. The constipated condition of the bowels, often leads to congestion of the uterus and leucorrhea, followed by uterine debility, prolapsus, excessive menstruation, anteversion or retroversion of that organ.

  5. I was always more or less constipated all my life.

  6. This disease will attack high livers, hearty eaters and those with constipated bowels more quickly than others.

  7. This little pill is one which you can always depend on and in old chronic cases, torpid liver and constipated bowels, these pills if kept up will make a permanent cure.

  8. The bowels are variable and constipated and loose.

  9. Some of these contain malt sugar, and when the baby is constipated this kind is useful when added to milk.

  10. If the child is not constipated use barley gruel; if constipated use the oatmeal gruel.

  11. It may take time to educate the bowels to do this, but it can be done in many cases and many persons become constipated because they put off attending to the educated bowel's call, and often produce constipation by carelessness.

  12. Olive oil may safely be given for constipation to a baby,--from twenty drops to one teaspoonful one or two times daily, but castor oil should not be given for constipation, as after a time it leaves the baby more constipated than ever.

  13. The bowels may be constipated but usually there is diarrhea--frequent, loose, green, with mucus and gas.

  14. When caused by indigestion from a hearty meal; constipated bowels.

  15. If the bowels are constipated you should take an enema (injection) or salts.

  16. Babies are sometimes constipated as the result of the opium administered in soothing sirups.

  17. She must avoid becoming constipated by eating plenty of green vegetables and fruit.

  18. Others inherit constipation, while still others are constipated by the taking of the wrong kind of food or too little food.

  19. There is, perhaps, no one circumstance which is found to exert such a prejudicial influence on the course of a natural labour, in so many different ways, as deranged and constipated bowels.

  20. The abdomen had diminished still more, and a portion of the mass had descended between the uterus and rectum; the constipated bowels were moved with great difficulty, but with much relief.

  21. The drawing is less angular, less constipated than that of "Olympe".

  22. Note: If constipated give the fruit 1/2 hour before breakfast with water; if not, they may be given during the forenoon.

  23. At times there is colic, with sickness and perhaps vomiting, and the bowels are alternately constipated or loose.

  24. Youatt was never more correct in his life than when he said: "Many dogs have a dry constipated habit, often greatly increased by the bones on which they are fed.

  25. The bowels during this time are disordered, generally constipated from the very first, though their condition in this respect sometimes varies at the commencement of the disease.

  26. Fourth Avenue, New York, has relieved the constipated habit, and their Gluten and Brain Food have secured for me new powers of digestion, and the ability to sleep soundly and think clearly.

  27. I have been a constipated dyspeptic for many years, and the effect has been to reduce me in flesh, and to render me liable to no little nerve prostration and sleeplessness, especially after preaching or any special mental effort.

  28. He is fond of confusing the technical terms of the Seven Arts, writing that "stuffing the ballot-box is no greater crime than constipated harmonics.

  29. Probably every physician in active practice has women patients who have been constipated for successive periods of three or four days at a time, for several months, without much disturbance of the general condition.

  30. Some people who are quite constipated have none of the symptoms at all, while a delay of an hour or two in the evacuation seems to affect other people very much.

  31. In the same way it may be explained that fats, such as bacon and cream, help to keep the bowels from becoming constipated and constipation inevitably disturbs the appetite.

  32. Generally the bowels become constipated and the animal makes frequent attempts at urination, which is painful, and the urine very dark colored.

  33. Diarrhea often precedes death, but during the progress of the disease the bowels are alternately constipated and loose.

  34. The tail is usually elevated and held immovable; the bowels become constipated early in the attack.

  35. I could retain no food, not even water, and I was constipated for thirteen days, and I suffered from jaundice.

  36. I had always been strong and healthy, and never took medicine or aperients in any shape or form, in fact, never thought about it, and acted just the same when pregnant, although dreadfully constipated all the time.

  37. The straining at stool when constipated has a most potent influence in causing piles, as well as the passage of hard, dry feces.

  38. Irregular and Constipated State of the Bowels," Journ.

  39. Hypochondria is undoubtedly closely connected with the constipated habit, and the failure to secure a daily movement becomes the subject of unceasing thought and anxiety.

  40. Servants, especially women, are constipated more frequently than their masters.

  41. A frequent recurrence of fecal retention from the causes mentioned will in time develop the constipated habit.

  42. Acute symptoms of a violent nature are sometimes developed in persons who have been constipated a long or short time, in consequence of attempts at purgation or from the accumulation of indigestible food.

  43. The use of aperients is an important agent in developing the constipated habit by over-stimulating and wearing out muscular activity.

  44. It may be brought about by a constipated state of the bowels, but it is more often due to derangements of the digestive apparatus.

  45. As the disease progresses the bowels become constipated and the discharge of gas ceases.

  46. In acute intestinal catarrh diarrhoea is the rule, but the bowels may be constipated in intense inflammation and ulceration of the mucous membrane, as is often the case in typhoid fever.

  47. Intellectual work, not only from the muscular inactivity which it entails, but from the diversion of energy to the nerve-centres, develops the constipated habit as well as indigestion.

  48. Mild forms of catarrh have constipation, or diarrhoea alternates with a normal or constipated state of the bowels.

  49. It is frequently the case that pregnant females, instead of being constipated are afflicted with severe diarrhœa.

  50. Such persons should carefully observe a moderate unstimulating and simple diet, and never allow the bowels to remain constipated more than a single day.

  51. In a constipated habit, attended with loss of cud, it is invaluable.

  52. The cow may be constipated for several succeeding days, and finally refuse her food; but who suspects that the salts were the cause of it?

  53. In 8 of Murchison's cases, 6 of which were fatal, the bowels had been constipated up to the time of its occurrence.

  54. The bowels are, as a rule, constipated in this disease.

  55. Murchison has known the bowels in cases in which a relapse has occurred to be constipated in the primary attack and relaxed in the relapse.

  56. Nathan Smith never knew a patient to die whose bowels were constipated throughout the attack.

  57. When the bowels have been constipated the administration of a purgative may provoke discharges which it may be found difficult to arrest.

  58. Appetite is variable, more frequently lost; nausea and vomiting are common; thirst is very troublesome; and the bowels are constipated or loose.

  59. The bowels are not so often constipated as in typhus, and it is not rare for diarrhoea and constipation to alternate, or for the bowels to be loose throughout the paroxysms.

  60. The absorption of poisons from a constipated lower bowel is one of the factors that causes premature aging.

  61. If they are imprudently handled and become constipated it is necessary to resort to either the enema or some mild cathartic.

  62. As the sow's bowels are likely to be somewhat constipated it is always advisable to exercise her for a few minutes during the morning after she has farrowed.

  63. Most women are as a rule more or less constipated during pregnancy.

  64. The constipated bowels betray themselves, one may wager on it, just as the atmosphere of the room, the ceiling of the room, the smallness of the room, betray themselves.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "constipated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.