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Example sentences for "interlocked"

Lexicographically close words:
interlined; interlining; interlinked; interlobular; interlock; interlocking; interlocutor; interlocutors; interlocutory; interlocutress
  1. In order to secure one good pair the finder sawed the other pair away, it not occurring to him at the time that the interlocked antlers would be of considerably more value than many pairs in the ordinary condition.

  2. We have in our National Collection of Heads and Horns sets of interlocked antlers of moose, caribou, mule deer and white-tailed deer.

  3. The antlers of the common white-tailed deer seem peculiarly liable to become interlocked so tightly that it is well-nigh impossible to separate them.

  4. Fort Massachusetts was a wooden enclosure formed, like the fort at Number Four, of beams laid one upon another, and interlocked at the angles.

  5. The wall was not of palisades, as was more usual, but of squared logs laid one upon another, and interlocked at the corners after the fashion of a log-cabin.

  6. Finally they came to a cool shadowy thread of a path that could be distinguished only because the trees were not closely interlocked each with the others.

  7. Two sides of the clearing were made impassable for the deer by the close growth of aspens, interlocked like a brush-fence.

  8. Slowly the interlocked bodies, like a swaying tower, came up and up, till the watchers caught their breath wondering what would happen to the one who was undermost in the fall if both stayed so unyielding.

  9. But besides this interlocked form of signifying the union of friendship the hands are frequently grasped together.

  10. Vetchen bestowed largess upon the small, freckled boy attendant; and his distinguished disapproval upon the largest lady-crocodile which, with interlocked but grinning jaws, slumbered under a vertical sun in monochromatic majesty.

  11. Their interlocked shadows, huge, fantastic, streamed across the eastern dunes as they moved slowly on together.

  12. If main track derails were proper for an interlocking plant, it would logically follow that every block signal should be interlocked with a derail.

  13. The whole question is interlocked with so many side lines that it is easy to overlook a dwarf signal or two.

  14. The magnet switches themselves are so interlocked that the proper sequence of operation is insured.

  15. The coils are form wound, interlocked with one another and with the light impregnated fibre disc which serves as a spacer for them.

  16. In operation, the cutting out of each step of resistance is accomplished by a separate lever and the levers themselves are so interlocked as to prevent closing switches except in proper order, beginning with the lever on the left.

  17. In the corroded specimens, the orifice approaches to circular in outline, and is large and nearly entire: the scuta and terga are deeply interlocked together.

  18. In younger shells, the radii, though narrow, are distinct, and have their surfaces transversely ribbed, and their edges toothed and interlocked with the teeth of the recipient furrow.

  19. She walked on with irregular steps, her hands interlocked and hanging before her, palms downward, her eyes on the ground.

  20. For there was no sky for anybody in the Monnlungs; the deep solid roof of interlocked branches stretched miles long, miles wide, like a close tight cover, over the entire place.

  21. With the river winding past their feet they interlocked across the valley.

  22. What was there to do when another staff officer appeared with an outburst against the disobedience of regulations that had interlocked traffic going both ways on this same one-way road?

  23. On the eastern side of the valley were heights which interlocked with the escarpments.

  24. So interlocked are all the varieties of manufacture and trade that a change in price of any one article of commerce may affect hundreds of others, sometimes much more than the article restricted.

  25. Split ring, a ring with overlapped or interlocked ends which may be sprung apart so that objects, as keys, may be strung upon the ring or removed from it.

  26. Defn: Made or consisting of interlocked rings, gimmal mail.

  27. Joined work whose parts move within each other; a pair or series of interlocked rings.

  28. For if it were attached to the stone above and not interlocked with the iron below, this would be of no use.

  29. She turned over upon her back and interlocked her fingers.

  30. Now her ten interlocked fingers join before her face.

  31. The two adversaries, in the preliminary conflict, may be fairly well represented by two rings interlocked not in the same plane but at right angles.

  32. Here again it was the rigidity and interlocked complexity of adjustment which placed it in the power of one road to block change of any sort.

  33. It is often suggested that some congressional committee investigate the Council on Foreign Relations and the network of organizations interlocked with it.

  34. By 1945, the Council on Foreign Relations, and various foundations and other organizations interlocked with it, had virtually taken over the U.

  35. Most of those who are not CFR members have affiliations with foundations or other organizations that are interlocked with the CFR.

  36. Tendrils crept and curled and twisted and interlocked from vine to vine like queer, blind, living things feeling after one another.

  37. He answered while sprawling before the library fire, his long legs apart, his fingers interlocked over his old tan waistcoat.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "interlocked" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.