Subsequently he was opposed by a pagan king called Morken, whose relatives after his death succeeded in forcing the saint to retire from Strathclyde.
I had no reason to complain of her relatives not visiting me, for they did so oftener than I liked, and they did their best to consume all that they found.
But the state or its ruler will be bound to recompense individuals or their relatives for any inconveniences they may sustain.
She was left with no children, a very small income, and a number of relatives occupying excellent stations in life.
May all wicked and foolish men be laid by the heels as I have been, and may their relatives be as forgiving as mine!
His younger brother broke loose at nineteen, pained his relatives exceedingly, and retired to a distant colony where the standard was lower.
This was a day off and many of the boys who had relativesin Ireland within reaching distance took advantage of the fact to pay them a visit.
I had a penchant, too, for getting into scrapes, and it was indeed a happy time for my relatives when a whole day passed without my being up to some mischief.
By adroit management, too, convicts often obtained the command of funds, the product of nefarious transactions at home, which wives or near relatives or unconvicted accomplices presently brought out to them.
Finding his relatives unsympathetic, and falling into heated controversy with the Presbyterian clergy, he made no long stay, but returned to Paris, where he remained for seven years, becoming professor in several colleges successively.
Gray has taken seven days' leave and gone off with that little girl of his to place her with relatives in the East.
No, I think not--I have no relatives in New York except a nephew, who is the same as a son to me.
No," Mona answered, "he had no relativesas near to him as I.
His relatives contested the will, but my lawyer has always assured me that he could at least secure a handsome amount for me, even if he could not win the whole.
Not even the departure of interfering relatives could bring freedom, for the baby's stumpy arms bound Mary to the house as inexorably as bolts and bars could have done.
The story is also coupled, from another source, with the romance of Bjarni Asbrandson, who sailed away from Iceland and from a woman he loved, because the husband and relatives of the woman made it desirable that he should.
The knowledge that the Indians retained such captives of course became a very effective motive in inducing their relatives in the settlements to gather parties of neighbors for following the victims into the forest depths.
I have relatives living in China, in India, and in the western part of Africa, but I came from the West Indies.
As the south wind passed over the field it brought the wheat messages from Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and other states, telling of relatives who were already turning golden in the summer sunshine.
All about were other vines to which friends and relatives were attached.
One of my relativeshas an interest in a commercial college.
It caused them to stand on the street posing as relatives to two honest boys.
Only the relatives and most intimate friends of the family should return to the house after the funeral; and their visit should be as short as possible.
In going to the Funeral the nearest relatives of the deceased occupy the carriages nearest the hearse.
Visits of condolence after funerals should be paid by relatives within from a week to a fortnight; by friends within the second week of the fortnight; friends of less intimacy should make enquiries and leave cards.
Impossible," replied Rodolphe, "I am expecting one of my relatives who is coming from Terra del Fuego this evening, and he would disinherit me if he did not find me waiting to receive him.
It seems probable that we have in these rhymes a remnant of a practice of singing or chanting carols or rhymes relating to the custom of sending gifts to friends and relatives during the twelve days of Christmas.
The story, it will be seen, is not the acting of a funeral, but the planting of a tree over the grave of a dead person by relatives and friends, and the spirit connection which this tree has with the dead.
For in Eubonia," he said, "we are taught that your wife's relatives will never find fault with you to your face so long as you keep away from them.
After freedom she went with Reverend Porter's relatives to work for them.
He does not even recall the name of his father, the name of his mother, or the name of any of his relatives or masters, or old-time friends.
He owned it during slavery and after he died his relatives from Mississippi come here and hired a carriage driver named Jackson Jones.
Having thus mingled together the bones of their mutual relatives and friends, they pronounce many discourses on the occasion.
This is the usual manner of allaying and settling quarrels, and, in case of the death of the wounded, presents are given to the relatives of the one killed.
As we have seen, Franklin's feelings about Deborah's relatives were hardly less cordial than his feelings about his own.
San Giacinto, for his part, was deeply engaged in maintaining the exact standard of manners which he knew to be necessary for the occasion, and his thoughts concerning his relatives were not yet altogether defined.
The powers of the world have been to a great extent built up on this principle, and it is a maxim in many a great family that there is no economy like enriching one's relatives to the thud and fourth generation.
Mrs. Graham had arranged with her aunt that John and she would remain at home all of the following day to meet friends and distant relatives of the family.
A few days after this party, the Davises accompanied their relatives to the station, where the Parkes boarded a train bound for Washington.
Entertaining such opinions, it was not likely that his relatives and friends would solicit as a favor, at the hands of his slayers, "leave to keep the wake.
Those whose friends had fallen appeared abroad on the morrow with joyful countenances, whilst the relatives of the survivors seemed overwhelmed with grief and shame.