They scrupulously adhere to the admonition to "come out from among them" and not to be unequally yoked together in any way.
One of the saddest things to behold today is the reckless transgression of that plain command, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers.
Between these two there arose a strife; and my son took and soothed them, and would have yoked them to his chariot.
So when he and his companions had yoked the bulls, and slain the dragon, and carried away the fleece, they took Medea with them in the ship, and so departed.
When the child of morning, rosy-fingered Dawn, appeared, they again yoked their horses and drove out through the gateway under the echoing gatehouse.
Thus did he speak, and they did even as he had said, and yoked the fleet horses to the chariot.
Then they laid their hands upon the good things that were before them, but as soon as they had had enough to eat and drink Telemachus and Pisistratus yoked the horses, and took their places in the chariot.
When the child of morning, rosy-fingered Dawn, appeared, they again yoked their horses and their places in the chariot.
Though thou get this, there is yet that which thou wilt not get; the two horned oxen, one of which is beyond, and the other this side of the peaked mountain, yoked together in the same plough.
Though thou get this, there is yet that which thou wilt not get; the yellow and the brindled bull yoked together do I require.
Though thou get this, there is yet that which thou wilt not get; the two dun oxen of Gwlwlyd, both yoked together, to plough the wild land yonder stoutly.
She folded the raiment and stored it in the goodly wain, and yoked the mules strong of hoof, and herself climbed into the car.
Even so he spake, and they gave good heed and hearkened; and quickly they yoked the swift horses beneath the chariot.
Now so soon as early Dawn shone forth, the rosy-fingered, they yoked the horses and mounted the inlaid car.
Angelina thus writes of her:-- "Sister Sarah enjoys more real comfort of mind than I ever saw her enjoy before, and it is delightful to be thus yoked with her in this work.
Eight elephants were then yoked to it, and dragged it with their united strength; but neither were they able to go forward.
When this precious machine was in motion, it was dragged by four little bullocks, yoked abreast, and as many ponies harnessed, or rather strung, to the plough by ropes and thongs of raw hide.
And can you think of being yoked with a spirit so unsettled and stormy, whose life has hitherto been led in scenes of death and peril, and who, even while sitting by your side, cannot disguise his impatience again to engage in them?
What wilt thou give me, Governor, to procure A dissolution of the slavish bands Wherein the Turk hath yoked your lands and you?
The lad arose and got the horses and yoked the chariot.
The boy rose and took the horses and yoked the chariot.
The servant got the horses andyoked the chariot, and they went forth from the camp.
When our hombre desired to enliven the pair that were yoked to the pole, he was obliged to shorten his goad stick by thrusting it behind him into the cart, to the serious discomfiture of Texas and Ohio.
Four oxen wereyoked to this rude contrivance in the manner common I believe to all Spanish countries.
It is no uncommon thing to see a woman yoked to the plough with an ass, while her husband guides it.
She did not wish women to go into the field to be yoked with mules, or to turn scavenger, to pick up rags and crusts in the streets to carry home in their aprons.
The Portuguese pride themselves on their gentle bearing toward their slaves, yet the streets of Rio Janeiro are filled with naked men and women yoked in pairs to carts and wagons, and whipped by drivers like beasts of burden.
Not so should say Admetos, whom Apollon made come court Alkestis in a car, submissive brutes Of blood were yoked to, symbolizing soul Must dominate unruly sense in man.
The six oxen yoked in pairs seemed to indicate primeval simplicity, and were a novel sight.
The ox and the horse, yoked side by side, were pulling with all their strength; the traces were stretched almost to breaking, and the bows threatened to give way to the strain.
That smote the foes of Zion and of God; That crushed proud Ammon, when his iron car Was yoked in wrath, and thundered from afar?
Was man ordained the slave of man to toil, Yoked with the brutes, and fettered to the soil, Weighed in a tyrant's balance with his gold?
Thus spake he, and they yoked oxen and mules to wains, and quickly then they flocked before the city.
But to Priam's car they yoked the horses that the old man kept for his use and reared at the polished crib.
Then they brought from the chamber and heaped on the polished wain the countless ransom of Hector's head, and yoked strong-hooved harness mules, which on a time the Mysians gave to Priam, a splendid gift.
And Hermes yoked the horses and mules for them, and himself drave them lightly through the camp, and none was aware of them.
While I sat wondering why they beat it, there came up next sixty oxen yoked in pairs.
But before she could speak they broke out of a grove and came in view of a wide meadow across which four yoked cattle drew a harrow, smoothing the plow furrows to an even, black surface.
He could hear plainly the creaking of the great wains as the oxen were yoked to them and they were dragged into position to receive the burdens of the property they were to take with them into the outer world.
And that the messenger, Palamedes, might believe he was mad indeed, he did a thing that no man ever saw being done before--he took an ass and an ox and yoked them together to the same plough and began to plough a field.
The sons of Nestor gave heed and they yoked the swift horses to the chariot and the housedame came from the hall and placed within the chariot wine and dainties.
Illustration] Then were the horses yoked to the chariot and Telemachus and Peisistratus bade farewell to Menelaus and Helen who had treated them so kindly.
In the morning as soon as the sun rose they yoked the houses and they mounted the chariot, and for another day they journeyed across the plain.
Priam aroused his henchman and they went out and yoked the mules and mounted the wagon, and with Hermes to guide them they drove back to the City.
After a while he loomed up again upon the horizon, and this time Mr. Butterwick noticed that he was hauling after him a setter pup and a yellow dog, both dead, and yoked together with one of Brown's suspenders.
You ain't fit to be yoked with any decent woman, you wretch you!
And who are they who do not worship the beast and his image, if not those who do what the apostle says, "Be not yoked with unbelievers?