Four hundred and eighty copies are sent direct from the publishers to the Country Library Service offices in Hamilton, Palmerston North, and Christchurch, and are sent out regularly to 93 affiliated libraries.
But for the timely exertion of a philological student, this interesting link in the history of the Huron-Iroquois relations with affiliated tribes would have been lost beyond recall.
If they remain affiliated with us it should be only through the voluntary choice of the majority of the population dwelling upon them.
Thus every people would be affiliated with the government to which it naturally belonged and with which it wished to be affiliated.
If those parts remained affiliated with the central government, it would be only through the voluntary choice of the majority of the population dwelling upon the territory.
Fraternally he belongs to the Masonic order and is alsoaffiliated with the Mystic Shrine.
Crayne, the former for many yearsaffiliated with Whitman College.
Liberty rejected religion to become atheistical, and fraternity or union affiliated itself to pantheism.
And, as such, I again urge you first to respect the leaning which you mentioned a moment ago and become actively affiliated with our Church here in New York.
Why," returned Monsignor easily, "the lady sent for me to express her desire to become affiliated with the Church.
The vestal in question was Diana of the Charlestonians, elect sister in Asmodeus, who at that time was not affiliated to Palladism.
He has a good deal of influence, as well as money, and is affiliated with men with whom a large part of my earlier life was associated.
The Leadership Principle was introduced into the schools, and the Party and affiliated organizations were given wide supervisory powers over education.
Is it not clear that to allow the Turk to go under, as numerically he ought to do, would mean to add strength to the great Slavic majority, affiliated as it is with Russia both by speech and religion?
At the end of the twelfth century there were no less than two thousand monasteries affiliated with that of Cluny as head centre.
The mode of government resembled the aristocratic rather than the monarchical, the affiliated monasteries joining in the election of abbot.
Fraternally he is affiliated with the Royal Arcanum.
From 1911 Mr. Reynolds was vice president in charge of the financial and accounting departments of the Grand Trunk and Grand Trunk Pacific and affiliated lines.
To the Trafalgar Institute, affiliated with McGill University, he gave thirty thousand dollars.
Certainly, Enver Pasha and most of the other leaders of the governing group had long been more or less affiliated with the Pan-Turanian movement.
The "Ottomanizing" leaders of the new government listened eagerly to Pan-Turanian preaching, and most of them became affiliated with the movement.
The London Carthusians, with other affiliated establishments, had remained passive, and had thus furnished an open encouragement to disobedience.
The popes in the interval had absorbed in their turn from the heads of the religious orders, the privileges which by them had been extorted from the affiliated societies.
Society histories have been omitted, with the exception of an account of the oldest affiliatedliterary society in the United States.
Bramson, actively identified with Jewish educational activities, who wasaffiliated with the Russian Democratic group, known as the Trudoviki, or "Laborites.
When distinct breeds are allowed to cross freely, the result will be a heterogenous body; for instance, the dogs in Paraguay are far from uniform, and can no longer be affiliated to their parent-races.
Affiliated with the local Soviets of Workmen's and Soldiers' Delegates, they are subject to the authority of the Supreme Council of National Economy.
The semi-legislative, semi-executive organs created for that purpose form an intricate hierarchy of affiliated elective bodies and corporations of a large and ill-defined jurisdiction.
The Caldey novice, and one of the affiliated brothers from Erdington Abbey, both left us, after the outbreak of the Great War, and joined the army; and the former was killed on active service.
They are organized on the lodge system, and each fraternity comprises a number of affiliated lodges of which only one of any one fraternity is connected with the same institution.
It is a bank of art treasures on which institutions affiliated to it throughout the Kingdom can draw at discretion.
There he affiliated more or less with the Chauffeurs and, accused of several assassinations, was sentenced to death for contumacy.
He affiliated secretly with Maxence Gilet, being one of the "Knights of Idlesse," till his conduct was discovered.
The Independent Labour Party is affiliated to the Labour party, which is a federation of trade unions, co-operative societies, and Socialist societies, for political action.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "affiliated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.