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Example sentences for "negotiate"

Lexicographically close words:
negociations; negocio; negocios; negotia; negotiable; negotiated; negotiates; negotiating; negotiation; negotiations
  1. I did not wish the knowledge of my presence to be known to the army generally; so I left it to Sherman to negotiate the terms of the surrender solely by himself, and without the enemy knowing that I was anywhere near the field.

  2. The question left unresolved, to await this evening's session, was whether they should agree to negotiate with Parliament at all.

  3. Even so, he had tried every means possible to negotiate a surrender.

  4. Maybe everybody will try to negotiate some more.

  5. We have to make a show of force if we're to negotiate from strength.

  6. Could it be some Puritan sympathizers in the Assembly were trying to negotiate a surrender behind Bedford's back?

  7. Having taken advantage of the lull to withdraw his fleet from the difficult channel in which they were entangled, he went on shore to negotiate a treaty.

  8. Bitter quarrels were the consequence, and he found it necessary to leave the army and betake himself to Italy, which had been his original destination, in order to negotiate with the Genoese for a supply of money.

  9. With the opening of the new year, the air--as often before--was filled with rumors that the insurgents were anxious to negotiate for peace.

  10. A; a] travel or negotiate a distance back and forth several times.

  11. Kuylaw kaáyu nang muági na ta sa sigsag, It is nerve-racking to negotiate the zigzag curves.

  12. Ayaw ug pakúsug ug magrikúdu ka, Don’t drive fast when you negotiate a turn.

  13. A; c6] for a land vehicle to turn a corner, negotiate a curve.

  14. Then if Stormont knew much about mining and was accustomed to negotiate the sale of claims, his curiosity implied that her father's belief in the lode was well grounded.

  15. In the meantime, I think you ought to promise that you won't negotiate with anybody else.

  16. Raffaello da Montelupo, in his Autobiography, calls him Cattinaro, and relates how “when he came one day into the castle to negotiate a treaty, he was wounded in the arm by one of our arquebusiers.

  17. But these sentiments had admitted a willingness to negotiate if Great Britain should "as a preliminary thereto, either withdraw their fleets and armies, or else, in positive and express terms, acknowledge the independence of the said States.

  18. The strongest point of "Cato" was based on the proposed embassy for negotiation, and he demanded reverence for "Ambassadors coming to negotiate a peace.

  19. One of the measures which she adopted for strengthening her interest with the royal family of Scotland was to negotiate a marriage between the young prince, who was now seven years old, and a Scotch princess.

  20. He despatched Apharban, a servant who possessed his favor and confidence, with a commission to negotiate a treaty, or rather to receive whatever conditions the conqueror should impose.

  21. He attempted to negotiate with Claudius a treaty of alliance and partition.

  22. He sent public ambassadors of consular rank to negotiate with his rival; he despatched private assassins to take away his life.

  23. The secret motive of Narses, in this delay, had been to collect such a military force as might enable him, though sincerely desirous of peace, to negotiate with the greater weight and dignity.

  24. You will proceed to negotiate with his minister the terms of a treaty of amity and commerce, as nearly conformed as possible to the draught we give you.

  25. Lambe was the bearer, and of informing you that I had proposed to Mr. Adams, that if he did not arrive either in the French or English packets, then expected, we should send some person to negotiate these treaties.

  26. A flag sails hence to-morrow to New York, to negotiate the exchange of some prisoners.

  27. We therefore appointed him to negotiate with the Algerines.

  28. He brings new full powers to us from Congress, to appoint persons to negotiate with the Barbary States; but we are to sign the treaties.

  29. Franklin, to go to France, as a Commissioner to negotiate treaties of alliance and commerce with that government.

  30. Efforts were now made to negotiate with {165} the rebels and quiet the disturbance.

  31. Two members of the government, Cartier and McDougall, went to England to negotiate for the extinction of the rights of the Hudson's Bay Company.

  32. Upon the signing of the armistice and the appointment of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace, the United States government, through the French, requisitioned both No.

  33. It has been summoned to arrange and negotiate the transition from the previous condition of the Church to a new one.

  34. The new "sovereign, free, and independent" government of South Carolina sent commissioners to Washington to negotiate for the surrender of the national forts, and the transfer of the national property within her limits.

  35. I direct you to negotiate this affair with the envoy of the United States.

  36. The very shock of arms in the harbor of Charleston, it was believed by many, might upon sober second thought induce Southern men to pause and consider and negotiate before taking the fatal plunge.

  37. I need negotiate no further, but wait the event.

  38. Ballantyne breakfasted, and is to negotiate about Malachi with Constable and Blackwood.

  39. The facts have to be gathered locally and placed before the Government of India, who then have to negotiate through the Foreign Office, with the risk of misunderstanding and the certainty of long delays.

  40. To negotiate under such conditions required the tact and patience which General Symons fortunately possessed.

  41. The Europeans were entirely at their mercy, for they were not allowed to travel inland, and they were not allowed to try to negotiate with other merchants, to secure lower prices by competition.

  42. A mission was also dispatched from Wei to negotiate with Japan.

  43. He made a brave fight, but it had never occurred to him to sell an acre to a colored man when he was accosted by Nimbus, who, still wearing some part of his uniform, came, over to negotiate with him for the purchase of Red Wing.

  44. Then there was another postponement, and Ormonde undertook to negotiate in the meantime, Desmond fencing a good deal and avoiding a direct answer.

  45. In short, could he be mistaken in the position that all the inducement, of a national character, to expunge that article from the treaty, was to get rid of an obligation to negotiate 'at a convenient time?

  46. What was the value of an obligation to negotiate 'at a convenient time?

  47. And what would be the situation of the country, if we were now discussing a motion to request the President to recall Mr. Jackson, and again to endeavor to negotiate with him?

  48. The question having narrowed down to this small point, the President deemed it proper to give a retrospective view of it, to justify his determination, neither to apologize nor to negotiate further.

  49. Howe, Lord, arrives at New York with power to negotiate and pardon, i.

  50. The success of the Russian army in the capture of Kars and the valour it had shown in defence of Sebastopol made it easy to negotiate peace without slur on its military fame.

  51. In this view the Cabinet sent the Duke of Wellington to St. Petersburg in 1826 to negotiate with the Czar.

  52. In spite of their victory, the Austrians were willing to negotiate with the Grand Vizier for terms of peace, and ten days after the battle a treaty was signed at Vascar, where the Turks were encamped.

  53. Later, in 1573, the Venetians found it expedient to negotiate terms for a separate peace with the Porte.

  54. If I can negotiate with Mrs. Percival for a more liberal allowance, I will do it.

  55. I think, on the whole, that it is you who should negotiate with the mother.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "negotiate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    alienate; approach; arbitrate; assign; bargain; barter; bequeath; bid; bounce; bound; buck; cede; cheapen; clear; confer; consign; consult; contrive; convey; counsel; deed; deliberate; deliver; dicker; discuss; engineer; exchange; float; give; haggle; hand; hop; huckster; hurdle; intercede; intermediate; interpose; intervene; judge; jump; leap; manage; manipulate; mediate; meerschaum; moderate; negotiate; over; palaver; parley; pass; pounce; powwow; reason; refer; referee; represent; sell; settle; skip; spring; start; succeed; surmount; surrender; swing; trade; transact; transfer; transmit; umpire; vault