So when the world war broke the world was destined to be surprised on India's account.
It would be a long time before he would dare smoke a cigar again, and his supply of cigarettes was destined to dwindle down to nothing before that day.
This was the origin of the Chemical Warfare Department, but it was destined to pass through many difficult and hampering transformations before reaching its final, more or less efficient and symmetrical form.
They were surely destined to play a much more prominent part had the period of stabilised warfare continued.
Fortunately for us, the gas shells destined for this purpose were not relatively so efficient as the German persistent types, which were devoted to the more remote preparation for attack and to defensive purposes.
In the first place, the Alien Property Custodian found unexampled, evidence of a definite German scheme to corner and divert certain important war materials destined for the Allies.
And yet, if the day of the destruction of all things were at hand, and the times destined to become worse and not better, till the end-how could that be?
Or was it but a desert-river, dwindling away beneath the fiery sun, destined to lose itself a few miles on, among the arid sands?
But he was not destined to arrive there as soon as he had hoped to do.
But what if his were the very qualities which were destined to succeed?
The Egyptian and Syrian Churches, therefore, were destinedto labour not for themselves, but for us.
Synesius in his good-nature might dignify him with the name of brother, but to her he was a powerless pedant, destined to die without having wrought any deliverance on the earth, as indeed the event proved.
Now this judge was justly punished by his superior, because confession is so sacred that even that which is destined to constitute the confession should be wrapped in eternal silence.
John was destined to find out before long that neither numbers nor bravery can supply the place of prudence, ability, and discipline.
Peter de Castelnau himself, the most zealous of all, anddestined before long to pay for his zeal with his life, wrote to the pope to beg for permission to return to his monastery.
The relations between the two kings were not destined to be for long so courteous and so pacific.
But there he was destined to encounter the most formidable of his adversaries.
Thus was founded that second house of the Dukes of Burgundy which was destined to play, for more than a century, so great and often so fatal a part in the fortunes of France.
They treated it as a mere rhetorical manoeuvre destined to cover a retreat, and as a covert acquiescence in their law of tyranny and spoliation.
This same senator described the true character of the Associations cultuelles when he said, "They are free associations destined to take the place of the ancient Church.
Never had the supremacy of the ruler or the State been questioned before the Apostles proclaimed the Creed in "One Holy Catholic Church," destined to transcend all natural and political boundaries, without distinction of class or colour.
But Alexander was not destined to carry out his own magnificent project.
The old Greek civilisation was rotting swiftly down; while a fire of God was preparing, slowly and dimly, in that unnoticed Italian town of Rome, which was destined to burn up that dead world, and all its works.
It seems as if the words, "there was no room for them," were destined to prove applicable to all religious foundations during their periods of probationary trial.
Certain it is, they believe that the soul, by a series of new births, becomes, in process of time, better fitted for the final state in which it is destined for ever to remain.
It was, in truth, his dream, and one which he was destined to see realized.
Stotzas, a body-guard of Martinus, destined not to return to Byzantium, III.
The human soul is regarded in Browning's poetry as a complexly organized, individualized divine force, destined to gravitate towards the Infinite.
And as this garden was destined for Adam with his posterity, it is in vain for us to imagine it to have been a confined garden of a few miles extent.
As therefore this hope is thus left to us afflicted men, it becomes us to be of a courageous mind and to overcome our evils by means of this hope, because we are not destined to live here forever.
This however we have still left to us: We can believe and with all assurance look for a spiritual life after this present life; an end of this life in paradise; thought for us and destined for us by God through the merits of Christ.
Abel was a shepherd; Cain was a king and a priest, being the first-born and destined by his birth to fulfil those high hopes and expectations of the recovery of all his parents entertained concerning him.
For we were not destined to exist in the air or in the heaven, but on the earth where we were appointed to support our life by meat and drink.
To the majority of the regular force of the two garrisons were added several companies of militia, and a considerable body of Indians, under Tecumseh--the two former portions of the force being destined to advance by water, the latter by land.
Now all the troops destined for the assault are assembled ready to effect their landing at daybreak, and none can be spared unless the emergency be palpable.
But the storm was already brewing in the far distance which, advancing progressively like the waves of the coming tempest, was destined first to shake them in their security, and finally to overwhelm them in its vortex.
When an esteemed friend like Miss Elizabeth tells me that certain provisions are destined for the poor of the parish, I take it that her statement is correct.
Mr. Verdant Green soon found that though he might be ambitious to excel in the polite accomplishment of skating, yet that his ambition was destined to meet with many a fall.
He was destined for the Bar; and, as he had no wish to be a briefless Barrister, he knew that college honours would be of great advantage to him in his after career.
Of my wealth bereft, to me was destined a bed strewed with sand.
And thou art destined to be my wife with thy father's consent.
United were Svafud and Skarthedin, neither might without the other be, until to frenzy they were driven for a woman: she was destined for their perdition.
They well knew that they were destined to the hecatomb; but they regarded Murat as invulnerable, and the emperor had been seen to cross a bridge where so many bullets whistled that they wondered if he could die.
Before we became such intimate friends there was something within that told us that we were destined to mingle our lives.
My father destined me, when I was quite young, for the only son of an old friend.
The melody was destined to become very familiar, but to this day I can't help wondering how it happened that so melancholy a strain was chosen for the waking tune of the soldiers' camp.
But the plan was not destined to be thoroughly tried.
King had shouted, at the top of his lungs, that we were Englishmen in search of pleasure, and destinedfor no marauding purpose.
But as it is, a single day is life enough, provided it is spent with thee, even though I were really destined never to see another.
But let us quickly make the most of a little time, granted only by the favour of the God who has the moon in his hair, and destined to end and disappear almost as soon as it has begun.
And O that I could dare to think myself the sunny lover corresponding to her dream, destined to touch her soul, as my question did her body, into red!
But when one of this honourable corps sets foot upon the vessel destinedto bear him to the shores that he shall rule, all this changes.
And so these two fair women talked, making plans for the future as though all things endured forever, and all plans were destined to be realized.
Mansana had seen those same eyes dwelling on Luigi's, and there pulsed through his brain a thought destined to come back to him often enough afterwards, though for the moment it passed away as soon as it was formed.
A learned man said at the dinner-table: "Those who are destined for something great know it from childhood.