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Example sentences for "sprint"

Lexicographically close words:
sprinklers; sprinkles; sprinkleth; sprinkling; sprinklings; sprinted; sprinter; sprinters; sprinting; sprints
  1. A life may depend upon your ability to sprint seven or eight miles in the hour.

  2. Then sprint from the paper to the starting place.

  3. Experts take a run of from a hundred to two hundred feet as though they were running a sprint race and are going at their highest speed when they rise from the ground.

  4. I says to Bob: "Dearie boy: is it a bargain about the squiffer if I make Joe sprint for you?

  5. But finally the bass catches up with the cornets, and the others sprint or put on the brakes, and they land on the fourth or fifth beat together.

  6. They listen to the program in the Singer household and then they sprint for safety to some family where they will work twice as hard, but will give three times as much satisfaction.

  7. You're overhauling him rapidly, and by a big sprint you beat out Clatt Sanderson, and grab one handle of the fire-bell ropes.

  8. Their own pace had slowed; the initial sprint couldn't be kept up.

  9. The fast sprint had gotten them there in time.

  10. Gee, Bert," said Tom, "that was a wonderful sprint in the stretch.

  11. The steady lope became a sprint; the sprint became a flight.

  12. I had to sprint all the way to the station, and missed my train by ten seconds at the end of it all.

  13. The strangers' mile, followed by the Homeric combat with the two Hooligans and that ghastly sprint to wind up with, had left him decidedly unfit for further feats of pedestrianism.

  14. Peg, I've won many a sprint by not underestimating my opponent," said Reddy, quietly.

  15. The third said he must play deep and sprint in for the fly.

  16. If he does I shall have every incentive to break all running records in my sprint for the rifle.

  17. Now turn around, face up the gully and sprint when I give the word.

  18. Fry Guy had filched the log-in of a local MacDonald's manager and had logged-on to the MacDonald's mainframe on the Sprint Telenet system.

  19. The longest sprint race should be, for boys, 50 yards, for juniors, 75 yards.

  20. No adolescent who is not past the pubescent stage should run sprint races longer than 100 yards.

  21. If he can do the sprint under ten seconds flat he's got Morrison beat!

  22. Meanwhile, Wilma awaited impatiently at the grand stand rail the last heat in the sprint event.

  23. Well, two-thirds of a sprint is in the start.

  24. At noon Wally went through the mockery of a second blood-rare meal, with no cake to follow, and that afternoon Glass dragged him out under the hot sun, and made him sprint until he was ready to drop from exhaustion.

  25. With a last desperate sprint the flying clerk reached the horse and threw himself at the superintendent's stirrups.

  26. With a final sprint Jack reached the cover of the woods in safety, darted to the brush-pile and recovered his camera, and on, straight through the trees for the spot at which he had hidden his wheel.

  27. Sprint race~, a short-distance race, ran at the topmost speed throughout.

  28. In the long jump the athlete employs all the impetus he can acquire by a sprint of about 30 yards.

  29. But the sprint had played havoc with Sid's wind and he was puffing like a young porpoise.

  30. So there was a little sprint along the ridge of the hill and they soon found themselves alongside Jack and with barely a half-dozen runners ahead of them.

  31. Roy himself was doubtful of his prowess, for, while he could sprint and even do a quarter of a mile in good time, he had never tried long-distance running.

  32. With his final study sprint for the Senior Finals, his duties as team- manager of the baseball nine, his preparations for Commencement, his social duties at the Junior Prom.

  33. Morgan popped a foul to the foot of the stand, and Joe, hurling aside his mask, got it after a brilliant sprint of twenty yards.

  34. I didn't hear anything, but if you like we'll sprint a bit.

  35. It chanced, however, that neither of these fellows hit safely, both perishing in a desperate sprint for the initial sack.

  36. May I sprint Panchito a little across that meadow?

  37. We shall have something to sprint after in a few minutes, I think.

  38. The same authority tells us of a man who won the sprint race at four successive meetings, thus keeping up his pace for sixteen years--a remarkable case.

  39. It is noted as a special wonder that the same man should win the sprint and long races at Olympia, which shows that the latter must have been mainly a test of staying power.

  40. I sprint a little, and won second place in the 'hundred' at my school games this spring.

  41. In fact, a man who will not or cannot sprint should not be allowed to waste his energies on this event.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sprint" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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