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Example sentences for "ricochet"

Lexicographically close words:
ricksha; rickshas; rickshaw; rickshaws; rickyard; ricocheted; ricocheting; ricochetted; ricochetting; ricollect
  1. Ricochet shots may be avoided by moving fifty paces to the right or left.

  2. Where the ground is level and firm, we can obtain this fire at a short distance from the enemy; as, on such ground, ricochet shots do not rise much.

  3. The shells ricochet upon the roof, and get into the gutters, and bounce over the edge and disappear.

  4. They ricochet upon the roof, and get into the gutters, and bounce over the edge and disappear.

  5. On the night of the 18th of February he commenced the ricochet batteries of the first parallel, and the boyaux of communication that were to lead to the second parallel; the works were continued by day.

  6. At the time of the shooting, did you observe any bullets ricochet off of the windshield or off of any other part of the automobile?

  7. Did you observe any bullets strike any portion of the car or ricochet in any way during the course of the shooting?

  8. Are you sure that what you saw there on the curb was a ricochet mark or could you clearly identify that in your own mind?

  9. The light colored part is a part of the street and the dark colored part is the curb and there is what appears to be a ricochet mark on the curb.

  10. I have never even been able to figure out which way it is supposed to be looked at, but it purports to be a picture of a ricochet mark on this curb down there, does that look anything like what you saw down there?

  11. When the water is not smooth, the most favorable circumstances for ricochet firing are when the flight of the shot is with the roll of the sea, and that roll is long and regular.

  12. Shot rarely ricochet at all with elevations above 5°, and the bounds are always higher, with equal charges from the same gun, as the elevation of the gun is increased.

  13. That properly so called is performed at level, or at most at three degrees of elevation; shot will often ricochet at much greater angles, but it is not what is meant by ricochet firing.

  14. Ricochet is of no value from rifled guns firing elongated projectiles, as they lose all certainty of direction on the rebound.

  15. For shells, the distances should suit the ranges of their fuzes, or time of burning, that the degree of certainty of explosion in direct or ricochet fire may be seen and noted.

  16. The gunner put his cannon on the flank of the hostile guns and used ricochet firing so that the ball, just clearing the defense wall, would bounce among the enemy guns, wound the crews, and break the gun carriages.

  17. The ricochet has done you up for some time.

  18. We know so little of the delicate union between them, that we can't be sure we can put the eyes right again when, because of some blow to the head, the ricochet puts the eyes out of commission.

  19. Frequently, to my right and left, little spurts of dirt would rise into the air, and a ricochet bullet would whine on its way.

  20. Modesty," I replied, "obliges me to share your security; but they say that in the army shots frequently ricochet and kill their victims.

  21. Indeed, a writer of eminence declared that he would as soon think of being fired off on a ricochet rocket, as travel on a railway at twice the speed of the old stagecoaches.

  22. We would as soon expect the people of Woolwich to suffer themselves to be fired off upon one of Congreve’s ricochet rockets, as trust themselves to the mercy of such a machine going at such a rate.

  23. Ricochet fire, that whereby, a less charge and a greater elevation being used, the shot or shell is made to just clear a parapet, and bound along the interior of a work.

  24. In fortification, a curved projection formed by the face of a bastion overlapping the end of the flank; intended to protect the latter from oblique fire; modern ricochet fire renders it of little consequence.

  25. This idea led him to the adoption of casemates in several tiers; in preference to open parapets, exposed to artillery fire of all kinds, high angle, ricochet and reverse.

  26. Ricochet fire was also the invention of Vauban.

  27. This is one of the inventions of the war, the non-ricochet shell.

  28. The ridiculous counterclaim with its pettifogging innuendoes vanished before that common sense of the jury to which Mr. Ricochet so dryly appealed.

  29. Then arose from the Queen’s Counsel row, Mr. Ricochet to apply for a rule nisi for a new trial in the cause of Bumpkin v.

  30. Mr. Ricochet had no sympathy with heroes any more than he had with men of letters, artists, or any other class of talent.

  31. This suited Mr. Ricochet exactly; he could not be said now to have lost his case, even if the jury should find against him.

  32. To which Mr. Ricochet laughingly replied, that he believed the plaintiff was a very pigheaded man.

  33. Mr. Ricochet could not get over his own cross-examination.

  34. I heard the tiny projectile ricochet off the lift shaft.

  35. That was a mistake; Williams pulled his needler, and fired a ricochet down the passage.

  36. We would as soon expect the people of Woolwich to suffer themselves to be fired off upon one of Congreve's ricochet rockets, as trust themselves to the mercy of such a machine going at such a rate.

  37. Indeed, a writer of eminence declared that he would as soon think of being fired off on a ricochet rocket as travel on a railway at twice the speed of the old stage-coaches.

  38. When a bullet strikes any surface and is deflected it is called a ricochet shot.

  39. Not only do bullets that ricochet usually tumble after striking, but they are also mutilated, so that wounds inflicted by ricochet hits are usually severe.

  40. In addition, the percentage of hits also depends upon the character of the ground as favoring ricochet hits, upon the correct estimation of the range and the proper designation of the target.

  41. One guy possibly hit by a ricochet off the concrete and another seen the President slump.

  42. Whenever we heard of dum-dum bullets we thought of those ricochet bullets, though we did not doubt that there were dum-dum bullets in existence.

  43. Though in general the infantry bullets cannot do much damage while one is in the trench it happens daily that men are killed by ricochet bullets.

  44. The similarity of this bullet to that seen in the ricochet in fig.

  45. The greater frequency of ricochet injuries in the leg and foot when the men were standing is readily understood.

  46. That a ricochet bullet may travel a considerable distance is shown by the following observations quoted from Nimier and Laval.

  47. The effect of ricochet is to lower the velocity of flight, and at the same time to effect certain alterations of form in the bullet.

  48. In both the cases mentioned above the bullet was probably travelling at a low degree of velocity; in the first it was a ricochet and was retained.

  49. I believe that a great number of the injuries which were attributed to the employment of these missiles were produced either by ricochet regulation bullets of small calibre, or by large leaden bullets of the Martini-Henry type.

  50. A ricochet bullet, on the other hand, may upset all our calculations, if size alone be taken as an indication; but here the irregularity of the wound often serves to exclude one of the larger varieties as the cause.

  51. As an apical ricochet it corresponds with the Lee-Metford shown in fig.

  52. Again the foot was often struck by ricochet bullets, as a result of its position when the erect attitude was assumed.

  53. Ricochet bullets naturally were especially likely to be retained, both on account of the low velocity with which they often travel and the irregularity of their surface with consequent loss of penetrating power.

  54. Similar lateral ricochet with extensive longitudinal rupture of mantle, the latter being turned out and forming a cutting 'flange.

  55. The aperture of entry in these injuries presented little or no deviation from the normal, unless it was due to the passage of ricochet bullets, when it might be very irregular, but usually not of great size.

  56. There are many other stories of misses that spoiled the score, and on the other hand when a man has made a ricochet hit he is not inclined to brag of it.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ricochet" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    backfire; backlash; boomerang; bounce; bound; cannon; carom; glance; graze; kick; rebound; rebuff; recoil; repercussion; repulse; resilience; ricochet; skim; skip; spring